old eyosongive.us
/lolg/ - League of Legends General
xth for my wife Syndra
Siege mission on EU West
Need one more.
Add IGN: Sorry Team
Dreadnought champion when?
Kog and Skarner are best friends and best lovers!
TencentRiot is telling me to disenchant my shards. Why?
i want to perform bestiality with this cow
they lose 50% of value
Brand is my favorite champion
xth for my gf(male) Swift!
>IGN: Sorry Team
Just the kind of IGN you like to see in your team. It's right there among "I Swear I'm Good" and "Yasuo4Lyfe"
>I don't remember any changes to post-rework Poppy making her worse at building damage, and Riot just straight up didn't want Poppy, as a whole, to be viable before rework
Well they dd hurt her scalings but its mostly about how she can use her skills now
>q scales worse
>w for got knows what reason only blocks 1 dash per champ and has an ap ratio
>e has had its range nerfed heavily
>ult damage has been absolutely gutted
ignoring my hatred with her ult making people untargetable even on instacast
>purposely making a champ completely unviable is okay
>especially when she used to have a lot of build diversity
not commenting on the successes or failures of the rework but thats just plain bad design, especially since she was unviable for a long time before they even announced they might rework
call the police
Isn't that only for blue essense (champ shards) and not skin shards?
>caring about names
despite being a total clown yo boy made it yet another year 8)
skins too, disenchant everything you won't use now or never
Holy moly. Are you the highest ranked player who posts here?
Can you carry me out of silver?
96/34 win/loss.
where are you at and what's your ideal end goal.
>/lolg/ has challenger players
>Discord has low golds
You can have MF or Ahri, but not Sona
My rule is usually "trade single autos but don't commit unless you get the lucky crit". If I get it, I go in with the rage of a thousand suns.
>Wait the whole year for the end of season vault opening
>only bad skins
>no Akali skins
>Lunar Morg but no Lunar Cait
This sucks!
and how the fuck do you have so little ip
What the fuck was riot thinking with giving Reworked Evelynn's E with such a goddamn short range. It's like Urgot again. She could be good if only they extended the range of her E and make her W slightly go faster.
>Dark Lux will never sit on my lap
but i want sona
>t. VayneLayteGayme
I get the impression they were being super cautious since they were technically making a stealth champ with hard CC. It's something that can tune in the future.
probably, but i mostly lurk, and when i do post it's always anonymously
most decent smurfs look like that, especially if they're duoing with other challenger smurfs, with that said though, that's viper and the dude's actually insanely good, super nice too
i'm in the discord, but i'm not very active these days, it's been pretty shitty for a long time at this point
yeah, vi and nocturne are my favourite two champions, it's too bad nocturne has been pretty weak as a solo queue pick this season, as for my ip, i don't own every champion because i spend a lot of time smurfing as well normally
>tfw fantasize about fucking Sona but then it gets ruined by the thought that she wouldn't say anything or moan at all during it
I love Camille
only the sound of meat slapping together
Is he a good boy?
>no Daenyathos champion
Damn shame. That would make the game for me.
Singed mid into Leblanc gg - Urgot
Though luck, she's mine
i want to unlock this skin but it means disenchanting other good skins
>not aroused by body language, expressions and the sights and sounds of the body reacting to yours
You'll be fine
>Scarra still grinding for Challenger
Can he make it bros?
>outfarmed by lb
>as fucking singer
should i try climbing from plat 5 lolg in the wake of the final days on my blitz
Viper was bronze in season 1. Crazy how far he's come
remember me?
What are some good mid picks against Zed? I usually pick fizz into zed and do well but they banned fizz and picked zed so I just dodged.
unless you're a god with a 90% winrate through plat, lol no
Pick dreamfu. Push his shit in. Snare and ult him every time he tries to ult you. Drop W on the wave and follow him if he ever tries to roam.
post wafui
butt i am a god
Holy fuck spoiler that shit! And warn next time...
>implying you had anything to do with it and it wasn't botlane
zilean, swain, malza, fid and annie make him useless.
Morgana can cuck Zed
hey dreamanon, how are you liking the skin?
Gold III now
Hope I can stay in Gold 3, maybe go up to 2 but i doubt it.
i just want to tilt back down
Figure out if you're an assassin or a bruiser first.
Is there a more useless champion in this game than Yorick?
I'm Silver I, my goal is Gold V
I was Silver IV 5 days ago, so at this speed, I think i'll be able to make it
I want her to grab me by the hair and grind her filthy cunt on my face until she bursts in my mouth.
So, I recently hit plat. There's only 6 days left, but should I play one more game? I was thinking of stopping if I just lose
silver IV hoping to break into gold for first time
> tfw after that win you are autofilled AND public enemy number 1
see ya the next day lolg
It's awesome. I didn't even realize it had different particles and effects until I used it. Haven't played her this week yet though, trying to grind boxes and work out my other champions, and since I already got the box for Morg and I think I can already play her at a pretty good level I've been figuring out the rest.
Silver 2, hoping to make Gold if I grind enough games in the next few days. I probably won't though
Illaoi at least has some unique stuff
Riot took away every single thing that made Yorick unique. Now there's literally no reason to play him
do you fap to morg lewds in honor of your dreamfu?
>get autofilled
>2 matches later my autofill protection is gone
this isn't funny
Watcha think.
>eve is in the bottom 5 winrates across all elos except daimond and masters, where she sits at 11th lowest
>people still want to claim this rework was good, made her "healthier"
even design wise she falls flat
>were gonna make a sex demon
>and she can totally shapeshift into whatever she needs to seduce targets
>except she doesnt have sex, or even make those organs
>bonus points for her theme not translating to her game play at all, since she talks about consuming pain but in game doesn't get anything out of hurting & killing victims
Team B needs to be fired
huh i was looking for that one,
Guess i was wrong, my bad
>Gold 1
>Plat V
How do I get out of gold
good man. fapping to a league girl makes you play her better and makes her happy
They made her more telegraphed with basically no compensation for it. Her """"gapcloser"""" is like the range of Yasuo's q
prove it
How did it feel to play with Dyrus? I'm a fanboy so I feel it woulda been really cool. Also you're a fucking Vi God.
I literally can't carry games. I'm tempted to go from top my mid in the last 3 days and spam veigar till I make it
disgusting fanboys get out, go suck some cock elsewhere.
Okay dad. Sorry for being a disappointment again.
happens, son.
>tfw no hobo gf
How does sona manage to be one of the sexiest girls but also one of the Purest?
What champion do you play if you want none of Yasuo's nonsense in lane?
well he was probably also like 13, i've known him since season 3 and he's been around the level he's at since at least season 4 (top of challenger)
i've probably played somewhere between 300 and 400 games with/against dyrus since season 2, and we've duoed a bunch of times before, so not really that special, he's a nice guy though, a lot more in touch with the challenger community and less aloof than plenty of players less skilled and less popular than he is, so i respect that a lot from him
Top lane Darius, mid lane Talon with ignite or Annie
if he goes for that gay fairy dash bullshit he'll eat a bunch of shotgun knees
Destruction man
Eve has always been a cancer kit, the less useful and more trash she is the healthier it is for the game as a whole. Feelsgoodman.
Literally anyone can beat yasuo in lane if you're good
because she wants to start a family and have twelve children, slutting around won't let her do this
>when ghost gnar gets angry the screen fades to blue
>this used to be red
riot is actually fixing these things on morde holy shit