What's the best way to go about reading these books? I'll be posting pictures, I just don't know how to go about reading it all? I spent my tax refund money on them, figuring it would help me read them but I just don't how how to increase my reading speed.
What's the best way to go about reading these books? I'll be posting pictures...
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A few more
Almost done.
Alright, my last one. I just don't know how long this is going to take me, I read around 434 WPM. Will this help me not become a neet anymore? Making $15 USD/HR currently.
What I do is I read 30 minutes every day before I go to sleep. It's a simple routine that helps you fall asleep as well. You could do that and read 30-60 minutes earlier on the day if you have time?
Idk the best way but personally I like to write notes for some books. For an example I'm reading the book ''how to own the world'' and I write a short text about the different things in onenote so I can look up what a bond is etc. I guess it would be good to write at least a short note to each book since you're reading so many but idk, I'm not the biggest book reader
where did you buy the books and for what price?
I'm going to read all of these
Open a book. Go to page 1 start reading
Seriously. What a stupid fucking topic
>security analysis
I would not have spent my refund on all those books. Buy 1 and read it and use the rest of the refund to apply whatever you learned from tha book. This makes no sense to me.
Have you considered buying more books before going about reading them? I think you should get around 30 more
>Read Think and Grow Rich
>Learn a skill
>Learn how to earn money for it
start with Liar's Poker.
it's really entertaining. you'll be turning those pages, man! after that you should be primed for more finance related material. just don't get out of your routine of reading. stop reading Veeky Forums.
wow user! you're really gonna make it!
Good advice, maybe I can start adding that to my routine. Should I focus on one at a time or do multiples at a time?
Amazon mainly and some at used bookstores or Barnes and Nobles.
Good luck! I am pushing for you. Which one will you start?
I am asking more about reading strategies, I have Aspergers.
I am not Syria, please play nice.
Amazon for this one, pic related, really pricey though.
Darn, I thought I was investing in my future. How would you have used the refund differently?
I should go about getting that one.
What do you like most about Liar's poker? Stop reading Veeky Forums, that's though, I was scanning recommendations on here for a few months now.
I hope to some day. I hated my life going up and then I met rich people in school and the rich students that changed and opened my life. Those kids don't have the drive but I want to crush them for what they did to me.
I don't take notes when reading. I tend to skim too. Feeling like I get a good idea of the ideas of the book means I'll be able to go back to reference it when I need exact techniques or info from it at a later date.
>Should I focus on one at a time or do multiples at a time?
What you feel like I guess. I'm reading three books now and I think it's too much. The good thing is I can read what I'm in the mood in.
>I want to crush them for what they did to me.
What did they do?
Be sure to keep us updated with your progress OP! Check in again a few months from now or so
Did you consider cheaper options than buying a huge bunch of books and then feeling too intimidated to read them? Like for example certain websites, or your local library. Buying these all like that seems like a questionable financial decision, especially if the pile is so large that you don't even know how to start approaching it.
I'm not sure what kind of "reading strategies" you're looking for. Just pick one of those books and start reading, it's the only way to get through them.
Myself, I'm going through Veeky Forums books by starting with the ones that seemed to be the most recommended, popular, basic, and easy to understand. After I'm done with them, I intend to go for the books that discuss more complex topics. I'm focusing on one book at a time. I've got some of the books on my phone as pdfs so I can read them whenever I have idle time (sitting in the bus, during a break at the workplace, etc).
user's idea to write notes seems pretty nice. I haven't done that, maybe I should.
i mostly liked the funny stories about the sociopaths working in the bond trading biz.
Murphy's Technical Analysis of the Futures Market is a gem.
ive read the millionaire next door... the entire book just preaches frugality
You've fallen for a meme, user.
The information/time ratio is really low for many of them. Particularly the vague self-improvement books. They give no deeper understanding of the world and no actionable advice beyond "Set goals!", "Manage your state" or "Keep getting better!"
If it's any consolation, I'm sure you can at least learn something.
Some general heuristics for increasing your benefit:
1. Skip all books with the word "Rich" in the title
2. Skip all books on trading/financial markets unless you have $10k+ to trade with.
3. Skip the fitness books and just read the sticky on fit
Interesting idea, when you go back to reference something, do you fully know which book it came from? What techniques are finding useful? Should I master Excel beyond macros and pivot tables?
Alright, it seems like the best way to be efficient is to do one to three books a time, so I don't get confused by multiple ideas at once. Oh, they did things and talk badly about my family to their own family and friends. Damaged my honor, reputation, and even used their parental networks to pull sway with school decisions.
I will try too. Hopefully, I can get through some books first. I guess it's time for me to become a hermit.
I did consider the library but I thought having a stake in the game would motivate me. Bad idea on my part and I admit it was my mistake. Also, books aren’t really consider "cool" on my side of town so I had to become a recluse.
Great, that's a good segway into it. What do you like most about bonds? With interest rates rising, do you think a bubble exist within auto, student, and commercial retail loans?
It's a gem, have you read it?
Any good frugal habits? I am not sure if I want to own a Ford or can become a business owner selling RVs.
I didn't know it was a meme. I thought Warren Buffet said the best thing to do was to invest in yourself, which I am doing. Good strategy for filtering out. I have an issue being an INTJ that I think all information is useful. I guess it wastes my time. How did you go about changing your life?
If you read 2-3 hours a day it's doable in a year. Read a similar amount in the same time.
Reading strategies that worked for me:
> start with reading just one paragraph every day and then keep on going
> if a book is shit after 10-20 page, skim it, if it's still shit, take the next one
> if you read something interesting put in a sticky note. Leaves you time to think about it later on
> don't force yourself reading things you already know. Most likely you will lose focus and won't remember anything; I wrote summaries about each book I've read
> read one book at a time or if you read a textbook: one textbook and one normal book. Advantage is variety. You can read some of those pop books in 2 days max while it's hard to absorb textbooks in a short time
I think you've put the cart before the horse user, if you want to go on a self improvement drive you need to firstly work out exactly what it is you want. What goal, or perhaps skill in service of that skill you need, then choose books on that topic.
You've covered a lot of generic Veeky Forumslit/ ground here and while I'm sure each one of those books has a thousand dollar piece of wisdom in it, the fact is if you're reading about Warren Buffet's investing approach you probably don't want to spend much time on Forex, and vice-versa.
Also all those dummy's/beginners guide literature is a total waste of time unless you're a total novice. That's the whole point, they give you the TV/Oprah level introduction to a topic, and then when you have the vocabulary you can start actually learning about it.
So where do you start? With yourself: what do you want to do with your life, what's the goals in service of that, and then you can finally get to the literature part: which books have information that helps me achieve those smaller goals?
I don't know about that. Their advice can be really basic common sense, but reading some of the Veeky Forumslit/ book recommendations has still given me new ways to look at things as well as motivation to improve as a person. It's possible it's just a phase and I'll lose my interest in staying on this track, but so far, the books have helped me change some of my bad habits.
A year, that's a good goal. I need to start thinking more often. Summaries are a good idea, it would help with memory and retention purposes.
Yeah, I probably bit more than I can chew, hopefully I don't choke myself when I swallow. I need to filter by categories maybe so I can condense the information. Not really a dummy, but sometimes I wonder if doing this would be better than getting a series 7 or CFA. Where do I start and what do I want? I don't want to be poor anymore, I want to get laid, and I don't want to be the obese American that I am.
Sometimes common sense isn't common sense anymore. I like reading books but I hated it when I was a kid. Never had anything interesting that would make me want to read. What bad habits have your changed?
what instruments/style interests you the most
books are okay, but it's much better to open a small business and fail. The knowledge gained from such an experience will be priceless.
Simple and cheap business ideas to start out with:
Set up a house cleaning business. Advertise on creigslist and leave business cards all over town. Hire a lady or two part-time once you have a few gigs lined up.
Create a site and start selling trinkets from china. Advertise the fuck out of your site on FB and on all the other shit social media sites. (I actually sold my first website for $30,000 once I got tired of it and wanted to do something else).
When I was younger I would buy confiscated cars at police auctions. I had a guy who would paint them at dirt cheap prices (of course not the best quality paint, but they looked nice). Had the interiors and engines deep cleaned. Then I would sell the fuckers for a nice profit. This is specially good during tax season. If you live in a shit area people will have refunds coming in. I gave up on this side bus. when I didn't have time anymore, but 10/10 will do it again once I can free up a little of my time. Also, I'm in a new area and my contacts are limited.
read the books, but nothing compares to getting your hands dirty.
>I need to filter by categories maybe so I can condense the information
Yes. This.
> Where do I start and what do I want? I don't want to be poor anymore, I want to get laid, and I don't want to be the obese American that I am.
Which one of those do you think is most important or most holding you back right now, or to put it another way: which is the domino which will make it easier to knock the other two over?
>What bad habits have your changed?
I've stopped eating expensive unhealthy snacks that I've been addicted to, I've started exercising instead of staying indoors all day, and I've gained more awareness for what kind of mistakes I tend to make in my interactions with other people. These things aren't directly money-related, but some of the books that I've been reading so far have been making convincing arguments that both physical and mental well-being are essential for reaching success, and that you need to have the right kind of mindset. They've inspired me to think about not just money, but my attitude towards life and my future as a person. I want to put effort into improving myself in all the aspects where I'm flawed.
You're doing the right thing. Don't give up when the results are not showing up yet. Try to survive and stay in the game.
I count the ability to drop those snacks as remarkable results already. I was eating way too much of them, but now I can find ways to stop the craving.
Learning more about wise investing will probably be a much more difficult path, though. But luckily I have managed to find optimism even before I started reading these books, so I have no intention of getting too discouraged even if it turns out that substantial progress will be slow and time-consuming.
>2. Skip all books on trading/financial markets unless you have $10k+ to trade with.
Or if you have 1k to trade with and you're willing to do it at 10x lev
U gay AF kek
Solid investments op. I took a speed reading class and got nothing out of it. Still have to read all books twice.
Meh, just grab one and stary teading and never be done i guess?
Says the basement dwelling neet. Go on fag. Back to /b
are these books good? will these TA concepts help me make money?
I have a screener on stockfetcher that works extremely well this year(every time) but when i backtest it it failed last year. Will TA help me find out why?
Reading before bed is God tier. I fuck my gf, read for an hour, then fall asleep thinking of various scenarios in which I apply what I read, or picture myself in the shoes of the main character.
Read their respective summaries/synopsis online. All these books will take you forever and might start to repeat each other.
Or maybe you could try reading the book while listening to the audiobook version at 2x speed.
Read all the management and entrepreneurship books and throw the rest out.
No point of reading a bunch of finance books if you aren't rich in the first place. All of them will make you do stupid shit or open a Vanguard account (a method to preserve wealth not create it).
Why didn't you just borrow them from the library?
>mfw OP could have used bookzz.org and read all the books for free and used that money to do meme drop shipping or crypto trading.
>mfw didnt even know about this
god bless user
most of these books are worse than worhtless trash that may end up doing more harm so maybe it's better that OP is further deprived of money