Anyone in BitBean? Seems like a good PnD coin if we just manage to get more volume. Price is ridiculously low at 10sats. Get in guys, let's pump this shit.
P.s here's the logo, there's a fucking bean in it
Anyone in BitBean? Seems like a good PnD coin if we just manage to get more volume. Price is ridiculously low at 10sats. Get in guys, let's pump this shit.
P.s here's the logo, there's a fucking bean in it
p&d is so immoral i never do it but the fucking bean logo is so dumb
maybe ill join just this once
>buying at an all time high
no thank you
Why is it immoral? It's not illegal.
Bitbean could easily go 50sats with some volume
Just went all in guys
BITBEAN to to the moon lads!
cause how it tends to play out (at least on biz) is like this
>identify shitcoin
>buy some at low price
>shill on biz 24/7
>some poor shmuck falls for your jew tricks
>buys your bags when the coin is already pumping hard
>you cash out, sell bags to shmuck
>market collaspe, apollo 1 explosion moon mission poop tornado
>shmuck cries, you win
I just think theres other ways to make money
With BITBEAN at this price everyone wins. It has nowhere to go but up.
Why would it go up? Really think people will fall for the shilling? Come on it's called ''BitBean'' and look at the logo it's a bean with a fucking cape everybody knows this is a scam who would use a valuta that has this logo and name WTF im out
even the people that you dump your bags on, do they win when the market eventually collapses?
unless this is gonna be the next pivx or something and wont crash.. but come one theres no tech behind this its a fucking BEAN
The Devs are pushing BitBean for Poloniex.
With enough volume this coin could easily reach top 50 marketcap
Its so cheap on Bitrex! Only way is up
>all time high
>10 sats
Nigger what
Bitbean is the future, lads!
Let's go gentlemen! Up, up, up!
it's the future of broke people
Fuck off you broke cunt
>Really think people will fall for the shilling?
You can't be this new. It has been done so fucking many times it's almost a standard.
Bitbean to the moon boys, or at least to 100 sats
Easily 100+ sats.
>It has been done so fucking many times it's almost a standard.
Exactly, it has been done so much that everyone has figured it out. I wouldn't invest in this shit coin
Come on man, there are always people buying the highs. Not everyone lurks Veeky Forums
literally who would buy something like bitbean? It's pathetic. it looks more trash than the aldi logo
They haven't updated their roadmap since last year, it's fucking dead.
Check out their Twitter activity, it's far from dead
>1 post by this ID
And to think I was gonna buy a little of this shitcoin because of you pajeets
come on Veeky Forums let's flick this bean