Are you prepared?
Are you prepared?
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What about all the other Vs where nothing happened?
Those weren't right after large sustained rallies.
those ones don't count.
they were in the middle of large sustained rallies.
the only reason they weren't "after" them is because the rallies didn't end.
Technical Analysis (TM)
TA is fucking trash
late 2015 was supposed to be the big crash according to (((experts)))
TA is such a meme now that you're better off doing the opposite of what it says. "when everyone is fearful, buy; when everyone is greedy, sell" or however that saying goes
But if nobody believes in TA anymore then the scared/greedy quotient reverses and TA becomes predictive again....
Been waiting for ages. Let that shit crash and buy the dip while the world is burning.
the market is rigged by robots. they pretend to follow TA for a while to lure in the retail investors and then they catch them with their pants down when they drag the market in the opposite direction of how the retail investors are positioned
there are very few traders who do it long term. most traders move on to something else or try to make money off of teaching people about trading instead of actually trading for themselves. or they work for a hedge fund or someshit where they have vast amounts of other people's money to play with and insider info to help them
sure makes sense, but there has to be a reason or catalyst to trigger the next correction / collapse.
what do you propose the 2017/18 collapse be caused by?
Trump is going to pour hundreds of billions of dollars into the military over the next few years. This massive increase in defense spending alone will sustain the stock market.
Doubt it will be a massive correction, but a correction none the less. The Fed is gonna start cashing in on its bonds, coupled with interest rate hikes, coupled with overpriced stocks and political hijinks. Nothing major, but stocks should lower over the next year, imo.
Deregulation is a part of trumps campaign promises, that allows companies to take on MORE risk (Hint hint, 2008) and not get scolded for it. Then theres, "Were gonna build a giant fucking wall" then theres "We cant pass a health care bill even though our party has a majority stake in the senate, the house, and the presidency. Then theres, "Were gonna deport the every living fuck out of people" then theres "Were going to rethink all of the trade policies we had so we have the advantage"
You get the point.
Student loans keep getting higher with larger interest rates and fewer graduates able to pay
Housing prices keep raising higher with no end in sight, and for some reason people keep buying
Ditto for commercial real estate
Bonds are pretty much useless to the extent that the US Gov't is in, literally, multiple trillions of debt. At some point the bonds will not be paid. Maybe municipals are safe but federal bonds are a joke IMO
Oh and we just keep printing more and more money nonstop so that's a factor too.
What would be the cause? Nobody can read the future. But something needs to happen eventually because the current system is unsustainable.
speculation on points like this and their failure to materialize because he can't deliver on fucking anything is what's going to send the markets crashing
Trump is just another lying neocon shill. I played us all like a flute and now each day that passes he becomes more and more like GWB.
And back to Plebbit you go, faggot.
While Im against the airstrikes on Assad, GWB never deported any illegals nor made any attempt at all to clean up our towns and cities or protect us from terror attacks.
No President is perfect, so we have to take the good with the bad.
>But something needs to happen eventually because the current system is unsustainable.
well put, but I think any system based on exponential growth is unsustainable.
since all major economies are based on exponential growth, eventually, we'll have to move away from this concept, but until then it can remain irrational
Technical analysis is so dumb, just as bad as astrology
But even if it did exist, do you really think that's evidence of anything? 2 dips followed by recession. Nice sample size
And this ^^^ is being generous. There are other dips that weren't followed by recessions
For fuck sake you medicine man mumbo jumbo astrology sun worshipper bullshit superstition witch doctor
>Got my tax returns today
>Found out that i've lost precisely 2 dollars in total over a year of active trading.
I mean, sure, it's no disaster and it could have been much much worse, but still.
Hope doomsday can postpone itself a bit, i need to trade some more
>shit pic
my plan once the market corrects itself. until then i'm keeping my cash liquid in a roth ira and buying silver.
>said the increasingly nervous man
Just cause you guys predicted a crash in 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 2016,didn't mean you won't be right this time
The day they do get it right though, it'll be horrible. All those smug self satistfied cunts bragging about how they "always" knew it would come. Then something something austrian school etc etc
The other ones didn't lead into reversals. You can see the market started going up pretty quickly afterwards.
I see this as less a prediction and more a warning. It's something to keep in mind, not to base decisions on.
In other words, it's useless, but interesting.
Breaking support could be very, very interesting, though.
and 99% of them wont make any money on it instead they keep saying going in to gold which most likely wont even budge.
2003 and 1999 didn't do shit to the average hickey.
just you wait until dry shipping comes back and boosts all to god mode
TA is a complete meme, you cant predict the future from a line that shows the past
I don't think you get it...if enough people think that two lines on a chart mean that a stock is going down then they'll short the stock and it will actually go down. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy made up by large banks to make equity markets a little less random.
>TA is a complete meme
That's EXACTLY why it works.
The stock market is powered entirely by memetics.
Why do you think a system based on exponential growth is unsustainable?
Didn't FEMA clean up Katrina eventually? Weird. Hmm no deportations under Bush? Strange I bet no deportations happened under Obama ad well. And wasn't rhe patriot act enacted in order to make us safer? I'm pretty sure more terrorist attacks happened under Obama than Bush. Anyways thanks for making me think.
I'm hoping for a crash. When prices was low after the crash in 2008 I was jus a highschool kid with no money, but now I would be able to buy a decent amount of stock.
Student loans aren't dischargeable so they can't crash
I kinda agree with this OP, looks like we had large selling pressure, trump rally, and now we just had a bull trap at the top. The fast rallies recently are pure emotional trading, when there is a fast move up with little pauses there is a greater likelihood of price moving through those prices at the same velocity returning to the point of origin.
That money is owed and can never be discharged, that is correct.
But what if millions of people just stop paying?
Lenders want their money back. So they might try to sell those loans to debt collectors and take a loss. But that doesn't mean anyone will recoup the value of those loans. And remember many are federally subsidized so that's money owed to the Treasury.
Just because it can't be discharged doesn't mean the system is A-OK. When schooling regularly pushes into 6-figure debt and that bill can never go away, you absolutely have a problem festering. And it grows larger every. single. fucking. year.
At some point loan forgiveness will likely happen. The bubble is just too big. I'm not sure if you've seen college prices but they are disgustingly high. You could buy a home, in full NO MORTGAGE, for the price it costs to go to MIT for 4 years.
Now tell me, how many students enter MIT every single Autumn? How many students graduate from MIT every single summer? Expand that to all the ivy league schools, multiply that year over year, and you tell me that student loans will never cause a problem.
WannabePMfag here
OP is a faggot he cherrypicked an index that confirmed his muh patterns analysis.
Technical analysis does move markets if the specific tool is a meme. In pic related the same lines and ratios are expected to points of high liquidity and therefore potential turning points. Think about it as placing bets between [muh card game] rounds.
TA is useful insofar as it can be used to find similarities in how price moves in similar contexts. Currently the market is making new highs in a bull market that's lasted longer than most others, which is why similarities are easily found.
When looking at the why, there's a general sentiment that the drivers of this bull market are losing momentum. Easy money from central banks is coming to an end, the virtuous more debt more jobs more consumption more debt cycle is showing wear and valuations are relatively high. What most people don't understand is that the market won't fall until there are drivers of a vicious cycle in place.
You can qualify all prior statements with the idea that price's momentum affects the strength of these underlying drivers (see (((reflexivity)))).
>they might try to sell those loans to debt collectors and take a loss
federal loans don't go to debt collectors, the gov takes over collection if you stop paying.
Private loans could go to collections, but private loans can be discharged. Actually federal loans can be discharged as well, it's just a shitload of work and you have to be demonstrably broke with no hope for the future.
What software is that? Bloomberg terminal?
Browser charting service.
Cheap even for the most modest of goys.
The terminalberg is pointless unless you already make seven figures or manage several large accounts.
Good point. Do you think a tax system that shifted from taxing labour to taxing resource use would be enough to start things off?
because resources are finite. Suppose every year we make 10% more computers than the year before.
Eventually, the number of new computers being made will be greater than the amount of silicon on earth. Therefore, that trend is not sustainable. Same with any other trend.
There might be a workaround with purely digital goods, but even there things get wonky in terms of how many can be consumed. TL;DR: exponential growth can't coexist with a finite resource base, and all resources are finite.
Or the laws could change. There was a fringe politician in the last election (Jill Stein) whose centerpiece was loan forgiveness for student loans. That might seem unimportant, but remember that a fringe candidate won the last election and the age of ceasarism is just getting started. Who knows what a left-wing demagogue would do.
>Or the laws could change.
I think it's bound to happen at some point.
young liberals feel they're playing a losing game and I'd guess they'll eventually vote to change it.
They literally are forced to pay, their wages will be garnished so they can't hold any job that's on the books in America
People forget how close Bernie was to winning the nomination
hard to say man, i work in the automation field but i'd say such a tax on resource / production is still a ways off and even that wouldn't get around the limitation of exponential growth in a finite world.
I think the only way is to move from an economy of growth to an economy of post scarcity (think star trek)