/agdg/ - Amateur Game Dev General

Post only progress edition

> Next Demo Day 17 (1 day)

> Play Halloween Jam 2017

> Current Mecha Jam

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Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
Weekly Recap: recap.agdg.io
AGDG Steam Games: homph.com/steam
Fanart and stuff: drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B6j4pcv3V-vfb3hKSlhRRzlLbFE
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

Previous Thread: Previous Demo Days: pastebin.com/PAX2PvrV
Previous Jams: pastebin.com/BdjWRwX8

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

> How to Webm

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Will googem ever release a game?

Why is the AGDG threads always so full of bad content, pointless off topic posting, obvious trolls, and E-Celeb cancer?

Is there something about this hobby in particular that draws this crowd, or is it just because nobody has been moderating this general correctly?

>we never got INFINITE EVIDENCE: The Game : The Movie : The UI Experience

A two-in-one enemy! Gets easy if player manages to flip it over

Yeah, he's making one called Twitter Argument Simulator.

is that a halloween costume?!

rotatedev thread

Thread is of to a good start.

Why did you turn your name off, gogem?

Daily reminder that you're all amazing devs and I'm looking forward to seeing your progress!

Autistic Googem Diary Gossip


Name some features you would like to see in a sandbox mmo
besides rape

added some new frames.


No one is going to care unless you post some details.

>be a yesdev
>release at worst possible time
>get overshadowed immediately before and after release by bigger titles of the same genre
>game is almost universally well received, but the only big personality to play it doesnt like it
>get offered to be reviewed by TB, but receive no answer after mailing key
>don't push because you find out the PR guy's mother just died
>months later ask, get told that it's too late to remind them now
>tfw you realize you've been absolutely shat on by causality

Are you trying to learn animation? Or just get something functional in to prototype the game?

Ad hoc changes won't make you a good animator, for that you should do dedicated animation practice. But what you have is good enough to prototype with.

distributed space station 13

Post game.

making something actually original and complex isnt some simple walking in the park simulator

Hey /agdg/, today is my birthday!

What is my gift this year?

What's your game and what time is it for you?

Nah, i just wanted to vent, not shill for pity attention. Please resume routine gogemposting.

happy birthday

>goog posting progress
what trickery is this

post game and I'll draw fan art

it's monolith right?

Kidnap enemies and use them as members of personal army

Coming in on the home stretch.
Almost ready, friends.

success is 100% inspiration, 100% perspiration, 466% luck


I can in all honesty say that at the very least, I'm not like you. It's a great silver lining, worth all the money.

how are you not like me?

As usual, /v/ has far better progress than agdg:

Itch.io vs Steam
Which is the better platform to release on?

I don't namepost on an anonymous image board, for one.

i'm 90% sure what i posted will be in my finished product. hes not going to be naked the entire time anyways.

how do you practice animation if not like this? especially sprite animation. it feels like a completely different game.

you post diary entries with 9gag approved sinfeld gifs instead

At least he doesn't try to sabotage the success of successful devs out of pure bitterness.

So do you. With a name.

not being Vernon is too low a bar for anyone but Vernon

Itch.io if you don't want to get ripped off.

Steam if you want anyone to play it.

itch.io is free and takes a smaller cut than Steam (down to 0% cut if you want). So for small games it's a pretty good platform. Steam of course costs $100 per game, but can have a bigger audience.
There's no reason not to release on both though.

In other words, you.

both retard, they don't have exclusivity deals

The real method is to make your own website and sell your game there, like Notch did.

seems like it fits the description. Northernlion is probably the only big guy who got on it, he didn't like it. It's also the kind of genre TB would be interested in.

The worst part is that Monolith is actually the roguelite I find most fun, and the only one I still play regularly. It deserved so much more.

>be a yesdev
>help out fellow devs
>make games
>some are popular
>some make money
>earn a living
>get shit on by shitters for all of the above
sorry i dont have any Seinfeld gifs, this is the best i can do

I understand the concept you're going for, but holy shit that is bad. Unless you're just using that as a side-quest mechanic (in which case, nifty). But if not then you seriously should rethink your game before you waste even more time. At least it doesn't look like you're very deep into development. I'm not trying to sound demotivating, I want you to keep it up; but seriously reevaluate what you're doing.

>not paying off the LP League
>not getting noticed or coverage
Huh, really makes you think

>be a yesdev
Already lost me.

>help out fellow devs
You attack them a lot more. Even when you try to offer advice, you're always wrong.

What am I looking at?

nodev art

>having 1-5k laying around to give it to some manchild
i wish i had that sort of marketing money

an idea i submitted to itchio is being testrun now.
the idea is 3rd parties (like lepers) can make storefronts on itchio that sell itchio games with a profit margin on top for them.
you can thank me when this delivers us all to "we're all gonna make it bros".

If you had confidence in your game then surely you'd be willing to take out a loan.

>gogem "controversy makes money" pigpen
>gogem "paid achievements" pigpen
>gogem "nothing wrong with shovelware" pigpen
>gogem "steam should not charge me 100 bucks" pigpen
>gogem "shitting up steam and making gaming in general worse for everyone is fine as long as i can make my bottomline, because fuck everyone else but me" pigpen


i see that getting corrected on your street fighter collab credits blunder really stuck with you.
that's a hopeful behavior change! let's keep it up.

Does getting LPers to play your game even generate sales? Isn't most of their audience young children with no credit cards? I would think an article in gaming enthusiast press would be read by more potential customers, but then again I'm also an old man by internet standards.

literally not that user.

taking a loan plus blind confidence must be the most retarded thing anyone can do

Depends on the game and the LPer

1) children have credit cards (in merica at least)
2) the most popular letsplay e-celebs definitely fall into what youre saying but theres also popular semi-journalistic ones too that have older skewing ~serious~ audiences
3) the press are seriously lagging being in hits, you dont want a press hit for the views anymore, you want it for the reddit repost which might even snowball into popular youtubers covering you

In my experience a big site has a better rate of sales per visit, but a big youtuber gives more visits.

>making responsible decisions
look at this fucking normie

Who said anything about "blind" confidence? You obviously have to calculate and be sure that it would be worth it. If you're not sure that your game would appeal to any significant demographic then your game is probably complete shite.

Your lack of confidence is what makes you an underachieving loser. Your scared of taking risks and don't put yourself out there in a genuine way. You probably half ass everything. That way your ego doesn't get too hurt when you fail.

this is a real person, old enough to take a loan typing this and not a satirical bot

Its definitely time to put the crack pipe down.

Haven't updated here in a while. Been doing some last minute fixes for the demo that's going with the Kickstarter for monday. Wish us luck!

this will make 280k


Friendly reminder that if your game features a cis white male in any role other than villain, you're part of the problem.

friendly reminder that i poop on u

Good stuff! I always enjoy seeing this game.

>tfw don't know how to make a fun game
>don't even enjoy playing games anymore since I started devving

>AGDG - Amateur Game Drama General

In other news, any thoughts on solarus engine?
It's a free as in freedom equivalent to rpgmaker

How does this walk animation look?

it works?

Reminder not to make pixel art games if you don't want your game to be ignored

Im a brainlet, how is this effect achieved with 2d sprites?

Pixel art, voxels, and meme poly all get insta-ignored by normies unless the art is outstanding or the game has quality memery.

the pixels popping in and out on his face look odd
so does the back of his head
doesn't look like natural cloth movement

Stiff. It looks like he's walking on his heels.

Give your game early keys and copies to all the youtubers and streamers but add a little title card to the first in-game loading screen that says "This game is best when played by yourself on a first playthrough".

People will log off the LP and play the game themselves if they read that message.

How can I achieve this level of style?


I got my shop for changeable frogs working
so you can spend flies to swap out your froggo
Only works with collecting in-game flies tho I was hoping to figure out how to do microtransactions so I could have the option to buy frogs with IRL money but I cant figure that out
Gotta make like 50 frogs now

The whole pixel art meme is getting out of hand. It's becoming like the "retro style" games that just had no attempt at aesthetics and just got shoved out the door once their unity models were sufficiently low resolution to look like they were made on a pentium 3

fucking gorgeous and cool animations, but I think your characters could use just a touch more shading to make them look a little more professional. Either that, or you could try out an xbr interpolation shader on them to smooth out the pixels. Where can I follow this?

here's your dev music


real dev music

Thanks for the feedback. Made a few changes, hopefully for the better.

godot 3.0 when???

Is Godot 3.0 the new Polycode binaries?

Bi-weekly reminder that the core gameplay mechanics to your game should never be added in willy-nilly. You should have a strong idea of how everything will wrap together beforehand, so you can establish a strong sense of identity through your gameplay(even if it's not the highlight of your game). Otherwise your game may end up a lifeless shell with a bunch of random or generic ideas tacked on that don't occupy their own unique space.

t. nodev

but my entire game is bound to break this rule as I add more