Meme thread.
Meme thread
Showing Baden not Württemberg gtfo
>"Meme thread"
>everything posted so far are actually memes instead of just funny pictures
Surprising, let's see how long it lasts.
>fight crusades to save Christian Europe
>set it up that the Ottomans take over half of it
>Byzantines continue to try to use crusades for personal gains without contributing anything
>get beat down by Based France and Venice
>making Venice the most powerful trade empire around and cementing France as having the most powerful land army around
Unintentional success is still success, it's a shame they also attacked those Balkans and got excommunicated though
>Based France helps destroy Byzantine empire and leaves it vulnerable to the Ottomans
>years later they help the Ottomans fuck with the Germans and expand deeper into Europe just because they were butthurt over Italy
Why are frogs such jews?
>the balkans is half of europe
hey god bless
>Pick up puellae
>not puellas
stopped reading right there
I want barbarians to leave
I prefer the full drawn one with spurdo
This entire board is a meme, a stupid joke that went to far. Moot warned us, we didn't listen.
Fug :D
Mashins gun is haevy :DDD
stop posting the unfunny shitty ones, if it is not the quality Veeky Forums deserves just don't post it
Legit lol'd on the bus
Could someone do me a big favor and post the "Spooky Skellington Freikorps-mobile" image?
Missing "muh slippery slope" for true pseudo intellectualism
This is the sort of humour I was hoping for from this board. This and the Diocletian jokes.
oh yeah, anyone have the cabbages?
learn some latin faggot
This is only raised when Muslims have a victim complex because >muh evil whitey
Here's a better one for lower right
This one made me lol quite a bit
>When your officers tell you that you have too many Bunkers
Same thing.
Nope. A "meme" specifically is some cultural "unit" or idea that spreads and mutates within a culture. Examples:
Pepe in it's entirety is a meme, but individual images of Pepe are not memes.
You could argue that the use of "Impact" typeface for captions on funny images is a meme (I would say it isn't but still), but putting an Impact caption on an image does not in some way turn the whole image into a meme.
Memes: Serious Business.
dubs confirm
Seconding this
>Ron Paul in background
holy shit that's how he knew to warn us, he was there
delivering some fresh OC
We should just genocide modern-day venetians to not let this type of shit happen again 2bh.
All of the ones I met are total shitheads.
t. Alexis III
what is it with Veeky Forums an the 4th crusade?
its almost as bad as Antiochus III
i think it's mostly a reaction to /pol/'s "muh crusader" meme, when de facto the late crusades were a bunch of plunderfests for the crusaders. Historians even argue if the 4th crusade was the turning point in the byzantine empire, which led to its downfall and the sack of Constantinople by the ottoman empire
why are you even here?
It's a combination of factors
>humiliating defeat
>Siege having nothing to do with their initial mission
Also it's just a funny event in general.
>when retards assume that any asserted slippery slope is a "slippery slope fallacy"
The old one is better, it has the revised calendar.
>continental philosophy
>Trying to be Dionysian without the downsides
>Been working real good
>Implying France wasn't involved
Not an argument
Then we'd have to concede to
>implying ussr and china wren't involved
regarding the one about US vs. Vietnam.
Ok, I chuckled.
what's the shiny thing?
>Reichsstadt Nürnberg
Fucking based.
The frame around the soviet flag.
Don't know the meme.
Wuts in the original
ancient chinese style change that fucked up their hair