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Ahhhh why couldn't have Fae been a halloween unit instead

Because she's shit and no one cares about her.

Kill me.
Atleast my pity rate wasn't that high and his Villager BST will be useful for arena

Sword valour is the best skill in the game though.

Yeah i think i will use him for more arena points since bst boost.
Is he good with Brave sword build?

Not Fateswakening

What skills does he want? I have a Takumi but I don’t know if I want to part with him yet.

Brave or Slaying.
Luna, Moonbow, Bonfire, Ignis.

Hp seal and +Hp is actually good for WF, if I remember right.

As long as he isn't -atk, yes. He's one of the better Brave Sword users.
That said, Zanbato is itself a fantastic weapon. Fucking over horses is a lot of fun, especially the HUEG numbers you see against Emeralde Axe Titanias.

How do I build her?

I already have a Riderbanw user in my team to fuck Horses ,and he is +res -def
(not the best but atleast doesn't touch his offensive stats)
I think i will go with it.

Should I bother merging a -attack +speed H!Jakob into a new +speed -def or does someone else want his bow more?

15/19 Def/Res with LaD, 23/30 with Fury.
32 (+6 with Hone) Spd isn't that impressive, so Desperation might not be best (unless Fury or Darting Blow).

If you have another Hone Flier, she can go blade without problems.

Juat merge.
Unless you want to make a some meme build he doesn't have something worth to inherit

Give his bow to a unit you like, just for memes. That's what everyone else does.

No one cares, grandpa.

Improved and cuter bunny.

Trick or Treatu~~

All I have is a bunch of Caeda fodder and two Palla.

>keep blowing all my orbs on Halloween when Flier banner should have higher priority
It's Sakura's fault.

Bracing Blow could be useful for some meme or a new unit eventually, although it's not that impressive.
He doesn't really have great fodder and even his bow is so-so and mostly for meme debuff builds, which could be useful but would require a lot of investment (Smoke skills, notably) into another unit.
Unless you have a clear favorite archer then do whatever.

+Spd isn't that great for H.Jakob (probably his worst boon), but it's still workable.

How do we convince IS to make a Reinhardt alt?

Draconic Aura on Nowi? She's +hp/-res.

What show is this from, anyway? I keep seeing all these cuck memes about it.

Since she's not -Atk or -Spd you could keep her until you get good fliers to support her.
Palla can work on a flier team but more of a support to blues/walling greens than a staple of a flier team. Her Goad is really good though.

Even if she's not a powerhouse, once you get a few more fliers her tome allows you to park her next to your other fliers so she buffs them more easily.


Star vs the forces of evil.

>-ATK Halloween Henry

Can he be salvaged? He's +DEF


I'll run Elincia, Nowi, Cordelia and Cherche. I'm lacking in good skill inheritance fodder for them so I'll just pass on Goad to Cordy and Cherche then work up to it.

29 Def is pretty good but he's not going to march over much with 30 base Atk outside of special bombs.
43 Atk with Blade isn't impressive but if you're running at least one armor with Hone Armor you should be fine (+18 Atk essentially).

>Elincia, Cordelia and Cherche
>with Hone Flier
That's frightening.


So one is +Res/-Def the other is +Atk/-Spd

Congrats on your Hone Fliers fodder.

Ara ara~

I would like to pull Nowi but ehhhh I don't know

She's shit and just broke my pity rate from over 200 orbs

+Res/-Def is pretty decent. Makes her a decent mage tank and it's not like she's taking physical hit anyways.

-Spd hurts her a lot though.

Western isekai

Just give me my fucking husband you piece of shit game

>you counted him out
>he's back and he's stronger than ever

I was thinking of her replacing my +Atk/-HP Palla and then slapping Seal Res on maybe my S!Corrin or S!Camilla to get her to followup on

Bow knight Tobin with full map range when?

>implying I counted him out

>all that investment
>54 attack
What did he do to deserve this?

Can you feel those soft feathers user?
Looks like I'm going to have a soft pillow to sleep on tonight. Are you?



Elincia has -Atk and Cordelia needs me to hunt for more of her.

>no feathers on Sanaki
not soft enough

I'm more concerned with the 32 speed. Doesn't he have Villager BST? I guess this is what happens when it all ends up in HP instead.

He didn't get a clue.

Times you played like Shaggy Rogers in heroes
>put Life and Death 3 on Arivs

Can somebody explain what circumstances the phantom spd seal is useful?
It sounds like it could have a lot of potential but it seems so specific and all the skills I can think of use stats other than speed.

This war might gave taken her liege, her sisters, and Abel, but now she wields the spear she took from Camus by force and leads her own trio of dracoknights.

Is Close Defence any good on Henry? I have a spare Taco.

I can fix this for him.

that spot is reserved for Sanaki and Sanaki only.
I refuse to move her from her rightful spot even for screenshots like those.
and obviously she has hit the HM limit a long time ago.

Close Counter, and only if you can give him Gronnowl+ and don't have -Def

Nephenee is feeling down! Cheer her up with a nice word or two!

Cuckqueen show for children

>10 Mov
The past games must be fun with those kinds of stats, especially when the cap is 20. Maybe this is why nips like Shadow Dragon and New Mystery

Looks swarthy anyway, she probably dodged a bullet.

Why does she have devil horns? Fucking disney trying to condition kids to think satanism is okay.

She'll be great fodder for my Ike.

They don't like SD or NM, they're massive nostalgiafags and keep putting 3 as the pinnacle of the series.

Does someone here have bad luck getting focus units but good luck with pity breaker(only 5 stars exclusives)
I haven't got a 4-5 star pity breaker in since Celica first banner

I don't have a Nephenee.
If I did I would S summoner support her


Yes. I got SS2, DC, Wrathful Staff and Slaying Edge fodder from this banner.

She's an alien princess from another dimension.
Or because Nefcy gave her cuck horns on purpose. Probably that one.

Is it any good though? Why do I see it everywhere?

Maybe next year

How many orbs?

Then which of the titles do they like?


300. That pic is just everything I kept, I'm really low on barracks space and too stingy to buy any more, so I got rid of lots of trash rolls.

>why do I see it everywhere
Cuck memes and it's not Steven Universe
>is it good
Watch it

dead to me

How the fuck do armor teams deal with CyLyn in the arena? Obviously, DC doesn't work. I really want a higher score, but venturing into arena without a Lyn counter is pointless.

It's 2 days, user.
1 is nothing.

Just tank her hits with your huge armour and armour buffs then rape her the next turn.

I got GRAY'D twice going for Ayra and not even mad. He got amazing IVs too (+spd/-res).
Think that could have been Seliph or Caeda instead.

Is +Atk -Spd a decent IV for H Henry or is the bane too crippling, forcing him into using QR or just being fodder for his tome/armour march? Should I feed him my +1 Boey to pass him gronnowl+, gronnraven and TA3 or should I just spend 20k feathers to feed him one of those tomes and not bother with TA, opting for something like CC?

3 armors and 1 dragon then?

WF is also a good idea if you're going for full armor and Ward x4. Zephiel is especially good because he wants a Brave Sword and it makes sure BLyn isn't down to single digits Hp but still standing.

I've been Caeda'd and -atk Lobsterman'd this banner so far.

The Caeda has a +res IV at least so I might try for some res memes on her.

17th place: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light
16th place: BS Fire Emblem: Akaneia Saga
15th place: Fire Emblem Heroes
14th place: Fire Emblem Gaiden
13th place: FE1
12th place: New Mystery of the Emblem: Heroes of Light and Shadow
11th place: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
10th place: Fire Emblem Awakening
9th place: Fire Emblem: Thracia 776
8th place: Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
7th place Fire Emblem Fates
6th place: Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
5th place: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
4th place: Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
3rd place: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
2nd place: Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken
1st place: Fire Emblem: Geneology of the Holy War

Based arena reroll

>Zephiel is especially good because he wants a Brave Sword
Arden says hi

You know that you're my superstar

Where is the motherFUCKING schedule?

>Thracia behind ALL GBA titles
>FE4 on the top
How can they have shit taste and the best taste at the same time?

Smell the tiki!

We don't do schedules anymore. They interfere with the ability to jew people with new unnits.

31 Spd, especially without Hone is basically just "don't double me and I won't double you" territory, at best.
So yea, QR is really good there. If you're going full support on him then Darting/Fury could help patch his Spd, especially if you go Blade with Hone.

If you're running an armor team for area Raven TA is rather good thanks to the BLyn presence, though you may avoid her entirely if your score is high enough.
Not sure if Owl is really good; I tend to space out my armors but keeping them in Ward range mostly.

>Good stats outside the ones not present in this game

Overlap. For example, people who like Reddit Dawn and Path of Reddit but they prefer PoR. A lot of FE5fags are just Juggyboys carried forward, so they'll all vote for FE4 instead.

>Fates higher than Awakening
>geneaology of the holy meme first

yes, that is how you do it

shame on you

That... actually makes a lot of sense.