Other urls found in this thread:
time for some ice cream
give me some
the great deceiver
and you don't seem to understand
i'm glad things have calmed down...
It says here on your resume that you spent 4 years in korea as a "progamer"... what exactly did that job entail and how do you think those skills will empower you to do better work in our office?
did anyone make that chad host the virgin player pic
original content bros ww@
i wish i lived in korea for 4 years
i can click really fast
anyone who took the game seriously moved to korea for a shot at going pro after hitting GM a few times stateside
last shadow went there to be gay with gooks
i want to lick gook kimchi pussy >_
he tried to become a gook like grrrr
but he didnt realize that it isnt a look, its a mindset and a lifestyle
he is the katachi kara hairu type namsayin
quality post
dude wtf
janny is gonna be PISSED
delete that NOW
uh oh... quick! witch poster tell us when the starcrump games are!!
stop disrespecting kpussy
sup dudesters
youre late
a roastie
*slams fist*
I will never leave you bro safari, but you have to remember I play an alive game
dota 2 is life
glad to hear it, friend
ugh going back to the club until tooner leaves
the horn at 4:15 has had an intense effect on my soul since I was in middle school
dont get roofied user
unless you are into that then by all means leave your drink un attended
ah yes... the music i can no longer listen to because the memories i associate with it are too painful...
sad now.
modest mouse is one of 3 bands I enjoy their entire discography
I cant imagine not ever listening to them
sad always
you never know what will happen
i should do something
stare at a wall
just edit the sad parts
rest in spam qa
had a good wall stare today
i'm beginning to think you really have been staring at walls all these years
meditation is good for the mind
nice sage
auto sage now
they are really playing a game mr fbi
how do i buy non virtual weed
I assume I need some kind of glasses, someone point me in the right direction
we smoke oregano
someone get the next thread
i'm falling asleep...
blizzcon in a few days, it should be good
Sorry just went out to get dinner
anyways I am sick of just getting drunk and smoking cigarettes I never got offered weed in high school and I want to try it. I read an article online somewhere stating that the pot heads signal to each other who is buying and selling through the visual communication of sun glasses. I would appreciate any street knowledge you all have gained to help me with this
it should be gook
you raise the glasses up and then down. keep them down and look over them and ask the guy if he has any trees
i hope major wins his first match at least
pretty sure hero will take it all
this is turning into something very dark...
do I go anywhere in particular?
I was thinking of going to a movie theater in the evening and knocking on peoples car windows since I am sure people smoke it before watching a movie, also its a non threatening situation in a semi public area
major can take out elazer easily, im thinking innovation is probably gonna take it
is there a head shop? ask one of the customers outside.
after you raise your glasses they'll give you the nod. then you'll know it's cool
Yeah I have think I used their services before?
That was how I got my 2nd real adult job as a data entry technician for an insurance firm with a good health plan.
Does the head hunter need to be in a legal weed state to have such customers? Weed is not legal where I live