/lhg/ - Light's Hope General

Light's Hope is a Vanilla WoW Private Server, it's the new and improved version of Elysium, they cut out the corrupt owners and rebranded. More importantly, the code is open source so we get Everyst soon!

Open realmlist.wtf and Set realmlist logon.lightshope.org

LH Discord (discordapp.com/invite/mraKxcU)

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (place MPQ in data, rename file to patch-3.mpq)

Old Thread:

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>playing on a Shenna ran server again

For what possible reason?

fresh soon my anifriends

because I want fresh and no matter where I play there's going to be corruption. I'm more concerned with my enjoyment of the game than server drama bullshit.

They have zero developers though, every developer left their project

Shenna and Crogge aren't devs btw

>not waiting for everyst

Fuck off niwo

its a good thing we can try out the fresh server before we are locked into playing it forever. in any case they have the core already its simply a matter of pushing the patch progression.

why can't i get autoattack macro to work? i've got supermacro and i've bound auto attack to slot 9. then i have this macro for bloodthirst:

/run if not IsCurrentAction(9) then UseAction(9) end;
/run CastSpellByName("bloodthirst")

but it just says not enough rage. tried binding auto attack to other slots etc. but nothing seems to work.

>Blizzcon 2017
>Hozzinka steps up on the podium
>Crowd starts to applaud while fat neckbeards from /wpsg/ and /lhg/ stand in the background scowling
>They hate him, yet they realize hozzinka is their only chance of ever playing a vanilla server without having to waddle through hordes of chinese gold sellers
>"As we all know, past years have been hard on the private server community. And honestly I think a lot of injustice has been done to our legacy players. Therefore I have one little announcement to make."
>*winks at the neckbeards in the background*
>"This one is for you guys, you deserve it!"
>Neckbeards stare wide eyed at the screen
>Its really fucking happening. Hozzinka is bringing the legacy servers
>Some neckbeards even put away their hot pockets for a moment to savour this glorious moment
>The video starts with the logo of legion, but it slowly changes into logo of warlords of draenor, then to mists of pandaria
>Crowd starts to whistle and gasp audibly
>Some neckbeards pull out their asthma respirators, because the excitement is too big to handle
>Finally the logo changes to classic vanilla one and some of the neckbeards start to cry
>Its really happening
>New Timewalking event! Enjoy your beloved vanilla dungeons and raids combined with Legion for the ultimate experience!
>Some neckbeards immediately faint, some start to cry and sob, one guy shits his pants
>Hozzinka comes back and looks at the neckbeards with the biggest shit eating grin known to man

deca please suck my cock!

So, is there a reason to stay on the LH after elysium will be back online?
They are already pretty dead with fake population and shit, and I can't see any future for them because they don't have developers too.

Any Fresh based on the nostcore will kill any other project currently popular

>the code is open source so we get Everyst soon!

whats Everyst?

why can't you come to terms with the fact you ninja'd an item you didn't need? why would you waste time in RFK when you could be doing the WW axe quest instead?

And you think Elysium wont be dead too?

Good post Shenna

im not the guy and if you read what he said you'd know why he didn't do the quest.
stay btfo shammy cuck.

No it's just a scam server, most of us didn't even bother to play on it.
Can't wait to play again on elysium and I'm glad the scammers like whitekidney are away and there's only the legit part of the team now.

>whats Everyst?

don't worry, it's nothing just go fight for farm with 5k people who speak in moonrunes

>replying to yourself
>post count didn't change

Crogge is going all out

how do you do the ww axe quest when the only people above level 35 are speedrun autists?

do you have the downs?

You seem a bit overdefensive

I was legitimately asking whats everyst, I havent been to this meme general archetype (wpsg) in months

redpill me on madti

>Everyst shills are so retarded they can't even shill properly

kek not a good way to start things


its a server ran by an american who was doxxed by a guy in a wheelchair. its pretty much doa.

why are all the Americans who play private servers retarded?

I genuinely want to know what Everyst is/is going to be

Are both sides of whatever imaginary arguement you retards are having with yourselves really actually counter-posting for your own points in the form of joke and hoax posts?


this is actually the funniest part about the whole everyst shilling, the guy running it has already been doxxed which in the pserver hosting world means it will be DoA

nfernix or infernixgaming is the head of the project, even though he has his alter-ego wreathe set as admin the discord. he lives in the us and you can find his info in about five minutes. if you think he's going to run a project without getting shut down in two hours flat, you're retarded. he has zero experience with private servers. he drives for uber and is trying to moonlight as a software developer.

so LH is DoA because whitekidney has been doxxed?

WK isn't the one hosting the server

At least one person here has a fucking brain, thank you for at least explaining a part of it

>I genuinely want to know what Everyst is/is going to be
It was a custom funserver by a crippled Veeky Forums idea guy who tried to commission an American Uber driver to develop it. The developer in question then "hijacked" the name to do a 1x blizzlike server with "transparency" and a chink ban instead. It's currently staffed by trannies and idea guys who estimate "2-3 months" to launch an Ely core they need to do little to no custom development on. On top of all this because the head honcho is an American who made no effort to conceal his real life identity it's in extreme danger of being shut down immediately, much like the precedent we have with Gummy.

i see alot of people using this world but i dont think they know what it means

general consensus from the last thread
>no friends in Mandate
>will cry irl if you shitpost about her
>either too autistic or too normie for Veeky Forums
>loves pupper pals

The current lighthope/elysum drama has revealed to the world the stutering potheads that are whitekidney and the whole lighthope's team.

Population has already tanked 50%. Once it breaks under 5k the panic will begin and all rankers and raiders will begin to delog, with the levelers already long gone.

Once it shoots 3k, unabated FEAR will ripe through all LightHopers. With all those who dumped their time into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing the /who window.

The 3k pop will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final deluded Hopers will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their level 25 hunters will be left with it them, unable to reroll to the legit server to salvage some self respect.
Don't be deluded, wait for Elysium.


Crogge is really getting desperate huh

>literally 8.5k online atm

madti hates everyone in pupper pals, she's left the guild like 3 times now over people treating her like shit.

even though indi has a girlfriend and pupper raids are at 4 in the morning for her, madty won't stop orbiting him in his guild.

>tfw Madti can raid with the puppers on her alt and I can't or Manlett literally freaks out

I fucking hate the double standards in Mandate sometimes.

when elysium releases its fresh it will have at least 4k, maybe even up to 6k. lights hope will drop by at least 3k. over the next month or two as people realize the two projects are the same shit, ran by the same corrupt type of people, they'll migrate to fresh because in the end this is a game and its about enjoyment.. not server drama. by the new year old elysium will be down to 2-3k and elysium 2 will be back at the 8-9k size.

manlett fears the puppers for whatever reason they aren't even in the same timezone or raid days as us

>lights hope will drop by at least 3k.
It can't drop 3k because it has only 1k online.
When you can't dps in the 60lvl dungeons it's no way a "9k activie players right now, boys"

why doesn't indi just become mandate GM, manlett is such a pussy faggot.

stop spamming the thread u mongoloid, read pic related

>when elysium releases its fresh it will have at least 4k

I'm going to laugh so fucking hard when Elys cash crab server doesn't even break 1k and you are all silent in these threads after seeing their project is DoA

Is there an action bar addon that lets me set my action bars locally?

ok then tell me who wreathe is

lithuien would fucking explode

she left once after a known shitposter boasted about shitposting about her... he was told to stop and that's it

meanwhile Mandate shitposts about their own members non-stop...

vitally blizzard legal team he is vitally

redpill me on manlett

Christ are the guys running Everyst really this stupid?

How is there literally zero competent people in the pserver scene?

all smart people actually enjoy retail

That isn't even true because most people don't even play retail anymore compared to the older expansions of past

No one plays WoW anymore or something

regular german guy who has never claimed otherwise but gets orbited by thirsty virgins from this thread who like perpetuating a stale girl(boy) meme

still doesn't explain why they said they need 1-3 months to go live with stock elysium core

Will you be there, watching, when Blizzard will offficially announce Progressive Legacy WoW, in a few days ?

is manlett gay?

this is more damaging to them than anything else. it has the guys full name in it and shows how much of a retard wreathe is.

why did anyone ever think Madti was a girl anyways? he said from day 1 he was a dude

Pretty obvious he is, just listen to him talk

>run my first full ubrs as tank and get the shield of drak
>think "cool i never have to do this again"
>find out there is a quest to kill him for a sweet 2% crit trink
>run full ubrs again
>find out i need to kill him a third time for the onyxia attunement
just fuck my shit up fampai

you have to kill him again for bwl attune

Manlet is asexual.

smarter people stoped playing mmos

Mixture of desperate virgins and "funny" shitposters.

>tfw to dumb too not play vunila

Didn't know Crogge posts fanfic here

didnt know phoosy counter posted here


why would anyone think madty is a girl? he has a deep voice with a strong german accent like crogge.

t. steadman

>btw I'm a guy

why are you so upset that people are concerned about the project being ran by an american? we all saw what happened to gummy.

As if a post like that would merit anything but facepalming, 3k pop when?

ignore the blood coughing anti-everyst poster

he does this every thread and gets btfo every time

>being this retarded

gummy was american and was hosting in america with an exposed identity rofl R I P

none of the above is true of everyst or wreathe

just ignore/filter and move on

Maybe people don't want to get hyped for some half assed NA project again after seeing how quickly Gummy got shut down

You're not even going to hit level 20, let alone 60 anyways Steadman before you quit the server just like you've done the past 3 anyways

stop stop stop

die die die

Do you seriously think this guy will either be humble enough to drop all involvement with the server because he's compromised or perjure himself saying "I don't know about no server" when people deliver a C&D to his door, something we know to have happened?

now that it's clear everyst is DoA and hosted in New York, what server are we hopping to next?

who here hype for Hades? 16 november wwu!!

Gummy shut it down himself because he's an autist beta faggot. The majority of semi-popular servers get DMCAs and most of them with a spine don't give a fuck about them, even those hosted in yuro member states.

Wanna test your nerves ? Wanna know how much self-control you got ?
Let's play a little /yourageyoulose/ here
Tell us how far you've got in the thread before raging like a madman

>delivering a C&D to a dev

a-user it doesn't happen like that, that nfernix guy could turn around and sue them if they did that lol

that chris dude will squeal as soon as blizzard shows up. is running a private server worth going to jail and being sued for millions aka scapegaming?

>sue Blizzard

good luck with that kid. . .

Except the fact Gummy was in NA and was exposed to legal action from Blizzard, just like this Wreath mongoloid who didn't even bother hiding his idenity, now he is doxxed he has zero hope of running the server without committing perjury when the inevitable C&D shows up at his front door

The fucking moron is an Uber driver for christs sake

>Madti wakes up
>"btw Madti is a guy" posts appear

That was fast

Cultural Marxism was a mistake.


1. Gropy the rank 14 purger pedo
2. Steadman the registered sex offender Everyst shill
3. Head developer, horde gm, master strategist, dwarf lord and grand autist supreme Squiddo
4. Nursa. Just Nursa.
5. Your average trandater
6. Your average pupper tard

You mean exactly like servers hosted in the EU being exposed to legal action from Blizzard?

it doesn't work this way senpai. this isnt the movies.
big blizz can't just show up at your door. if they do that they have to be 100% sure the person behind that door is guilty of copyright infringement or they can be counter sued.

same thing with going to a host. if they know who is payin for the server, they can serve a directly named DMCA to the host who will pass it on, but if they don't know whos paying for the server, the best they can do is serve the DMCA to the host, in this case, OVH, who rips them up


Why are you ignoring that there is a precedent of NA located server admins being sued and forced to close their projects?

Hello? Who is Gummy? This retard has been doxxed, he has no way of hosting a server without Blizzard serving him at his door step with a C&D

If the guy can't even hide his identity then he has zero business attempting to run a private server

why do you think there are absolutely zero americans running private servers? this retard is literally an uber driver looking to make some extra money. if we can find him just using his usernames how fast do you think blizzard will be able to trace him down?

There was an American dev who was supposed to start working for Elysium sometime early this year but was told off by Blizzard. I forget his name but he was a weirdo with a weird pserver blog and, as you can guess, easily doxxable. When a megacorp implies they have limitless resources to make your life hell whether they have a case or not most normal people will just agree.