Fighting Games General /fgg/
We'll get a non-sniff OP one day.
and it's like KoFXII CCs are contingent on counterhit. literally STOP PRESSING BUTTONS. you're BAD.
Trying to play SFV agaub, so is that weird "CPT Premier Package" all the shit that was available for a limited time in 2016? Or are there still unavailable costumes and stages?
Also, do I lose anything if I remap Vtrigger to L1 or L2? It's a pain in the ass to hit R1 and R2 at the same time mid combo. I'm only really trying to play Rashid right now, no other character is really interesting or fun to me, not yet anyways.
I just had this really embarrassing game where I owned an entire closet dedicated to SFV merchandies.
I had chun-li/cammy birthday cards, shopping bags that had individual characters. fuzzy dice roll dice, shirts.
It was awful. Worse of all Alex drove by my house with a very long ice cream cone.
You're gay and I dont like you.
He said it was roxy last time
stop giving this retard attention
t. broski
Would this make it at evo?
like nigga it's METERED. it FLASHES in your FACE. the game itself TELLS you "HEY LIL SCRUB NIGGA THIS IS WHEN YOU STOP MASHING AND BLOCK." oversights that there may be in the overall design, it's nothing to the retarded unga garbage that is Max/HD mode.
KoFXII should be a litmus test for people sucking ass at fighters, no joke. thread theme
Also holy shit there's a tutorial in this game? I never fucking saw this before! Why is it hidden under demonstrations? I thought that was the demonstrations for the challenges!
is saint /ourguy/?
I'm no gay
>KoFXII ass
They should probably make their MMO good before turning it into other shit.
The CPT2016 bundle is everything released last year for a limited time. New Necalli/Chun/Cammy costumes, a stage, and color for the S1 cast.
Who do you have the most fun fighting against? Which character do you see on the loading screen that makes you look forward to the game? Let's keep some positivity.
When did he say Roxy? He never gave a name that I recall.
>high damage two-in-ones with cancelable C+D that actually NETS YOU SHIT for simple raw damage punishes
>them sprites
>that lighting
>that comparatively decent OST next to some wannabe Tank motherfucker blowing into a kazoo and calling it jazz
see yourself out of this thread if you don't think KoFXII is the tightest shit. even MI is better than this new shit. not kidding. god willing NGBC2 is real and makes some competent strides to amend KoF being fucking dead all over again within two sequels
Are you sure?
Have a nice Halloween /fgg/?
>not picking Asuka and doing merrygoround corner carry wallsplat roidbitch bombos into death as someone who doesn't even play Tekken
who are these Asians kidding
Why is Bloody Roar 3 considered way better than Primal Fury? I only played PF and the graphics were a lot better but obv that doesn't matter, so what's the difference in the gameplay? And why is PF so much better looking anyway? It's almost like a different game.
Shit the fuck up Brick.
I'm watching the character guides in SFV.
The stuff they are telling me about Shoryukens is outdated right? Stuff like Ken's light DP being lower body invincible.
Asking because I heard they standarized DPs acorss the board but I don't know how or if it's true
>why is Bloody Roar considered good
couldn't answer that tbqhwyfamilia
I believe you.
This thread is getting too gay.
i agree, let's post some good ol anime women
c me ft∞ in ehrgeiz story mode
wait a minute..
Please post the sauce.
goddamn right
I don't think that's sauce, user.
>concept art
I would BEAT Dizzy at fighting games!
officially retconned you actual queer. could go into background of why it was never set in stone anyway but you'd just cry gay tears about it.
Those are some of the best tags I've ever seen
>quotes some website that APPROPRIATELY refers to her as what she identifies as regardless of being born with a penis anyway
i love this image
>being this desperate to be gay for a fictional character
go back to >>>/oldNeoGAF/ oh wait QQ
>spend all day losing
How does anyone do this. Really.
no, he just posted an image of roxy
Oh cool. So that's separate from the Halloween, Battle, and Summer costumes?
I tend to get obsessive about getting everything unlocked so this is probably bad for me...
wouldn't know
all the shit talked about that opening vocal sample and it turns out this bitch was a prophet
god I'm so tired of playing menat
fuck her fucking damage in the asshole
boy, I love spending three bars all the time and hoping my resets work to get any kind of real damage and then getting absolutely no pressure of any kind after I get an orb combo
and who gives a shit about taking a risk? dp all fucking day motherfucker if he doesn't have 2 bars or v-trigger and eat some pussy ass punish combo
and having the worst dive kick ever is so much fun, I love it when my 90 year old grandma can anti air it with anything she wants and she doesn't even play street fighter and she's dead and she uses a broken mayflash
and boy it's great having st mp be -11 and then risking my 950 health on a big black dick in the ass on whether to go for a 2nd frame trap st mp or not, all for 60 damage, wow so fun
and gee, learning all those tight links sure pays off for all that no damage, not to mention those super not useful orb recall combos, man so swag though right
oh but I play an evil dive kick character, so dishonest, fine then fuck you I'll play balrog, fucking fucks
thanks for all the buffs combofuck. I hope you have a random select money match with someone some day and you get menat and that damage scaling on her v-trigger leaves the other guy barely alive and then he ends up KO'ing you. and then you're thinking about it while driving home but it distracts you so you ram your car into a phone pole but you don't die or anything, you just sit in the hospital with a couple cuts and bruises for a while thinking about what more you could have done for menat
oh the regret
Sorry if it wasn’t clear. The bundle is everything released specifically for the 2016 CPT so now Halloween or Battle or Summer costumes.
Room: vidya
Pass: vee
Are there any mods for MvCI that stop the stone meter from depleting in training mode?
I feel tired on general. I get outplayed by everyone, literally. Everyone. I haven't won a single casual match all day. Just bodied outplayed destroyed one match after another.
>desperately hoping you're totally not fapping to a dude
now that you mention it, there is this really obscure workaround where you uninstall the game and play DMC4SE instead
practice does actually work
there was an officially sanctioned fanpoll etc etc
I don't fap to this shit btw, and no one gives a flying fuck that you're gay. shut up with your flamer shit, homos that actually go outside even hate you
I’m tired of playing that when is DMC5
Just watch goichi play and try to copy what he does!
>meaning anything other than gauging what people want to believe
dont you think something is wrong when you're always triggered by something, polturd?
it was officially sanctioned i.e. Capcom conducted it specifically to determine the canon status of Poison's gender from that point forward. does being a faggot have to make you delusional to the point of insanity? I never thought it did before but you're hurting that case here.
>has big tits and a classical pinup figure
you are fucking mentally ill. for the sake of all other homosexuals, please, shut the fuck up. you make a strong case for your kind all being brain damaged.
you're such a fag take your wall of text an put it up your butt loser lmao
>tfw never cared about poison so whatever gender s/he is doesn't concern you
fuck off faggot, you're retarded and no one cares you suck cock as a lifestyle choice. go do it in private like all normal people do with their sex life, you proudly retarded anti evolutionary sodomite. is where you need to go to bring this debate up. but you won't because you're a failure as a man, hence being gay.
I only play low tier characters because it lets me blame all of my losses on tiers and it helps me to not be mad all the time
>making up the existence of a meaningless poll
>grapht is no longer sponsoring haitani
>but they're keeping gllty
morrigan has a benis
>i don't know how contracts work
I am so glad I never became such a homo sympathizer that it made me this much of a mentally ill backwards thinking retard. if it's gay to think Poison from a pretense that being gay doesn't make you special or worth bringing it up hence the derogatory context, how are you going to use gay as a slur against the person who doesn't agree with it? literally mentally ill. go take your meds. dry swallow and you won't even know the difference between that and being a gay virgin.
>so under the radar his sponsors forgot him
In shitty doujins maybe.
>don't have enough money to keep haitani
>spend money signing gllty
if they cut someone gllty might make a facial expression that would make them feel bad. haitani always has the same expression so it'll be easier
fucking retard
Nah, in the good ones, the shitty one's are without
hey neoFAG poison weirdos, what fighting games do you play? who are your mains? SFxT and Ultra are good games. go play those. you'll have masturbation fodder for days. shame they had to get irl women to voice her, though. it's almost like you need to be gay to feel special then get triggered that nobody gives a shit. I'd recommend Tumblr but I bet the actual women who comprise a majority there are sick of your narcissistic gay bullshit by now. why not kys? you're already out of the gene pool by choice. same dif
>bragging about spending 18 years raising another mans fuckhole
You're a cuck user. Is that why yo're so mad?
what shit was ever talked about this song or the sample? what are you even talking about hotepbro?
Get a trip
He's so dedicated
t. master ranked menat
what in the FUCK are you TALKING ABOUT, you raging gayqueer lunatic? FIGHTING GAMES
I don't read doujins, so I wouldn't know. But I prefer my morrigan without a dick.
seek help mentally ill polturd
>these wall off text
>that low iq random capitalization
>paranoid homophobia
You gay son.
Don't come back, kiddo.
>pretend some stupid voteathon happened to determine poison's real genitalia
>become autistic when nobody believes you
wow i thought abouting posting something about SFV but this thread is not what i was looking for it seems
don't act like you faggots aren't fingering your buttholes as you speak to my putting you down in true dom fashion. fucking sickos. go commit yourselves, your brain chemistry is out of wack. finding Jesus works too. real life practice has proven it so it's officially science.
Is their a costume tier list for jve?
Thought you said costume tier list for javs at first.
>homo getting so triggered he calls someone gay as a slur
this is your brain on literal real life mental retardation. next person who quotes me better put a Fightcade/steam handle in their reply to see me in ANY FIGHTING GAME or they can fuck off to someone else's lawn for their leftist queer agenda bullshit. do you play fighting games? if you don't, get out. being gay doesn't make you so special you fit in anywhere. fuck. off.
You're gay dood.
Don't come back, kiddo.
source for this BLACK anime maid?
>Top tier
>Literal god tier, but only for the wordplay
>Do not tier