>Be poor as fuck
>Get some money from dad
>Start studying accounting and get a job
>Save money and buy pizza joint
>Previous owner was terrible manager but I worked hard and made it work and improved it
>After 6 years of hard work I'm now getting $90 000 a year in a medium cost of living area
>Buy a used Porsche
>Still no gf and all the women I meet just want me for my money
YOU told me making money is the key to happiness! I still dont have a gf to hold at night and women try to mooch money off me! I hope you fuckers become homeless and get stabbed or something. Fuck you!
Congratulations, this is THE most autistic thread ever made on Veeky Forums.
>all the women I meet just want me for my money
Oh sweetie, they all want you for your money. Or whatever else you can provide... Except for in the bedroom, they tend to outsource that ;-)
#1 Of course girls are attracted to you for money. All girls are EVER attracted to is power, in one form or another. Thats as good as it gets, quit questioning it.
#2 You aren't making enough money yet. Keep 10x ing that shit/
just don't show your money at the very start you dumbfuck
Trips of Truth, sweetie.
if the money doesn't make you happy anyway, then why are you so stingy on spending it on the women?
just date and marry the hottest one and have some kids. maybe the kids will make you happy? try that. that might work.
if she ends up divorcing you and taking 1/2 your money, then nothing will be lost because the $ didn't make you happy anyway. at least you had someone to hold at night for a little while.
what's the pizza place called?
blag gock >:DDDDDD
probably 'Comet' this guys a babyraper.
I will keep working, yes, but I want women to want me for me and my personality and ambition, not just wallet!
I want true love though.
No fuck off.
I don't want you guys to firebomb it.
>women only want you for your money
>6 years
That's garbage.
And why don't you buy a second store?
I didn't make $90 000 over the course of 6 years I'm saying it took me 6 years to get to $90 000 a year by buying a pizza place and turning it around. I don't want another because it's too much of a hassle. I'm just buying rental units. But help me solve my problem! You guys got me into this mess. Money only attracts women that only like me for my money. If I lost it they wouldn't stick with me out of live they'd leave. That's bullshit! You never told me it would be like this!
*out of love I meant
Where are you looking for women, and how do they find out about your financial situation? Do you mention it in your online dating profile, or do they ask about it on a date and alter their behaviour after you answer?
Where do you meet women? Find an educated woman mate.
True love is fairy tale bullshit.
So I go to some networking events and stuff or get together and just talk. When they ask what do you do I say I own a restaurant and then they start to get a bit more energetic. Instantly.
"What do you do," they ask kind of bored.
"I own a restaurant."
"Wow!" with a big smile and lots of laughing and stuff.
And then after trading numbers I pick them up and they like the car. But they don't like me I know just my money. What the fuck?!
you're willingly putting yourself in a position where women are shopping.
there are only 2 things women love, themselves and their children. you are just a resource. maybe you should play the game too and by the time she's 60 she'll finally realize what she has.
kinda like your restaurant, it didn't actually pay off until years down the line.
quit being a fag.
I'd have to second this sentiment
You should have gone on Veeky Forums and they will tell you being 6ft7 and ripped is the key to getting women.
Or go on /pol/ and they will tell you implementing a ethno-nationalist state based on traditional values will get you a loving wife.
Or go on Veeky Forums and they'll tell you wearing some overpriced crap will get you women.
Maybe you should just stop worrying so much about women.
They want him for his pizza? ????
James Alefantis is gay and possibly a pedophile so it's not likely he'd be bitching about golddiggers on a Chinese cartoon discussion forum.
Have you considered not telling them how much money you make?
Have you considered not dating poor pieces of shit that mooch money off their dates? Seriously, how do you even meet someone like that. Are you dating drug addicts? Do you meet women at truck stops?
What is the secret to getting women on /g/? Installing gentoo?
A few sprays of 'The scent of Stallman'
I don't tell them how much I make. Also see
Try "I manage a restaurant."
hmm sounds like your looking the wrong place OP and coming in with the wrong attitude
And I can give you multiple examples where you dun goofed:
1st: Get some money from daddy-> women (especially gold digging whores) can almost smell the difference between a complete self starter and a daddys boy. You scream of a beta male whos success is owed to his dad.
2. Buying a used Porsche-> the Fck?!?! Just setting aside how faggoty a Prosche is: CARS WILL NOT GET YOU A GF, THEY ATTRACT WHORES.
3. Sounds like you're aiming for a tight body and nice face and not much else.
Confident and successful people especially women are attracted to other confident and successful people.
work on you and work on building your brand in your local chamber of commerce and surround with mentors and give back to community.
those people will introduce you to viable candidates for relationships.
Until then work on growing a pair and FK OFF, because it sounds you shouldn't be complaining.
Fucking this. It also sounds like you're speed dating, which is retarded. Find some interests, even a bsns owner meetup if you're that boring. Do yoga. Take up running or some shit. Get on a dating site and don't put your fucking job title in there.
just put her as your desktop wallpaper
>women try to mooch money off me!
Such is fucking life, would you rather be poor and have no women at all?
I'm starting to think getting women has little to do with anything other than looks/natural attraction. You can be poorfag but if you're handsome, you'll have at least some success with women. Same can't be said for complete uglyfag who is rich---although he will get beautiful gold diggers.
You are ugly or boring, that is the problem
yes he makes the besta pizza
>Get some money from daddy
Yeah so I should have just stayed poor?
>Le self starter bootstrap may may
Every businessperson gets help.
Different view of happiness. I'm in my 30s, no gf and i couldn't be happier.
I'm literally a manchild, buying toys and shit, reliving my childhood that was denied from me because i was fucking poor.
Ya missed the whole point there bro.
I mean that business persons who start a business with their own money get hardened quickly in the market and got no time to bitch about not having someone to cuddle with at night.
I'm saying that you're soft and without daddys money you would have failed.
Obviously business owners need help, and that goes without saying but nepotism and entrepreneurship are two different things.
If that rustles you jimmies then good.
Go make some more money.
You are a waste of space. Literally.
You fucking idiot I used the money to study accounting and worked as an accountant. I bought the restaurant with my own money. Soft? I'm probably worth more than you pal. Go back to your memecoins.
tru. fuck these memecoiners. BUILD SOMETHING
>do something
i'm at the point of my life where i have time and money in my hand.
You would've never got into school without your dad's money. Nothing wrong with ez mode but dont act like you're a self made man
get a 20 yr old ho and get some offspring.
helps you keep feeling calm once u get old
why'd you come this board to find true love?
You sound really fucking stupid.
Get the fuck out of here and I'll take your $90,000 a year off your hands.
as somebody who has made 2k/35k/50k/70k/85k over the last 5 years, I can tell you that finding women becomes much easier with money, but finding the right one doesn't become easier at all with money. i need to change my outlook on life to do that and it's pretty fucking hard. good luck user, we're all gonna make it.
If you're concerned about that and if you wish for people to judge you by your personality rather than your money, you could try to downplay your situation ("I work at a pizza place" for example). Or try online dating, and don't mention anything about your restaurant or income in your profile.
But if they all show boredom before the discussion turns to careers, it sounds like there are serious problems here. If you have trouble attracting women's interest with your looks or personality, I'm not sure how to help. A lot of people struggle with that and have their own opinions on it, but I don't really know what's the best answer. Maybe /adv/ can help you? I dunno.
Outside of true love, what are your long-term hopes and dreams concerning a relationship, anyway? Would you rather have a self-sufficient career woman, or a girl who wants to have kids and become a housewife who's dependent on your income, or would you like a buddy who could join you in your hobbies, or do you have something else in mind? I think that affects how to handle the situation. Like for example, if you want an educated woman, you'll probably need to work on how to give a better first impression in those networking events. But if you want kids, you could see if you can find any conservative religious women at some church events or dating sites.
>Paid him the money back
>Bought and turned around a pizza place
I'm saying I got help from him. Your coming here with your self made man bullshit. Did you give birth to yourself self made man or was it your mother? Fuck you.
What I'm saying is you said money will get me girls, but they only want me for my money not me as a person. They don't love me only my money. You guys lied. What are you assholes going to do about it?
Ohhhh for sure! 90k a year fucking kidding me?
I make 60k doing financial planning 15-20 hrs a week. I have a cushy life. ~4 hours of work socialize with business owners and generally accomplished people and come home fuck wife.
feels real good man.
you mad?
and as for being a accountant, how did that work for ya?
btw I love this plz continue
>you said money would get me girls!
>well...it did! but you guys lied!
>get me a gf >:(
Stop being such a fucking baby. No woman wants to date a NEET, in the same way you would rather wife a woman with bigger tits/ass
How are you so dense you dont understand women? Nice bait. Nobody is this retarded
>Things that never happened
What I'm saying is none of the women want me for me
Then explain to me. Obviously I have difficulty with women that'd why I made money but it wasn't supposed to be like this
hook up your fellow biznes men with free pizza
we will love you more than any woman could
>Acts like a big tough guy
>but can't even get a real girl
>none of the women want me for me
Thats 99% of woman buddy, do what the other anons suggested and hide your income for a while or downplay your job a bit and see how long they stick around. Thats the only way to get a woman that loves you for you
The real question is what are you going to do about it motherfucker? I already stated if you were trying to find true love you shouldn't have come to this board.
If any of what you said is true you're in a better position that most of the fuck on this board i.e. most of us are degenerates trying to come into fortune so we can blow it off on cocaine, hookers, and luxuries.
>you said money will get me girls
Are you this fucking dense that you don't realize that you weren't lied to. YOU focused on the fact that they would fall in love with you and that was your first mistake. Fucking get over it. Love can't be bought retard and this is real fucking wisdom.
You sound mental. You have enough to go see a shrink so that's my advice. Coming here with that 'what are you assholes going to do about it' bullshit
I'm sure your dad has a gun you can borrow from him too so you can end your life if your success is really causing you so much suffering, you could have stayed a fucking loser.
Bitchmade pussy.
Dumb egocentric cunt.
I fucking hate you.
I'm not trying to be a tough guy. What I'm saying is the women seem to only want my money. Not me for me.
Thanks for help.
Points noted. I didn't mean to make anybody upset. I'm sorry.
Maybe you should do some things to improve your looks.
You sound like a fag who'd be on the bachelor
>implying $90k is jack shit
Any fat neckbeard in IT can do that, and they're not getting laid either.
Nobody's going to be this brutally honest man.
Consider yourself lucky and keep your eyes on the prize.
Fulfillment is hardly ever finding a companion and rather more about pursuing self-actualization; in the process a companion will reveal herself when you least expect it.
When you are pursuing materialism you will attract materialistic women.
When your pursuit in life becomes greater than "worldly possessions" then you will attract greater women who will genuinely be about you.
Take some time to do some deep thinking and maybe find what makes you content without the aid of anything else.
That's all I got.
I'm harsh but my words are genuine.
It's a longer path than you expect.
Thought you just rustling jimmies but if you want some actual help with woman i wouldn't ask Veeky Forums, or anyone on the internet really.
Just remember that there are 6 billion people earth, thats a lot of potential woman.
Best thing to do is just go out and there and meet people which you said you were already doing, so at this point its really just a waiting game until you meet the right person at the right time
humblebragging to unemployed people is not very nice
I'm not saying I'm not getting laid. I'm saying the girls only want me for my money.
Sorry. I'm about to just become a monk in the mountains.
>>Buy a used Porsche
Stop trying to flash money for girls otherwise that's all they will use for you fucking retard.
If you want to find a woman who doesn't want you for your money, the answer is simple; don't have any money (or at least pretend not to).
Pic related.
I usually try to give women the benefit of the doubt and not try to fall in that fedora mgtow trap....but fuckkkkkk that bitch. What an entitled piece of shit
I betcha all the reddit whiteknight faggots on that post were all supportive of her too
No idea, haven't read the comments. I will tell you that going out looking for a waifu is going to land you a gold digger. You need hobbies and shit to do for fun, then you can meet someone who's independent and shares your ambitions. That's the best way to meet a mate.
Either that or use match.com and only go out with women who are independently motivated.
>All the girls only want my money
>Implying you're able to see women as anything else but talkative walking vaginas
Alefantis went overboard with the pizza roleplaying so much that he got himself a pizzeria.
absolute madman
8/10 thank you
what did u expect retard?
i assume your a ugly nerdy fuck and you have to know that no girl likes you for how u look
accept it and move on, protect your company/money and deal with a life knowing that no girl likes u as they like chad
>All the girls only want my money
>implying he's not right
>Implying you're able to see women as anything else but talkative walking vaginas
>implying they aren't
wait a minute, are you a woman?!
>fuckkkkkk that bitch
Why? Because she didn't want to date a loser who couldn't support a family? That guy clearly had a chip on his shoulder and acted like a fucking retard. He's a manchild fedora tipper just like yourself.
How old are you user? also could I have a free Pizza if I give you some real advice/criticism on what your currently doing?
Thats basic woman biology, if you dislike the deception of it just hire a hooker.
>all the women I meet just want me for my money
So? Just get a vasectomy so you don't have to worry about consequences of your actions and fuck them. They will think they are using you for money but in reality you are using them.
Took me a full education and some dead end jobs just to have my future (now) wife just sit across from me in a train, smiling.
And boy, did I look like shit (overweight, no suit, no hairstyle, just plain).
>buys porsche
>complains people only see your money and not personality
Just keep it nice and frugal-like. Wear sneakers and jeans and drive a fucking Fiat Punto for all I care, just don't show people you have money - IT CHANGES THEIR PERCEPTION OF YOU AND USUALLY IT'S FOR WORSE. THIS INCLUDES FRIENDS AND FAMILY SADLY.
I'm the cunt who comes on every single one of these threads to say the same thing every time:
>You can't make your own fortune if you can't get laid
Considering the fact that you got a head start from "daddy" it's apparent that you've failed to achieve either.
Love doesn't exist. Women invented it so you would feel sorry for them. Women are masters at appearing to be helpless.
>A loser who couldn't support a family
That was her assumption. She was the one who acted like she was too good for him and it blew up in her face. Again....fucckkkkkkk her.
You can borrow my wife, OP.
Do you feel that it would be preferable to aim for a financially illiterate girl who doesn't have any interest in how much money you earn? Would you prefer a woman who believes that true love trumps absolutely everything else, and who doesn't see the lack of money as a problem worth considering?
Sounds like the woman in the screencap felt that their relationship was stagnant, and she wished to move together and have kids. But the guy didn't express interest in such things and didn't really want to talk about what he wanted out of their relationship, anyway.
She may have had shallow and selfish interests in her mind, but consider the other alternative. Let's imagine the guy actually was as poor as he appeared to be, and didn't secretly have access to massive loads of money. The woman still wished to get married and have a baby. So what should she have done in your opinion? Stay with the guy, even though they didn't have mutual goals and he hadn't expressed interest or ability to support a family? Also, what if the guy did share her dream and agreed to pursue it? If they bought a house and had a baby despite their poor financial situation, would you have approved of their decision? It would've been made in the spirit of true love, but it would hold pretty big risks for the future of their family.
>I want true love though.
>Porsche = Women
>I want true love though.
you're on the wrong board.
most of us are so fixated on acquiring wealth that woman don't even cross our minds most the time.
>The replies are even worse than the OP
Top kek role playing fag.
You are the cancer
He doesnt make dick shaped pizzas and report back...
My wife worked 2 jobs while i was laid up hurt.
Buying her a house right now for it
Topkek. U paint that?
Nah, delet sys 32
He doesnt use axe body spray half a can at a time
I got more pussy when I was poor as shit doing my own thing. Could barely afford rent and couldn't afford to eat shit. Had a rotation of 4-5 HOT fucking girls I'd fuck regularly.
Now I've got a job and do pretty well for myself financially. Still do all right with girls but nothing like it was then, even though I think my looks have improved considerably.
Fucking girls has little to do with money/status if you have the right attitude. I'm sure it helps people who don't lack natural game though.
Top fucking kek.
Grew up poor digging holes like an autist.
At 31 worked myself into a greying cripple. Broken and tired i discovered how to invest for money.
Have money.
Gonna buy a backhoe and make a dick shaped bunker because yolo.
After pics and shitposting about it here will head over to /diy to vistit with bunkerbro about our bunkers.
Make shaft off of shaft to house, make shaft the other way and dig until i die.
Shitcoiner pump and dump ETH scam ran by the mods.
We see you shitlord
Use money to buy a hoe. Dig dick shaoed bunkers with me. LETS START A CLUB