Syndra the mommydom gf edition.
Previous Thread: boards.Veeky
Syndra the mommydom gf edition.
Previous Thread: boards.Veeky
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Lovely edition.
First for most alpha support
first for I want to legally immigrate in Syndra's panties and get the first blood!
if i already have snowday singed and i get ssw singed from a box should i just dust it?
bard is a chad
he fucks all the lanes while stacey (botlane) begs for him to spend the night
xth for Elementalist Lux lewdposting
>this thread OP
xth for breast metal waifu
You don't want to open this
>pick twitch
>have to lane against cait/karma
I hate this bot meta so fucking much
ah shit the fbi is here quick lolbabs what do
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw the enemy laner feeds you then somehow gets fed off of your teammates
>tfw its doesn't matter post-laning phase because you just fuck them in every teamfight and do your damndest to protect your teammates
>tfw you crash this lane WITH NO SURVIVORS
I haven't had this much fun since the Yorick rework
>Finally get IP for Urgot
>Play 3 games with him
>S, S- and S+
>Won both the lane and the game all 3 times
>Win 1v3 and 1v4 fights during the mid game, including against really fed mid laners and junglers
>All while having tons of fun
So why are you not playing Urgot, user?
Xth for a source on good Lux/Kat porn.
Either go all out or say the art is meant to be an 18 y/o girl
because he's consistently banned above gold and silver
I'll try to get it in. Didn't want to do 2 Ahris in a row.
Going to start on the SG stuff tomorrow I think so might just finish what Halloween stuff I can tonight.
T I G H T dragonpussy
Xth for saving the timelines from miscreant meddling with Caitlyn
>People are playing Urgot now
>Either Riot will gut him within 3 months, or we'll ride this Bane Train to a Victorious Urgot skin
I'm down for the latter
How do I get to Gold before the season ends?
The best approach for dealing with an Urgot is to poke it at a distance and hope it dies or goes back to the fountain.
Pay a booster
>syndras virgin first blood
She would not waste it on you, Darius's big cock got the first taste of Syndra's virgin first blood.
>Previous Thread: boards.Veeky
Are you serious?
be good at the game
wrong thread
>bot lane does good and adc and supp only say positive things to eachother
>mid lane counter roams and uses danger ping on the lane and MIA's all around the river
>jungle counter ganks and has complete herald, dragon control
>top lane is riven vs heim but doesnt do dumb trades and waits patiently for ganks
>whole team is doing friendly emotes to eachother and joking around
>enemy team doesnt say "report unga for bunga"
>all they say is gg
wow i had fun in a ranked game....
sinclair > reese
opinion discarded
where did all the lewdposting go
I need to fap
>Pick lategame cancer
>Have to put up with early game bullies for a bit
>that tattoo
Is Kat just Revy (my waifu) with daggers?
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier: Elise, Shyvana, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna
>Being worthless
If you had 10 CS/min it would have been a totally different game
I am good at the game, I've been placed Silver every season since season 2. I've only been bronze once
I know her eyes are the wrong color, but come on man
I'll need backup
>EVERY game tonight my bot lane has fed
anybody want to explain to me how to win against jhin
is it really just "dude outscale him lmao"
We can all agree that the first 3 tiers can be thrown out right?
They're to insane for sexual
ye lemme just tp bot level 1 to stop the snowball
just gonna dodge jinx picks in the future
>be ranked game
>mid feeding, I ganked for her but we both misplayed so kata got fed
>spam pings
>tell her to buy mr and play safe, Ill try to get botlane and topsnowballing
>she buys mr
>she plays safe
>I setup vision so she can avoid ganks and we can spot katas roams
>I get bot fed and we win
>top won without interference
Early morning queues are da bes
>you become the sex slave of 3 of the girls in the first tier of this list (All the Ele. Lux choices count as one)
which do you choose?
I'd go with Ele. Lux, LeBlanc, and Nidalee
Pick Veigar and press R. It's okay even if he has a barrier, it doesn't do anything.
>Do well in your lane
>Bot lanes feeds
A bot lane that won't let you sit back and autistically scale? What the fuck?
How do you beat a Draven in lane? I always lose against him. Nigga hits me with 1 Q and I lose half my HP. Even worse when he's paired with an aggressive support, I can't even last hit because they'll just run up to me and kill me.
Go dig them up, user.
I'm here and ready for lewd things
Have an aggressive support and jump on him and kill him first.
What's the best Xerath skin?
I usually get Janna and Sona heal sluts.
lane against a draven jhin or kalista then we'll talk
>I am good at the game, I've been placed Silver every season
I love this bait
>4 afks in a row
just delete my account riot
Ban him.
>vel koz can wear boots
>cassiopeia cannot wear boots
explain this lolbabs
Flame one
Guardian of the Sands
one has a passive that doesn't allow her to buy boots
the other doesn't
>skarner can make one boot work for all six legs
>no dog knight champion
Help me think of a name for an account where I'm going to be playing Tristana and Yorick exclusively
It's so hard not to fall back on these two
>only six
>tfw you'll never brutally impregnate Shyvfag
Why even live?
Pixiv comes up short, paheal comes up short, gelbooru comes up short. It looks like Eventh7's work but I can't find it there.
Account is level 15, how long will it take to get to 30 spamming ARAM?
Can't stand SR anymore, 9 game winstreak with brazilians, feeders, and trolls.
Can you do Corrupted SG Ahri going to town on SG Lux's mouth with either a futa cock or just her pussy while saying "Suck it up Starlight" to reference the taunt she has for her? You can make her grab Lux's twintails like handlebars if she has a dick
why do people post so much anime here I thought this was a korean fish breeding forum
There's so much lewd of them though, and while I like Ahri, she's not even in my top 5 for league girls.
Is this the most casual "competitive" (lmao) game in existence?
Don't worry, I'll answer that for you. The answer is yes and among the plethora of clear as day tells that hint towards this, we're going to be discussing AUTO FILL.
No other competitive game pulls this shit. Non.
Imagine Starcraft pulling this shit lmao.
>Play Zerg professionally
>Get autofilled as Protos
Or Street Fighter.
>Main (insert fighter here)
>Climbing the ranked ladder
>"Whoops, you want to play your main who you've practiced with and are confident with? Nah why don't you try this other fighter who you have no interest in playing? No? Tough shit, either play it or lose rank."
So why does this garbage exist?
>"b-b-b-b-because there's n-not enough people wanting to p-play support! Queues would take too long!"
Factually wrong, and even if we pretend for a second that this is true, then it is still a shit idea because other than the small handful of cucks that pick the fill role anyway, there's nobody out there that wouldn't wait a minute more to get their preferred role to ensure they're not only having more fun by playing what they want to play, but they'll be playing their best instead of getting robbed of a win by playing a role they simply do not care about.
Defend this, plebs.
How was everyone's Halloween? Do anything fun?
did someone say breeding fish?
>wanting to fuck some /lolg/ user instead of the unimaginably incredibly tight rippling dragonpussy of Shyvana herself.
>play 1v1 game
>get autofilled
What? Are you actually retarded?
Shyv is fictional, user
thats because none of those are teamgames
in FPS esports game you also have autofill, although not mandatory.
you usually need at least 1 medic class if a game has it
Hentaifoundry and if you type in Katarina Lux you'd get these
This doesn't happen in team based games either.
Dota doesn't auto fill you.
FPS games don't auto fill you.
>in FPS esports game you also have autofill, although not mandatory.
>not mandatory
>you usually need at least 1 medic class if a game has it
Which is never an issue, nor would it be in league for finding a support player.
>playing a role they simply do not care about.
and THIS is why you're stuck
what the fuck anons
I know this is bait but actual and true competitive league lets you pick whatever you want because it's custom games. Even then, pros can play multiple roles and champions as necessary because it's the kind of game where you can't just play one person all of the time. Even one tricks can't do so because of bans and pre-picks.
Suck it up or play some more support to turn autofill off, cupcake.
General rule of of corrupted magical girls, user. They get dicks most of the time. But I'm fine with either
Buy Arclight Yorick and name the account "Shortstack Crusader"
>implying you wouldn't want to break an user so much that they eventually dress up as the champion they main and adore to be like and behave in a submissive cum dump way
It's as if you're gay, user.
>be support
>my adc retardedly gets exhausted and cc'd at 50% hp and tries to fight
>starts running and flashes away letting me die
>leave bot lane because i know for a fact twitch is retarded
>turns out he's not the only retard
>fed irelia and ziggs refuse to group for teamfights
>ziggs was "saving his ult just in case they went for baron" while we were teamfighting
>he was farming
>entire enemy team goes top leaving baron free
>irelia instead of tping after juking all of them stays top and farms
>ekko is attacking us and nobody attacks him
>entire enemy team arrives after 15 seconds
>irelia is just farming like nothing happened
>when the only ting we have left is teamfighting ziggs refuses to fight
i'm so fucking glad they lost holy shit
>Carry game
>People just honor their friend anyway
Imglad we have it.
Remember the times before autofill? Below high plat it was always a shitfest
>1st pick hovers mid
>last pick: "mid!!"
>1st pick: im 1st pick fuckoff"
>last pick locks in a midlaner anyway hoping someone dodges
shit sucked
ALTHOUGH autofill is often game deciding and I personally rather have 10 minute queues for a good evenly skilled game with no autofills compared to a 1 minute q with multiple autofill.
Sadly, casuals, the majority of the playerbase dont care as long as they get to play
I ran a spooky themed tabletop RPG for my buddies