/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Orchid when Edition

Rotations, formats, new class:

October nerfs - PDK, CoCK and NEET

Starforged Legends is out.

Fate collab

>What events are up?

Leader poll results

Official Website:

Deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:


remove fate collab in the next OP, it's over

All the japs left for DQR, SV is D E A D

Play DQR

So will there be a maintenance or not?

>Say Angelic is better AotW three months ago
>Hurr durr you are retarded
>Starts to show up in Jap lists
>All of a sudden Angelic was always the better choice
/svg/ is actually retarded

Dat Feena booty

Give me a quick rundown on portalcraft

art sucks

JO magic


The girls are cute.

My waifu Debora when

>animeland game
>no anime art
they had one job

Chrono x3


Those are 80's art. I don't see the appeal of them in this day and age.

its like forest but with actual good tokens instead of shitty 1/1s that go to your dick instead your hand

I know you are desperate but you don't need to link the image to me twice.

You pollute your deck consistency as a part of the class' identity
If it doesn't have an absolutely cancerous tutoring engine then it's going to be absolute shit.

It's already been shown that it has ways to tutor those tokens.

Are you guys ready for Secondverse?

>new data
They're preparing for the 14M downloads event.

We already have cards that are better going 2nd, this is nothing new.

1 card that's 6pp

what will the 14 mil bonus be?

A night with KMR

DQR card unpack is low energy as fuck

>6 cards


14 packs + chests
source: my ass

I hope it's chests again

>6pp summon x3 3/1s with storm
How broken is this in a game like HS?

Ch-chotto matte, kudasai!



>tfw people forget that you can still attack Forte if you played her without overflow
this dshift just evolved owl and then used wind blast to kill my Forte lel


The entire game is low energy

Why do people play dshift in unranked?

>playing a sub50 wr deck in ranked
Maybe people want to climb?

Literally budget hearthstone. If I want to play hearthstone, I play hearthstone.

Because it has a low winrate and they need to get their rune daily done and don't want to lose points in ranked?

Ranked is filled with aggroshitters so they got to find some other way of ruining people's fun

this meme needs to die

You sure he didn't need a removal target for spell boost and wanted to put you at 1?


It's not a sub 50% winrate deck?

Ever wonder why Ranked is filled with aggroshitters?


I want to believe but there's no way you could possibly know just from the sleeves alone.

well pretty sure he wasnt
because he spend the whole next turn when I played my second Forte
wasting D-shift and staring at the board until the last sec he attacked my Forte with his owl

but then I draw third Forte and finish him anyway

f-for all the millions of the users?

I guess

why would a dshift ever trade with their minions, their hands is 70% removals they're dying to dump

People want to climb fast?

Because it's the only way to beat dshift

>Destroyer down on the board
>didn't trade into anything since it's full health
>didn't have Dshift to otk
What's this shitter doing svg?

is there a reason to come back to this game if I quit after RoB made the game stupid ?

probably bricking

It will happen man. Isn't it weird that the first chest event offered the sleeve/emblem for only one leader? user just linked another sleeve/emblem for Isabelle and she'll be the reward for this chest event.

They always celebrate download milestones and they settled on this chest event + emblem/sleeve giveaway.

if you think RoB made the game stupid then no dont come back until december

That bad uh

DQR is going into maintenance. RIP.

>NeutralForest turn6 B&B turn7 Arriet for 18 face damage
Fuck you

Whoever asked for the bird sleeves is in luck. Also, some cute boy sleeves, but who cares about that?

H-hey guys, I heard there was going to be a rotation. Maybe you could think about running me?

Where the shit does kikegames find such shitty bandwagoners

concede onegai

thanks mommy shorte

There's bane, random destruction, and transform in every format. Stop asking these stupid fucking questions, the only thing that schanges ios there's even less decks that work because you ripped out their skeleton

Guys, I need some help. I haven't been following the game since last month. What the hell has happened to the meta? Everything seems like a meme? What class is even viable anymore? I'm so confused.

the one where you don't play a tier 0 broken cancer deck for 4 weeks to get spoonfed your gm

There was just a nerf so bandwagon shitters are drowning which lets people enjoy meme decks for a couple days until the twitter lists circulate and it's back to cancer town

I used to like Magisa until I saw what she did to those poor Meidos

>earth sigil
>instead of 2+/2+ big guy gets immunity from effects
Bam, viable as fuck.

Meta is Midrange Control oriented more than Unga right now.
DShift is legit tier1, just saying.

Whats dshift real winrate? No way its less than 50%.

Should be around 51% right now

Aw. I miss that.

But I like an established meta more than meme decks. I can do my missions quick and I know what are my odds in a matchup. If I wanna play meme decks I can do so in the arena or casual mode.

Nah. DShift is a meme. I'm not falling for that.

If you can't beat meme decks because you're a retarded cum guzzling bandwagoner, you need to explode

>DShift is a meme
>turn 7 go off

Okay, I'm done with dshift. Someone feed me an aggro blood list.


Wao. I'll consider it. Thanks for the tip, senpai.

And it gets completely wrecked by aggro. It's also a combo deck, which makes it inherently inconsistent. I main Rune. I know it's a meme.

The meta is Aggro vs Dshift. Choose your side, build an aggro deck to outrun your opponent and beat dshift, play a control/midrange deck to kill aggro, or play dshift to beat those control/midrange decks.

14mil DL event is pretty much the same login bonus + treasure chests event again.


8 packs plus the chest rewards

He said REAL winrate you dshiller

No you dipshit, it doesn't. A well-built list is very strong at contesting while spellboosting and its cycle and tutors make it very consistent

Post nerf only stats are right here

So, now we're farming Isaboobs instead of Arisa. Sounds good.

Come on, aggro blood is really simple to make. Tech choices won't impact you that much, so you can safely make your own version. Just put in cards that flood the board, have storm, or do face damage & that won't turn your deck into a vengeance type.

I remember this trend. dshit will get pushed out and it's gonna turn into aggro vs ramp dragon. Guess dragon's the go-to again.

Oh wow, people like are dragging the winrate down, who ever could have guessed. Shame that has no bearing on good players

mama isabelle's chest rewards!

Fuck. Does this mean I'll have to grind for GM and the top 10k next month instead?

>Dshift is impossible to defeat!
>it just has it's winrate misrepresented by shitters!
Every time
There's literally no argument that you faggots wouldn't move goal posts on

>>Shifters are beating aggro left and right
>B-But muh stats!
Every time
There's literally no argument that you faggots wouldn't move goal posts on

>play control
>get fucked by Dshit
>get called a "no fun asshole" even though even matchups
>play aggro because Control is nonviable garbage
>get called aggro shitter ruining people's fun
>atleast win when facing Dshift
And people wonder why the meta dissolves to aggro.

Pretty sure that it's a meme, senpai. I remember it being a contender back in DE, but it's generally too inconsistent to climb with. Turn 7 is a thing, sure, but you gotta draw exactly what you need, when you need it. Also, not die vs aggro. Compared to it, control, ramp, and aggro decks have a much easier time because they aren't dependent on those combo pieces. But hey, suit yourself. If you want to force it, go right ahead. Just don't cry too hard once you come to terms with it being a meme.

You mean because it causes the 10k border to be higher this month? Maybe it gets balanced out by Dragon Quest Rivals.

Point me to the post where you weren't a huge fucking faggot

Too bad all that bandwagoning couldn't get you skill bruh. But hey, what do the active players know about it.