When was America great?
When was America great?
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Slavery times.
Before 1776
When the didn't outsource work
Right now
Anytime before the declaration of independence.
From the end of the civil war to the end of the second world war
in b4 butt blasted black "people" and commushits
before the 10th–11th century
When we were busy working and expanding our free market instead of complaining about immigrants taking our jobs.
america is great because america is good
was he the last true dolichocephalic Aryan president we will ever have?
Apollo program
The general era between FDR to Nixon?
After Reagan it was tumbling down
>2001 - 2016
>it wasn't great.
I'd be willing to narrow down the really /comfy/ part to 1953 to 1963.
Between the Bush years and the Obama years we've seen a slow decline in our country. If you're a moralfag it wouldn't be hard to argue our culture is declining. Stagnant economy. Rights slowly being infringed upon. We even have a growing portion of the country who want to modify the bill of rights to nullify 1st and 2nd amendment. Also rioting and protests over a completely legal election because they don't like the candidate who won.
Actually what's the time limit to talk about shit on this board? 20 years?
The precise era of my father's boyhood, which he has always remembered fondly, and which he has always deeply lamented gave way to counter-culture, drug culture, and general rot.
I once said to pop, half-jokingly, not /fully/ understanding what I was saying, looking playfully for a bit of a rise or a pushback: "Baby boomers. Worst. Generation. Ever."
Without missing a beat, dad rejoined in a very serious voice: "Yes, you're absolutely right. I am deeply ashamed and very sorry for what my generation has done to this country."
>Also rioting and protests over a completely legal election because they don't like the candidate who won.
drumpf is a retard whose gonna destroy the county
he should be removed from office just for wanting to fuck with the EPA
this is not a joke
>our culture is declining.
and yet more of the world is following american cultural trends.
>rights slowly being infringed upon.
>modify the bill of rights.
pretty sure that it isn't a significant part of the states, largely echochambers on the internet.
are all part and parcel of a democracy.
The second you remove an elected official from office because you dislike their policies and nothing else you completely invalidate the political system of our country. Nothing would destroy us quicker than having a sizable portion of the country watch their elected president get pulled out of the white house by a mob of city dwellers. /pol/tards like to talk about revolution and shit but that could actually start a civil war.
Realistically, the USSS would probably be able to shuffle Trump around on Air Force 1 long enough for loyal forces to put down any coup.
And you bet your ass the military is loyal, being that most of them are Republicans and Trump is pledging to bring the military back to pre-sequestration levels.
It's fun to overthink shitposts.
>reduce taxes
>reduce debt
>increase mil size.
Have we ever had a coup that actually went past the planning stage? I can't imagine how badly that would fuck up our country in this day and age.
1776 to the present.
No, but the business plot might have been real.
Wait, why would an isolationist want to expand the strongest army in the world?
Especially when he's going to be a bro with Putin.
Because right wingers like it, and because if the US isn't relying on allies for some of its defense, its military needs to be bigger, not smaller.
Mostly because it's a popular policy among right wing voters.
>Because right wingers like it, and because if the US isn't relying on allies for some of its defense, its military needs to be bigger, not smaller.
Defense from what? If something then the Navy can be useful for bullying PRC
>Mostly because it's a popular policy among right wing voters.
That was my guess too and tbeh it would be the first promise I'll break if I was Trump
America has never been great
From a communist standpoint the US was much better in the 50s than it is today
Well, defense contractors have deep pockets, and the military is one of the most popular institutions in the US.
I wouldn't go around screwing with the military-industrial complex if I intended to actually govern the US as a Republican. That'd be an easy way to lose my base and have Congress turn against me.
And frankly, if I were Trump, I'd be more than a little concerned about a coalition forming in the Senate between Democrats and anyone-but-Trump Republicans, and actively fucking me senseless.
Are there still that many anti Trump Republicans in Congress? I thought most of them bent the knee? If they fuck this up and turn a Republican majority congress into fucking 2 years of fucking boredom I'll be pissed.
This is why people think you're autistic user.
>and yet more of the world is following american cultural trends.
american culture and social trends are becoming incredibly popular in India for example.
Although that might have more to do with a fascination with america.
For the same reason he's trying to ally with Russia and antagonize China by asking them to remove Kim Jong Un from power... He's preparing for a cold war with our biggest economic competitor, one that involves Russia on our side or just refraining from engaging in it all together.
American "culture" is a disease that must be wiped out. America must perish and balkanize. You're a cuck.
After racism but before abortion
This has literally been an argument against him for a while. The dems are retarded in that they tried to make social issues their platform when they should've been pointing out that Trump's fiscal policies are basically magic hand waving.
The problem is America was mainly great because everybody else was in a shit position following WW2. That gave the US an incredible position to be a world power.
This idea of making America great again by returning to 1950's policies isnt going to work when the rest of the world isn't in the 50's any longer.
when will Democrats finally realize that appealing to SJWs and giving the middle finger to their young voters sabotaged any chance they had at the presidency. minorities and lgbt people are always gonna vote democrat, there is literally no sense in wasting so much effort on them when they're a locked vote and every second you spend rambling about muh minorities and muh gays just makes your average straight white guy give out a huge sigh and look at their phones.
those people on their phones are the people that would have voted for hilary if she actually attempted to target them. she lost because she didn't appeal to the only vote she actually needed: the white man's.
The loudest voice carry the highest.
Besides, both parties thought the new hispanic vote would be enough to carry Hillary.
As it turns out, black and Hispanic voters actually liked Hillary a lot less than they did Obama.
Really, it all comes down to the pure arrogance of the DNC.
I've been saying this since the beginning and so have a lot of others, but I'll say it again:
Bernie would have smashed trump in this election with ease. he would have got more of the white vote because he's a white man and he would have I inspired the young vote to come out like they did for Obama. Instead the Democrats wanted to push their SJW female power fantasy onto the public and it backfired tremendously. Dems like to pretend that the Republicans are fractured but really bernie fractured the Democrats more than anything. They're the ones with identity problems now.
I have to agree with this.
The dems could've had a perfectly solid even further left platform in Sanders or a very popular compromise candidate in Biden.
But no, they just had to jam the second most unpopular candidate in history down America's throat, a candidate with horrible approval ratings even before she was seriously running.
They undermined their own democratic legitimacy to force her through, and wound up losing everything in the process. While Trump winning disgusts me, because him being the champion of the middle and working classes has got to be the worst case of false consciousness I've ever seen, the only ones who are really to blame is the democratic establishment and their cronyism.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
>A+ rating from the NRA
>killed a shitload of VC
>committed Democrat
As a nonamerican living in america, I like how the establishment was tacitly implying that bernie was being supported by blue collar american whites which meant that he was racist, while the gentleman had gone to prison when he was fighting segregation.
He also seems like an upstanding guy with a clean political life.
t. Saif "Green flag over red fort and a harem for every paki" Ali.
Too moderate to carry the nomination. He'd actually make a decent sane Republican. I tend to lean liberal but I'd vote for him.
Landed on the Moon first.
First successful aircraft.
agreed entirely
So why did bernie sama become more so much more popular among the youth?
Probably because he wants to legalize weed.
so does trump.
And half of trump's speeches sounded like he ate a whole bag of brownies before speaking.
Because he was talking to a disilluded post 9/11 generation that saw american capitalism for what it is in reality.
Because he was proposing the european social demoscratic standard of 50 years ago in America.
Because putting a socialist in the white house is more of a revolution than putting a nigger or woman.
Because the youth in america seems smarter than everybody in that shit hole
None of the Democrats were given a fair shot. Once it became common knowledge that Hillary had cheated in the primaries, and then nominated establishment darling Tim Kaine as her running mate, her base had been completely deprived of energy or enthusiasm. What's amazing is that Donald Trump actually got fewer votes in 2016 than Mitt Romney did in 2012 and yet he won. That's how much people hated Hillary.
so you are saying that a lot of people might have voted for bernie sama but voted for Trump san instead because Hillary chan was a fucking maniac who got strongarmed into the election cycle?
Advocating for free college and tapping into a lot of feelings of betrayel by the establishment and anti-capitalist sentiment caused by the recession.
>Because the youth in america seems smarter than everybody in that shit hole
All we have to do is survive the Baby Boomers, a.k.a the generation that elected Ronald Reagan in a landslide. Once they start dying off in about 10 to 15 years or so, Republicans are going to realize just how hollow their victory in 2016 was when this behemoth of a voting bloc gets older and more politically active.
>internet speed
do people not realie that places like Japan, SoKo et al have highly concentrated populations and laying down internet for them is far more cost efficient than the middle of alabama?
>a lot of people might have voted for bernie sama but voted for Trump san instead
Not as many as you'd think. When the base isn't galvanized, they aren't out motivating people to show up, so fewer people showed up to vote. People just stayed home.
Yeah... But the other 11 things?
Mid to late 90s.
so a lot of americans just sat home because they were apathetic and expecting hillary to win?
You're (falsely) assuming that millennials will slurp down whatever dribble you personally advocate. Will the unrest and dissatisfaction caused by Boomers, the Neoconservative/Neoliberal economics, and globalism still be around in 10 or 15 years? You're also falsely believing the Republican party is static in any way shape or form.
Our parties aren't like Parliamentary Parties. They're closer to Coalitions. You're also fundamentally misjudging WHY people vote for Conservatives in the first place. As an example: There's a reason the "Hispanics are conservatives!" meme exists: Once you have something, you don't want to lose it, and if it gets taken away from you you want to get it back.
>and expected Hillary to win
Not really, they just didn't care who won or lost. They felt neither candidate was in their best interest.
Nigga what? The only Hispanic demographic that consistently votes conservative are Cubans, mainly because of anti-communist sentiment. And that's a dying breed.
I will try and answer them one by one.
>life expectancy.
nearly every country above the US is tiny as fuck and has a relatively good economy and better healthcare. Once universal healthcare comes' america will get better.
this is pretty dumb as a chart. How do you measure democracy?
>freedom of press.
Same thing.
>smallest prison population.
Well, I am Indian, and I know that the Indian state has followed a long policy of rehabilitation because it's far cheaper that way.
>mobile phones per capita.
exactly what is this supposed to show?
America has more phones than probably all of those countries in the list because it's far larger population.
>renewable energy use.
America is a major economy and has access to large quantities of fossil fuel that it uses.
>quality of healthcare
>scientific literacy
I suppose it comes down to america being far more diverse than smaller and homogeneous european countries
>survival rate.
Related to healthcare.
It's an example, like homosexuals and women voting Republican even though big corporations tell them voting Republican isn't in """""""""""their interest""""""""""".
Bernie and Trump got more in common than you think.
Both were the underdogs, both were anti-establishment.
One was a crazy sociopath, one was the only good candidate in america since Al Gore.
Guess who won.
People voted him because he is an underdog, half of them don't know even what is his real program, besides the memes
The real problem is the popolar trend on global scale. People are gettin tired of the establishment and are angry, so they vote the first asshole or thing that seems a bit anti establishment or corntrarian.
I mean look at brexit, look at trump now, look in france with Marine Le Pen.
People vote for protest of blinded by anger.
Nobody seems to notice that people like Trump were made rich by system. Why should they change things?
>so a lot of americans just sat home because they were apathetic and expecting Hillary to win?
10 million fewer people showed up to vote in this election, and almost all of it were people who had voted for Barack Obama. Democrats sorely underestimated just how much people disliked her.
>You're (falsely) assuming that millennials will slurp down whatever dribble you personally advocate.
It's not about personal advocacy, it's about raw numbers. The youth turned out in droves to vote for Obama, and they turned out in droves to vote for Bernie Sanders. They're substantially more socially liberal and far more ethnically heterogeneous.
>"Hispanics are conservatives!"
Except that the data does not corroborate that. Hispanics turned out in record numbers to vote for Hillary. It just wasn't enough to carry her to electoral victory, especially when Donald Trump had completely hoovered up the blue collar and uneducated white vote.
>Why should they change things?
Why shouldn't they? He's rich as fuck and if he suddenly decided to he could live out the rest of his days with his supermodel wife on a farm in Kentucky. Instead he chose to become President to help people.
People aren't computers that are constantly acting solely in their self interest according to what will make them the most money, user.
>How do you measure democracy?
Could be democratic participation, or an evaluation of how policy reflects local sentiment. Could also reflect level of representation (as in each representative represents a smaller number of people and there are more representatives as a result, resulting in a more democratic structure, closer to direct democracy).
You're missing the point and twisting around an analogy: The entire reason the youth came out for Bernie and Obama is because of dissatisfaction over specific factors and you are falsely assuming those same factors will dissatisfy people in the future.
After we won WWII
[spoiler]aka the 50s[/spoiler]
it's almost as if Hillary ended up being hated by everyone because she was an undeserving candidate that tried to ride on the coattails of other more deserving candidate.
The same thing happened in India for example in 2014.
>democratic participation.
ok, take a look at this
I am personally doubtful about the numbers of India, since they consistently show India to have lower participation scores, but India consistently has 80% voter turnouts in their national elections. Civil liberties are effectively rare in india, but there are far more local level political parties in India that appeal to very many different people or pursue different policies.
>life expectancy.
Related to healthcare
>Once universal healthcare comes' america will get better.
Oh boy...
You mesure democracy counting in how many choices the popolation were the direct voters
>Freedom of press
C'mon don't bullshit me. People in america can't write or say a lot of things
>Smallest prison population.
Still one state doesn't mean nothing. The idea of rape in prison was born in america.
And you got a lot of the worst prisons on the
>renewable energy use.
Yeah invading countries like iraq and shit. Still if you are that big in economy you should invest more in green energy
>quality of healthcare
We agree
>scientific literacy
I don't think so. America school sistem is one of the worse that's why half of your reserchers and programmers come from other countries
>survival rate.
Related to the fact that you are one of the most crime high countries in the world. The fault is in you capitalist mentality
>People aren't computers that are constantly acting solely in their self interest according to what will make them the most money, user.
Except Trump's record shows that precisely what he does and has done for the last 40 years. You actually expect a 70 year old man to suddenly change their ways?
>to help people
He's cutting taxes on his businesses and family in half and is charging the Republican party for all of the rallies and events held at his businesses, which he chose to rally and campaign at.
He's helping himself, user. It remains to be seen if he'll actually help anybody else.
>Help people
C'mon don't fucking bullshit me that way.
You just fell for the same meme of Italy 20 years ago with Berlusconi
Because Hillary is a republican that wanted the democratic vote.
> America school sistem is one of the worse
Ironically Trump's presidency will see the beginning of the end of American hegemony. His isolationism will only make American power decline, and China rise. Not to mention it will be during his presidency America will most likely lose the spot of largest economy to China.
>and you are falsely assuming those same factors will dissatisfy people in the future.
I sincerely doubt that the next 4 years are going to be anything but another failed experiment in supply side dogma. Most of Donald Trump's pro-nationalist policies will be opposed by democrats and the business-wing of the Republican party who don't want to see their sweetheart deals meddled with. His plan to build a wall will be obstructed by SJWs and fiscal hawks. About the only thing he and Paul Ryan agree on is more tax cuts and deregulation for the rich.
In other words, when they do to America what Sam Brownback did to Kansas, 2020 will turn into a real gloomy year for Republicans
>half of your reserchers and programmers come from other countries
because american universities are ranked among the best in the world and have far more academic freedom than most places on earth. America excels in attracting the best and brightest from around the world.
>renewable energy usage.
but unlike countries like India or CHYNA that don't have large oil reserves, america does. Forget fracking. There is a huge amount of oil off the gulf coast that is unrecoverable economically with current tech. If tech advances it will be exploited.
You need petroleum for other things than running cars.
>people in america can't
but they can and they did. America effectively remains one of the freest places on earth. A website like Veeky Forums would be deleted in Merkel's germany.
>still one state.
India is pretty much like the US in it's make up and structure. Privatizing prison was a huge mistake IMO.
>survival rate.
it has to do with general healthcare.
If you have to pay is not a good sistem
how is building a wall practical when people can buy plane tickets?
>A website like Veeky Forums would be deleted in Merkel's germany.
You should travel more often man, seriously.
>renewable energy usage
Again, not an excuse
>Because american universities are ranked among the best in the world and have far more academic freedom than most places on earth. America excels in attracting the best and brightest from around the world.
If you have to pay is not good
A better question to ask is why build a wall when actual illegal immigration between America and Mexico has fallen precipitously during the Obama years and is actually negative these days? (more people returning to Mexico than coming to America)
A better question to ask is: Have you fallen for the wall meme?
Not to mention a big ass wall isn't going to do anything to stop people who come in on work visas and then don't leave when they expire.
how to get white vote
>make wild promises you can't keep
>build a caudillo cult of personality
Congratulations it no longer matters what you said, you're president now.