Papa bird edition
Papa bird edition
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for my wife Syndra
>tfw no qt petite magical gf
xth for please buff Shaco
3rd for dota
>actual Illaoi skin
So buffs are next obviously. Cancerous insane number buffs or actual QoL?
I want to crush Lulus sandcastle and drop her icecream in the sand
Xth for liking Caitlyn's breasts no matter what size
Pls nerf shaco
Can karma mid or top work? sick pf being a slut
>evolves himself to be whatever the fuck he wants
>always has a decent winrate
>destroys star guardian pussy on the regular
>lots of cool skins
>isn't a massive pussy who got reworked into a clunky piece of garbage
is he the most alpha champion in League?
Tank karma is pretty cancerous desu
Which female champ could you convince to do adult videos? How many could you get her to make?
I had to refund deathblossom. It looked like total garbage
Miss Fortune
like 50
Sivir she only wants money and cock
it goes without saying that any of the whores of legends would partake in such activity, long after they had enough money to quit
can I get an adc that isn't boosted
dealing the most damage every game as a tank isn't fun anymore
Where does K6's damage even come from? E does zero damage and W is just okayish, and his ult isn't a damage ability.
Is he really just a walking Q who stacks his isolation and unseen damage?
So is ornn good now?
What skins do you want them to add?
yeah but then you're still a slut to your team, and end up being annoyingly tanky slut
Which whore would make the most amount of videos? Which of them are gonna be the most popular?
Thunderlords and duskblade
>Meet girl in duoq PUBG
>I add her on league
>We agree to play some rankeds tomorrow.
Please, help me dudes. I just don't want to fuck it up.
How do I hide my autism levels?
I just want a lewd skin for Jinx. Battle bunny or french maid would be ideal
Point one thing wrong with the best champ in the game!
>tfw you realize skipping warrior to go straight for duskblade and evolving R first is the snowballiest build with the strongest early game
>tfw sorc shoes Khazix because you aren't a pussy
Xth for Anook since Veeky Forums,reddit and neogaf are too mainstream
there's too many whores to make that estimate possible. a lot.
>get baited into a bad gank by nunu
>olaf gets double buffs and a double kill
also what the fuck does nunu do late game?
Just don't ever speak and pretend like she does not exist.
her SG, Firecracker, and Base skin are already pretty lewd
Nunu stuff
holy shit this game is cancer at the end of the season
Maurauder Sion looks fucking cool.
Day 1 buy even if 750
>Got diamond in less than 2 seasons.
>Never shows face or keyboard.
>Got to gold as soon as he started playing ranked.
>"mastered" riven and yasuo in less than a season with the macros of a gold player
This guy is paying some other guy to play for him and you fucking know it.
What about just the top 5 in most videos and popularity?
And don't play ranked anywhere under gold since you will just have a bad time and never get to gold 5
add me on league and tell me ign:eccentricespurr
I love Lissandra!
>Battle bunny
Who else is gonna end shit elo this season?
Ahri, with the promise of mens life-force.
The real question is, how do you get her to do lesbian videos?
>no cowgirl Sona
This makes me sad
Dark Star Maokai, Mafia Urgot and Marauder Sion look great.
The rest are meme shit that wouldn't transfer well into an in-game model.
Ahri would monopolize the industry by charming unsuspecting League girls and having them star in her videos.
I love Camille
Can someone give me tips for Singed, Riven, and Trynda?
I'm training top laners since its my favorite yet my worst lane. I'm currently practicing on flex but I can't seem to carry any game.
All of them either go:
Get kills early > win lane and throw both towers > lose TFs > Lose games
Feed my ass off > enemy doesn't allow me to farm or anything so I stay pretty weak > lose.
>tanky masochist slut
>game finishes loading
>see this skin on enemy team
What is it /lolg/?
14 dimensional underwater Parcheesi.
In fairness, Astronaut Poppy, despite not fitting her theme, looks pretty cool. The air tubes replacing her hair fit quite nicely. The ultimate quote is funny, too.
Can I ask you a question
>Hold on kid I'm teleporting behind you
>they got rid of the salt & pepper hair on the soloQ Graves chroma
REEEEEEEEEE give me my daddy skin back
why did you delete me :( sakagabooru ?
do ekko, lucian, and wukong all celebrate kwanza together?
> tip for Singed
learn to reflexively fling into glue and macro 24/7
>Evolves himself to be whatever the fuck he wants
Evolves parts of himself into better versions of those parts*
You ain't Mekazoo
Where is Dark Star Cho'Gath you fucking niggers
Would the League girls do adult videos after getting charmed by Ahri and indulging in her sexual acts?
Outback Kled with a cassowary Skarl.
One cool thing about this Finals is that SKT top laner Huni and SSG support CoreJJ are both alumni of the NA LCS. After thorough research, I’ve concluded this means NA wins no matter what happens. NA imports foreign talent → teaches them fiesta ways → they return home → now NA is the top exporter of talent.
Suck my dick, EU
So the deal is Riot won't revert Rengar's rework or even slightly buff him or even talk about his state, but you get a pretty nice skin.
Very nice
I want Deep Sea Vel'Koz
Oh, the Skarner skin looks fantastic as well.
Captain Viktor is a neat idea, but the the actual skin concept looks looks and feels... lacking, in a way.
Candy King Rammus is a wildcard, it'll either turn out looking great or terrible.
liss is a hag and cant have children because her womb just freezes the sperm, meanwhile i have hundreds of 1/4 spider children to sit on my lap while i read bedtime stories
>try out celerity + water walking
>it's okay but nothing amazing
>tfw end up taking gathering storm on every champ that goes into sorcery even if they're early game focused just because the other two are so lackluster
NA was made from exports of EU so all NA achievements are EU achievements. Sorry jr.
>when somebody tries to tell me Ekko is more overloaded than Gnar
Yes Ahri is a ruthless business woman and blackmails all her victims into recurring roles.
Her favorite is the cowslut
>Grill master Ornn
>when you finally get the placement correct on traps to follow up thresh hooks
this lane is nuts when you get the micro down holy shit we destroyed the enemy bot
1 blocked message
>tfw no Eve gf
she'd kill you though
her retarded kit
>tfw no Yasuo bf
>yasuo ends the game 0/6/1
fuck me this is the second time in 2 days that I get one of these useless yasuos
We can safely say after playing this game that Americans today might be some of the dumbest people of all time?
Kill me, Pete.
But rengar is one of the better junglers right now despite it being a tank/ardent meta
Only if I was unworthy.
you need to dodge the following
>jax jungle
every time
Gentleman Ornn that writes up cheques and calls in a fancy car (or carriage) for the ult would be swell aswell
he was being camped lmfao nothing he could do
>tfw have gotten both a Gnar and Jayce ADC today
>Gank a lane as Amumu
>They try fighting me in their wave
They never fucking learn.
>jax jungle
you pretty much described the worst parts of 3 of the 5 games I played today
I can't dodge them all because the LP dodge timer is too brutal
Is there a single more satisfying champion in League than Jhin?
>tfw fourth shot deals 1200+ dmg
>tfw perfect grenade kills three minions and chunks away 1/3 of enemy adc's hp
>tfw enemy activates four traps placed in the same location so you root them with a W and watch
>tfw you land all the shots in the ult
She can build very little actual AD but still outtrade anyone
Yeah, anyone who takes actual skill. Vayne, Caitlyn, Jinx...
I hope they buff Hecarim, AND his items and runes simultaneously.
>enemy lee invades you at raptor camp