/2hug/ - Touhou General - #55

Do you fear the Hakurei Maiden? Post-Halloween Edition
Previous Thread >So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ship or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such.

>Why isn't this in /jp/
Some Cirno poster made a thread just for a get and now we're here.

>Where should I start?
the games until 5 were designed for the PC-98 platform, which would require an emulator. It's recommended you start either with the sixth (first Windows game) or the second game (as the first one isn't a bullet hell) and work your way up from there some games aren't your usual bullet hells but should be played anyway
1: Arkanoid
7.5, 10.5, 12.3, 13.5, 14.5: Fighting games
The others follow the basics of the bullet hell genre but usually add a game play twist.

>Where can I get the games?

>How to Touhou for bakas

>West Replays

>Please git gud!

>eraTohoK (plus other era games):

>Touhou 16!!!

AoCF Demo v2!

>1cc charts!

>/2hug/ cup team suggestions sheet
goo dot gl/forms/Tazf2Pfqy7CGhKEw1

It's still Halloween. Even if it's not, we're still better and have more meaningful discussions than jay-pee.

Other urls found in this thread:


I dedicated this first post to my wife

Do you see her when you dream, or does she blow you off?

Or does she just blow you?

cute waifu here is mine

Which Reimu would you marry?

This one

Eww, a milf.

Best Reimu.

EoSD is the cutest.

I like this new Reimu.

Why isn't classic Reimu on there? She shits on all the others.

This guy gets it

Reminder that Yukari is secretly scared of what humans can do, this is why the human village isn't allowed to advance past feudal japan

Reminder that Okuu can do the same and no one's scared of that dumb bird.

Well yeah, she's a dumb bird and she's not allowed to use her full power since Reimu will exterminate her if she doesn't follow the rules. Imagine thousands of metal Okuus raining down a balls of nuclear fire, annihilating the filthy Youkai, sounds great, doesn't it?

Reminder that for Youkai, the Orion constellation is just Suika.

Why is Byakuren's last spell card is so fucking bullshit /2hug/? I don't even like buddhists.

Which fighting games is the easiest for people who sucks?

Of course you don't like buddhists, that's why you're shooting at them.

Soku is the easiest in terms of finding people to play with, which is the most important factor.
To answer your question, all 2hu fightans are similarly braindead, but ULiL's controls are the most streamlined.

Do you still see skelleton?

Cool, thanks.

"I'm just an ordinary magician."

Don't know which 2hu game you want to play today? Here.

I love how you die in every single one of them except Yuugi's and maybe the Tsukumo's.

It seems Marisa herself has a beef with Sagittarius

>big hairy tanuki balls

I dont get it.
am I supposed to fight nue?

My man, at least you're not me. I've been trying to 1cc this stupid game for a few days now.

So, we use these to determine what game we play?

Off to EoSD I go, then.

It's not like I'm trying to complete Extra and Hard modes anyways

I want to hold Ran's hands and kiss her lips




I love Ran!

Please bear my child


For people who do 1cc lunatic runs, when you start a new game you've never played do you start on Lunatic or a lower difficulty like hard until you can 1cc that?

Just finished 1ccing my first run on lunatic and was wondering if when I go to my next game I should just start on Lunatic or not.


I'll take "Things that never happened" for 1000, Alex.


I really don't like that game.

That's up to you user.
In my case, I just ran in normal but with self imposed challenges like no bomb.

it's a good game on it's own, but the adding of 2hu characters ruins it. It'd be great if it was some randomly generated "Fantasy Japan" game instead of gensokyo

How? If you can 1cc lunatic then you must be an oldfag. And you're telling me there's a game that you haven't tried? Is it the PC-98 game?

Then we wouldn't care about the characters.

What game is that anyways? I keep seeing those kinds of posts, but searching those isn't exactly easy.

I just picked a game and played it over and over on lunatic until I could complete it? I just kind of grinded the same game. I just recently got into touhou with the HSiFS release.


Good afternoon 2hug, after I "beat" FMW I thought i'd go retro with the first Touhou.

Shit I didn't know it went that far back.

Yep, 2hu is older than most of the people on this website :^)

Welcome to Arkanoid's drunken gimmicky cousin

>soon people born in the 2000's will be within the rules

First boss, controlling the orb is pretty tricky, it seems you can continue where you left off but in true 1cc fashion we wont need to do that.

The sprite work is actually pretty good, especially the art and animations on reimu. ZUN made this in highschool?

I think he was in college at the time, dude's 40 now. also there's two routes.

Just remember this is one of the best songs in the PC-98 era

Wow, the art here actually looks very good, much better than the early windows games.

40 years old? Dude looks in his late 20's at most. That's nips for you I guess. Also I'll get to DiPP so I'll listen to that soundtrack firsthand via the game itself, i'm weird like that.

>his 2hu is weak

You should have already heard Eternal Shrine Maiden, it's the stage theme for the first 6 and last 4 stages

>his 2hu is stronger than he is

>the art here actually looks very good
It's traced.

He's 40, married, has two children (a girl and a boy, in that order) and had a job at Taito (he left around 2012). His wife is also a programmer, though she seems to work mostly on mobile games.

That's the first time I heard that. Do you happen to know where is it traced from?

All in all, he's a winner.

Probably more succesful than everyone in this thread

I don't, but I do know some of pc98 art was traced, a good example was Marisa's PoDD portrait, the fact that Ellen is literally a character from some manga and such. I lost the picture showing this tho
There is no shame in that, the man won pretty hard at life.

>his 2hu isn't immortal

>his 2hu will outlive him

Could be worse, he could outlive his 2hu.

>he want his 2hu to die

Well the bosses of both the Miko and Hell routes kicked my ass.

First 6 eh? If so then It doesn't actually sound that good

Goddamn what an accomplished man, I wonder how many lives he inspired and saved through Touhou alone. Working at Taito since 2012? Was Touhou not enough for support himself until then or did he just enjoy working there?

Well, PoDD is literally Twinkle Star Sprites but harder, so I guess he wasn't feeling too original back then.

You niggers don't know what love is.

What if LoLK have more bullets?

No, he worked in Taito since at least 2000 and left by 2012. It also seemed they weren't quite fond of him making Touhou while also working for them


>eternal shrine maiden
>not the best
Come on user, ZUN thought it was the most influential song on his creative ability of the entire era.

Becomes easier

>Image file name
That's Mima. Yes, that Mima. Her design changed by SoEW, where she's quite an important character.

This. Outliving your 2hu is ideal because then you can take the burden of spending the rest of your life without your loved one, something that you shouldn't leave to your 2hu to suffer.
But I don't have to worry about any of that shit

Oh shit, it's my emulator then, because my game sounds NOTHING like that. Should I change my emulator?

>appears in every game but the 4th one
now why did ZUN forget about her in LLS? Either way she's always been pretty important in the 98 era hasn't she?

That'd explain it, emulator must have some busted up sound plugin or something. I don't know shit about emulation so I can't give much better advice other than "googul it"

What if LoLK was harder?

it'd be very hard.

You're not a masochist?

That's just the Akyuu's Untouched Score version, which, iirc, is just the MS music room version. This is what is sounds like in HRtP. youtube.com/watch?v=SzOUqOCRXOs
And no, it's not "worse": the majority of HRtP's OST is better than the redone soundtrack. Legend of KAGE and Swordsman of a Distant Star in particular got butchered.

Ugh, finally got to configuring it on another emulator. It was a bit time consuming but worth it, it sounds and plays better now. But the song Eternal Shrine Maiden as seen in still
Doesn't sound that good, but I can see why it was influential

I wholeheartedly disagree user, but if you shit talk any of the final boss themes we're gonna have to settle this in a duel.

Different tastes, I guess: it's one of my favorite tracks. DiPP has a remix of it, but you might want to listen to the entire CD along with the (double) story to enjoy the complete experience.

This is one of the first bosses two forms, Is this a dude?

Don't get me wrong, it's just good, just not above that.

Wait, I thought it ran like ass? Never used it though: I only tried T98 Next and Neko Project II.
As for your question, this is HRtP, where the answer is "Who knows?" almost every time. This human form of Shingyoku looks like a kannushi though, so he's probably a dude. Fanon always sees that form as a dude.

Yeah, PC-98 had like a single male enemy if I recall, but I haven't played the PC-98 games just yet so I don't know too much.

Oh no that's an older screenshot when I was using Anex, I'm using Neko Project now and it's much better. Thanks for the answer though, I see it as a dude too.

Anyone up for PoFV? or anything else really

My god this game is frustrating as fuck. There's no consistency with that damn yin yang ball, I'm not one to give up but alternative methods such as Max lives doesn't seem too bad of an idea.

Hell yeah I'm down if you host. I need a small break from this game anyway.


Here we go then:
using Adonis2

>There's no consistency with that damn yin yang ball
You do know how to perform the special tricks (slide, flipkick and such), right?

Yes, but every time I can't seem to get that last square in. And the boss Danmaku is near impossible to dodge. I know I can only destroy it with the yin yang and my own bullets though.

Hold on just a little more i'm coming.

Well, shit, PoFV is constantly crashing for me when I try to select network duel, play with the other user. Maybe it works on his machine

It crashes for me too. You're supposed to use a program called adonis for netplay.
pic related