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Is there new expansion news?

Yeah, give me 40 small ones and I'll give you a peak.

if dubs next expansion is pirates


if dubs next expansion makes control warrior great again

Holy fucking BASED!
finna cringe

> Only the five most recent sets are in rotation and it rotates when a new set releases
Isn't this how rotations supposed to work? Why can't we have this as well instead of the yearly bullshit?

Name 3 classes you want to be top tier next expansion

Would this card be balanced for druid? Or are jades too strong to justify using this?

Warrior, Mage, non-aggro Rogue

waaaaaay too good, ramp is valued at 2 mana, draw 1 card at 1.5 mana, and a 1/1 at .5 mana, that's already 4 plus the heal (though the heal probably won't do much)

Hunter, Warlock, Rogue.

All classes were high meta this expansion (except maybe warrior? Not sure how good he was before nerfs) so the whole fair rotation meta feels harder to do.

Rogue, Warlock, Hunter

Control Hunter

Paladin. Hopefully Control
Druid Big?
Warrior. Dead Mans N'zoth

>posting the wrong list of heroes
Don't worry, I fixed it for you.

>Anduin instead of Based Tyrande

Come on user

>king of the alliance
>or some lame elf lady
I think the answer is obvious

10 Mana 0 Attack 7 HP

"Battlecry: At the start of your next turn, gain "Deathrattle: Destroy your opponent."

Is this balanced?

Its generally considered bad card design to have a card that reads "you win the game."

That ship has sailed.

at above 35 games with rogue
only found keleseth after hard mulligan once, never before
the same game the warlock found one too and had even more luck and ownt me
i had a good day today but i feel like killing myself rn

>Thousand old elf that is the high priestess of a god and co-leader of the night elves + hot as fuck
>Bitch boy who loves dragon cock

If you are into teenage boys that's ok, but don't pretend he amounts to much

reminder if you have to use the bathroom get the fuck up and go now

Valeera > Maiev

>not going for the loli warlock
>not going for the waifu priest
>not going for the lewd huntress



>imprisoned the mighty Illidian
>after elf priest lady ruined things by freeing him
>versus some random arena player
You can't seriously suggest Valeera is better.

post cards you really like for some reason

she isn't coleader, malfurion is just some random treehuger fuck, she's the political leader of the night elves

Thanks user, I don't have much knowledge of warcraft, I just know she's miles better than the fucboi Anduin

>opponent has crazy rng, the perfect topdeck answers and Jaina and Anduin DK in arena
>he still almost lost because he is garbage

Man fuck this game sometimes.

That card really fucked me up the first time I faced against it, so much health and capable of so much damage.

honestly in a game where control paladin is playable that card is fucking broken

If you play bonemare in this brawl, please end your life. Thank you.

Best gold animation in the game

Which decks counter Keleseth Rogue and Lock?

How does every single token shaman out there manage to always have primalfin on turn 2?

>kazakus 4
>raza 5
>anduin 8

It's actually so fucking stupid.

Every class has a certain card that is always in their hand by turn 2
>mage: frostbolt
>priest: SWP
>druid: wrath
>paladin: EUREKA
>warrior: win axe before the nerf

Would this card help hunter? Or is it too mediocre to use?

Priest, Rogue and Warlock. I only have cards for those classes.

Seems really solid finisher but I'd like to see it in rogue as a combo card instead.

issue with hunter is they have no card draw to make really good use of this card, by turn 8 they are likely top decking

>0 mana deal 8 damage
excellent card design apply to blizzard immediately

Token Druid with a good amount of luck beats Rogue. It also beats Prince Lock if he runs out of removal.
Pirate Warrior also works.

>opponent plays raza on 5
>aduin on 8
>in arena

What the actual fuck? I can't even get one random legendary.

>play this turn 8
>skill command x2 + hero power + OC = 20 damage
>inb4 "but skill command only does 5 damage if you have beasts on the board" it's not that hard of a requirement for the beast class
>if they aren't dead you can do at least 10 more damage the next turn with another OC + hero power

>slut that lead the noble night Elves into ruin
>hot bitch boy who loves dragon cock

The choice is pretty obvious. Anduin.

>they take candle


Wanting to make a taunt warrior deck but missing 4 cards, what should I replace them with?

Don't have enough cards to make any meta decks though so working on a budget.

If only I had FLJ, I'd almost be able to actually HEAR my opponent smashing the concede button angrily.

Will you be trying out Dragon Quest Rivals? It will be out later today.

is she died?

>square enix
>card games
No thanks. Will have an even worse business model than Hearthstone.

Hunters need to have a strong finisher to be viable though.

That said, is this the buff wisp needs to be viable?

>0 mana infinite 1/1s



>0 mana dreadsteed


We will never live long enough to see the new druid hero.

Dreadsteed is an unplayably bad card though. Maybe making it cheaper will make it a bit mroe powerful.

That said, does this card seem reasonably strong? Or is it too weak to be worth using?

2 chain gang
1 know a guy
1 sheild slam

Blizzard fell back into the trap of printing staple neutral cards. Now ever fucking meta deck is bonemare, scalebane, keleseth, tar creeper, chain gang.

I seriously hope all neutral in next expansion are fucking unplayable.

That's even more broken than UI

Time to become the cancer

its fine user, it means youre not playing the real cancer (priest)

That requires a too big a wallet to play

>draw a cards

c o m e t o b r a z i l

Anyone on NA want to be Hearthstone pals so I can spectate you winning games?

>winning games
Good one. Pic related is a major achievement for us.

Just noticed they updated the BlizzCon Hearthstone reward from generic golden legendary to this.

What will the flavor text be?

You can add me, but I mostly play meme decks while reading stuff

"Winning" may not be a big part of it

Battlecry: Make all pirates in your hand and deck golden. It's going to be some stupid meme garbage like that. I will be stunned if this card is actually playable.

After getting Malfurion as my freebie, Rexar as my second DK, I ended up getting good ol' Uther. Do you think he's going to end up being viable, or just dust?
I'm down for watching meme decks.


um, i just made it to rank 14 from rank 20 on a winstreak with a homebrew warlock deck i just slapped together in just a couple of hours

get on my level cuck

>Flavor text is supplementary text displayed in the Collection, for each collectible card and hero. Almost always comical in nature, flavor text serves no game purpose and is not seen outside the Collection.

>Hit rank 20
>get caught in a cycle of near endless Raza priest, Quest mage and aggro druid
Should I just wait a few days so I can actually play against my common plebs, or will the farmers still be at it?

>unironically bragging about rank 14

To be serious for a moment, if you are stuck at rank 20 for reals at any time of the month, then you are doing something wrong.

Yes user, that's what I'm asking about, is the background on this character. Maybe they'll have a quote or something.

rate my oc

Garbage because its only good one in deck!1111

I know Priest is cancerous right now but shadowreaper anduin and lyra the sunshard are both incredibly fun cards
Once raza rotates it'll be great

That's why I didn't include the "YOU FUCKING IDIOT" portion of my post. I don't think 99% of anyone would interpret it your way, though.

Mass dispel his living mana on curve then golden Anduin on 9 dank memes

i hope i drafted enough aoe


wat's a Good deck for this brawl?

The ones with bonemares in it

Hunter, Warrior, Rogue in that order.

Alex for turn one
Fill the rest of the deck however u want

I was having a lot of fun/success with rogue
shadowstep with a good battlecry like bonemare is really powerful along with stuff like malygos and evis or SS

Also north sea krakens are great

>Uther instead of Liadrin

I too like shitty paladins that got 1 shot by Arthas.


Seems fun but doubt it'd be viable. Maybe same effect with weaker stats at 8 mana would be better so that when it dies you can resummon with guldan on 10