/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

Latest patch: dota2.com/duelingfates
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
New players (League refugee edition): dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/interactivemap/

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui


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>play turbo mode dota
>it's fun
>even when losing
What the fuck happened while I was away? Dota isn't supposed to be fun.

this shit reddit meme still going eh

now you are just scaling his right click though
before you wanted to increase his damage on q

>You don't have to be stuck 60 minutes in a room filled with absolute retards
>WTF why i'm having fun?

congratz you've just became a chad turbo player

Is dark fairy of daddy issues a viable carry?

kill all niggers

i like that meme man, and i'm pretty sure it didn't start anywhere near reddit



Where were you when 4p1 was LITERALLY BACK?

>/d2g/ is now sucking -apem's dick
my my my how things have changed

i just want it so he can get negative armour on enemy heroes, im mostly just spitballing ideas

>inb4 turbo becomes the main game type and all pros switch to turbo
>ti8 is played in turbo mode
>the whole tournament starts and ends in a day

Not going to lie, I now genuinely want to see some minor tournament played entirely in Turbo.

>pangolier gets 7.4 total stats per level
>that ties him for 8th place for highest stat growth per level
>4 starting armor
>does not have to turn to cast items or spells
>305 starting movespeed
>1.0 turn rate


Is he viable?

>IO and alchemist can kill Ancient through backdoor protection with the Tether Attack talent

Lmao this is a dead game

Most of /doodoo2gen/ is newfags that never played wc3 DotA

tb is more memepush

Is PA broken in turbo? I can't exist on the map when she's on the other team and that's 3 for 3.

even without entering -armor territory negates all armor to zero is already extremely powerful
especially if he is doing this from a pos3 or below role


>skeleton walks behind you
>activates strafe
>dodges your projectile stun
heh. nothing personnel, kid

ooks like user finally came out of his cave!
How is your game going? did you beat it yet?

my biggest problem with it is that in some cases its literally better to not level heartpiercer at all and get deso/solar, it strikes as bad design

sorry i forgot to put on pants did expect you to have company
please stop staring ladies you are making me uncomfortable

Its an online multiplayer game, you don't "beat" it every game is unique and you can play it forever. Jessica are you drinking rum? Your parents asked our parents to let them know if you drink while at our house so I am going to have to tell them.

>Turbo CM

those bitches literally R U I N E D that couch.
look at the discoloration from wear on the top and bottom of those cushions; rotating them won't even help anymore!


me on the right

Is this a Jojo reference?

Im kind of retarded. Can someone please explain me how does Aeon Disk works? Why should I buy it? Wich hero and against wich hero should I buy it?

>pick a hero designed to negate armor
>the enemy team has no armor to negate
>"it's bad design"

i think that's called drafting poorly

Luckily the game will be over way before wisp gets level 20

holy fuck

or you have someone else on the team who reduces armour without forcing it to be 0

Is bane a goodrazor now?

how the FUCK are you supposed to win with these heroes in pubs?
>supports babysit you
>you are underleveled af
>supports abandon you
>get rekt by offlaner
unless enemy picks passive shit like nyx its impossible

nearly all carries will have 15 armor by the mid game
heartpiercer also applies a 50% slow so the negate armor isnt the only factor

the most important thing to remember is that unless you go all out with a -armor draft and items negating armor will remain relevant through the mid/late game stages

Anyone else have better performance this patch? I'm getting at least 10-15fps more on average

yeah I'd watch this

hi mom

yup me too on my shitbox toaster
fx6300 & 7870, it's nice

its effect is called "Combo Breaker". That alone should tell you what you need to know.

i was getting huge lag spikes last night. It made the game almost unplayable

the frog posts here?
i believe it, he posted new items monday morning before the notes came out

he's literally a total assassin now, huge amounts of burst in 3 seconds, dodges ur projectile stun so you can't save yourself.

only the one in the middle and the slut with the rum are ok

the rest are trash

the one with red jacket seems sluttier than most girls so why not also

Theory-crafting a Pangolier build that should make him an A- tier ganker/teamfighter.

>hey guys, how about a hero with treants ult, slarks ult, and and aoe stun all as regular abilities, but not one, but two AoE ultimates that are another disable and even more aoe damage.
>i think thats a good hero

Newbie question: What items should I build on Juggernaut? By when should I look to end the game?

>Why should I buy it?
If you are an important part of your team that needs to blow his load before dying and can't die:
A.k.a Tidehunter against hex, enigma, brewmaster, zeus, and others.

>the one with red jacket seems sluttier than most girls so why not also
she is wearing more clothing than her counterparts so you intuitively believe she is compensating
the librarian effect

okay, so lets say midgame you have a solar crest, seems pretty reasonable.
that means any -armour skill that reduces armour by atleast 5 will be better, damagewise, over leveling heartpiercer, so having one other person on your team with even a medallion would be better.

I was testing blink dagger and works well.

Ive tried some orb effects with orb of venom and blightstone and gives him good laning phase.
Need something to stay relevant and do damage. Blademail? radiance? shivas? too expensive but maybe i should a midas in the build.

you forgot that she's cuter than CM

why no one talks about op lich talent?
literally makes killing buildings impossible tier

blink is a must have, being able to roll through then blink backwards to roll through a second time is bonkers

he desperately needs raw hp to survive, many are choosing vangaurd, but i believe a combination of smaller items would be better

hex can't be dispelled.
tidehunter already has a strong dispel.

>tfw no boots terrorblade is now actually legit because of his lvl 25 talent

because nobody plays lich unironically and nobody cares about lvl 25 talents.

True true, i forgot that. But you reduce the damage for 2.5 sec.

sounds too broken
what if it also had fucklong cooldowns, mana issues, awful wave clear and below average stats

lmafo it's a meme tier, game losing talent

So pangolier is a 4? You would build oov and basher, maelstrom is good to farm, diffusal is decent with Q. His leveling is garbo tho. And all those items for a support

Pangolier is pretty much a guaranteed loss.

This hero does literally NOTHING besides losing well.

drums would help his mana regen since his pool is so small
urn builds into a great item, super urn is fantastic (not worth to have more than one super urn on your team imo because only closest urn gets charges)
what else

Halberd would work well too


>pangoier is a 4
>names only carry items
fuck off

no, you're pos 3 badBrew

Level 25 talents on supports are a meme.

This meta is both going to be extremely skillful and universally hated by everyone below 4.5k

In two weeks shitters will be crying their eyes out for turbo mode in ranked because they keep getting that on in lane and snowballed to death without their memeback HG shrines

what the fuck are carry items? this is a game where a core hero can get a mekansm

What's the best way to play Dark Willow?

Do you think nullifier will stay in the game? It's kind of OP on heroes who goes orchid because they get a 5 second doom if they combine it with nullifier

Lich's level 25 is legit, since he'll usually get the experience for it.



get the mana regen talent and you are set with mana. Bottle in side shop should work too.

Hell, even soul ring, soul ring gives str now

You are getting items that implies you should play pangolin based on his auto attack / Q.
No, there are cheaper orb effects to proc with Q, you dont need Maelstorm.

yes, that would be true early game while armor values are low
leveling heartpiercer last isnt an issue though, maxing his swash first is nearly no brainer as you want the peak damage output asap his shield is kinda in the same situation
you can clear creep waves with a swash+shield combo which enables him to farm

>he thinks maelstrom is a pos4 item
>on a hero that already has a flashfarming skill

top fucking kek

Someone post the thing

this desu, everything he does, brew does better. He needs to be tankier, do more damage or have some other niche that slots him into some other draft


>catpoint on terrorize
>delay on stun
that's not 'goodRP' or 'GoodSavageRoar'

>agi gives ms now
>tb is naturally a hero who builds a lot of agi
>meta range talent + pike gives 990 range and mobilty
>can discard boots for a proper item and not move as slow as a slug


>turbo mode in ranked

>leveling heartpiercer last isnt an issue though
The only thing that improve is the slow, so i guess it's logical to just leave it at level 1. W gets way stronger and Q needs less cooldown. Q helps farming too.

>super urn
>meteor hammer
>solar crest

You're right, its better.

Vector targeting is fucking weird. I target something, then they cast it in a different angle? It caused some fuckups like Swashbuckle and gust.

>new viper
AHAHAAHAHAAH this is so cancer
i love this shit

Pangolin amplifies damage and has more mobility.

woah woah, thats too many downsides, lets just make sure none of this matters when literally every team fight is lost amidst the entire team being disabled

but it means that for the early-mid game its better to get these -armour items, and when they start not putting people below 0 armour, you have all these pointless items. Again, it just seems like bad design

yeah halberd is a great choice
exploiting his ability to cast items without turning during ult seems stronger than applying damge modifier especially since bash/maelstrom will only proc once off swash

Guys, where is the Diretide?

since he doesn't have hp regen talent anymore should you always build MoM?

reddit absolutely BTFO i can't wait for the complaints