What's a good car to impress potential new business clients?
What's a good car to impress potential new business clients?
honda civic, demonstrate you're not the fuckboy you are
What if his job is fuckboy?
>Drive expensive car
>Clients will think you overcharge them
just get a normal brand new car, but not a compact - Honda Accord, Ford Taurus. if you're driving a flashy car they will think you're going to rip them off to finance your lavish lifestylye.
if the guy brings up that he likes cars, just lie and say you have a sports car in your garage that you only take out on weekends.
Do you two want to know how it's obvious to everyone else that you don't work in business?
yes, please. how? i am a LARPing NEET and i need to get better at LARPing.
A Lexus if you insist on a luxury car
I expect before a client calls me up they'll have done their research.
They know I own a multimillion dollar business and have for half my life. That's the reason they're calling. I don't need a fancy car to tell them what they already know. In fact I prefer something modest so they know I'm not wasting their money.
>mfw not a consultantcuck
>mfw good programmer making 10 racks a month working 40 hour weeks
>mfw don't have to worry about superficial stuff like this
if I play my cards right I should be able to retire by 40
>to impress somebody
Are you dealing with plebs? Because nobody is impressed nor interested in your fucking car... Invite them in a good restaurant and talk about business after two bottles of good red wine.
Except maybe if you live in USA, they have some sort of fetish for cars there. It's like even their middle and high class behave like plebs with no taste.
Heard some good things about the Bedford Rascal
WTF is that even a chart of? Better or worse than what average?
>Japan at the top
>Europe in the middle
>USA at the bottom
>Then fiat
Leased mid-range Lexus.
Lease for the write off.
Lexus because it's the responsible choice. I.e. Toyota of luxury cars.
Mid-range. Deminishing returns beyond that point.
The first level of my parking garage in a fortune 500 company, (CEO and top management) is full of premium trim Hondas and Toyotas.
The only expensive cars belong to our CEO who drives a Cayenne and our CIO who drives a Model S.
Luxury is just a meme for povertyfags, intelligent wealthy people know those things are nothing but money pits. I literally see more BMWs and Mercedes in ghetto neighborhoods than the rich ones.
This OP.
It says "Hey, we know how to save money and so can you!"
Mazda Miata, first generation.
Fiat Multipla is sure to leave an impression.
Just shower and buy good clothes/cologne.
An expensive car will just be obnoxious, and you'll seem much more friendly if you drive something less intimidating. I suggest getting a nice Volkswagen Passat. It's the definitive middle-class car.
Be remembered by your deeds. Not your looks.
I legit drive this to work everyday and have over 30k in investments and 5k in bank... could easily buy something better, but this does everything i want, so why bother?
Hot dog car
Representatives and salesmen usually show up in leased ford focuses, I've yet to see anybody trying to sell something driving a car that is isn't modestly priced.
Not going to impress a client unless you have a unique car. Just keep it modern and not a shit mobile.
Audi A4
Modest, yet classy, but not too classy like a stuck up BMW or Merc driver
Go to the Bellevue in Philadelphia
The parking garage is full of lawyers and real estate pros - Bentley Bentaygas, Hurricans, Ghosts, Jaguars and all manner of exotic Porsches
>I legit drive this to work everyday and have over 30k in investments and 5k in bank... could easily buy something better, but this does everything i want, so why bother?
I bought a brand new bottom-of-the-line Jap brand car (albeit built in India) for $10,000 with 5 year warranty
>Reliable as fuck
>Cheap to service
>Cheap to insure
>Cheap to register
>Sold it in its 6th year for $5,500
At the time I had $275,000 in savings and investments
People would
>mock my car
>ask why I didn't get a loan to buy a better car if I was so strapped for cash
>boast about their 12 year car loan with 'low payments' to get their used $35,000 car on minwage
>admit they spend over $100 per week on gas because they drive what can essentially be described as an armored tank
>go without lunch because they are broke
>soon enough, lament about how expensive it is to own their car and maybe it wasn't the best choice
>In one case, eventually sell it for $15,000 less than what is left on their loan
>>so they had to get a personal loan to pay off a loan for a car they don't own
>>now they make payments on a personal loan
On the few times I clarified that I own my car by choice, and I could literally buy any car I wanted (but for hypercars) or I could buy their car 5-10 times over, they would comment on how stupid I was.
Lexus with some nice rims and tinted windows
I have a freind who WAS making bank in the oil game a couple of years back, drove a corolla