
Using meme magic to pull gains from the space between spaces within the universe.

No scam fee like fairpumps to join.

Coins chosen by polls and random number generators. (top ten voted coins, one chosen by random for pump)

Only meme magic practitioners need apply.

Other urls found in this thread:

L o fucking l

Hmmmmmm yea i never did fairpumps cause they asked for joining fee. Ill try dis

Pepe pls bring me gains

Keke be with us

Why does the website look so shit?


because we dont care about "selling" the website to scam people.

Its just a lunch point for new people to join.


launch* or lunch...





I'm surprised a community PnD hub like this hasn't already been established

it looks like from the date on the wordpress site that this just launched today?


Yes we are new. We aim to give back the power of the pump to the people.

No more will mega whales decide the markets.

Lets do this

Meme magic boys

because no one with enough money would join one of these with a bunch of random unvetted people. proper groups have minimums of six figures at least for small to medium sized coins. youre going to either do nothing or get steamrolled.

you aren't invited anyway, only posi vibes allowed

meme magic decided the presidency, you think shit coins are beyond our reach?

It's worse, a pump group goes for 5 BTC and people pump with "10BTC"

I honestly dont have an argument against that. Fuck.



cool numbers

U actually have gotten alot of people. Im surprised2

Ahahaha look at the background character thinking he's the hero.

Wait. So the tards on your server pitch coins and then you choose it, with a rng, and announce the choice (after you've bought it yourself)?

How is that supposed to be fair.

I plan to post the screenshot of the RNG before buying anything.

besides someone has to buy it first. And im not asking for any mandatory donations to do this, so if you want to go pay for website hosting and manage the site/discord while working a full time job and potentially be the first to buy the coin be my guest :)

But like i said, I plan to post the screenshot first, but its not like any proof would convince someone like you. If I were in this to screw other people over. I would just pick the coin myself and not allow voting, and I would also charge to be in the group.

Hea paying for all the webhosting and sjit himself, not charging like fair(scam)pumps and he is also allowing us to vote. Honestly not sure what mirw you want, dont even care if he did buy the coin first, he set this all up afterall. Talked to him a bit in the discord and seems to be a cool chap anyway. Dont see anyone else setting up something like this for people to use for free with their own pocket money...

>post the screenshot of the RNG before buying
Lmao. I'm sure you can convince some Veeky Forumsraelites to join so have fun I guess.

There's nothing to set up, you could probably find a shit host for free, even if not it's dirt cheap. There are no other costs for him.
Fairpumps *was* actually fair, at the very least more fair than this.

Door, ass, way out

>Fairpumps *was* actually fair

Fairpumps literally had you send then your bitcoin so they could use it for the pump.

No fucking thanks. Ill stick with the kek god . And I honestly can't think of a more Fair way for Op to do this then to let us all remote into his computer and control him picking the coin randomly.


>And I honestly can't think of a more Fair way for Op to do this then to let us all remote into his computer and control him picking the coin randomly.

Are you a fucking retard? How about not having a person pick a coin.
If only there source of unpredictable data that everyone could verify and a single person could not control. Oh wait! There is something the fulfills that role. It's called Bitcoin nigger.

Let me spell it out for you.
>Everyone agrees on a specific list of coins
>Everyone agrees that block 1000 will determine what coin we pump
>When block 1000 is mined, the block hash is used to select a coin from the list
>The block hash is unpredictable. Miners can not pick the hash. They can only choose not to broadcast the block or wait to broadcast it. They won't do this because that would mean that they would lose the block reward of 12.5 BTC. (which is less than you fags will make from 1 pump)


Says the creepy guy posting creepy picture who is just hear to be le reddit contrarian guy.

Go fuck off elsewhere, literally no one wants you.

Looks like fairpumps is mad they cant charge people anymore lol

Yea i honestly see what youre saying.

But the guy paid for the site himself, hasnt asked anyone for anything. And seems like a generally cool dude who really wants a democratic style pump. So take it or leave it. Most people are just joining and having fun in chat.

And yea i suppose he could dump on us, but honestly, why go through all the troubme of the website and pepe memes and posting the gigantic coin poll to vote on when he coumd just do a madman style scam and skip all the trouble lol. Honestly the website and the poll and all that would not be needed.

first pump is in two days, any stragglers best hurry in


Praise kek may he guide us

My questions are;

What exchange will the pumps be held on?

How much notice will we have before pumps?


hasn't already been established??????


Talked to guy earlier, he said he would post poll results and random pick from top ten sometime in the evening of thursday eastern time.hes kinda working out logistics still so everyone can get fair notice, this is all pretty new..

Thanks that suits me. I will just monitor the discord and keep an eye on the ttimezone.

Yeah I'm new to this as well, but I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it.

Lets say someone had $100 and participated in a pump and dump. How much conceivably could they profit? 10x? 100x? 1000x?

honestly it looks like you should probably research trading as a whole before participating.

I meant I'm new to organized PnD OP, not trading.

I also meant, based on past PnDs what is the conceivable profit.

I researched Trumpcoin, and now I have a figure. I look forward to taking part.

Anybody talking on discord or is it inactive? Never been able to hear sound in discord, whether browser or desktop app. Tried the "reset voice settings" trick. Windows 7.

Inactive atm. I have it open in the background.

>paying for all the webhosting
>literally $10 a year
>Free Wordpress theme
>Using Wordpress

Well, big shit he's wasting for us, uh?

its off an on, currently its pretty active. its been around for 2 days.

it was actually 30 bucks total. checkmate. and feel free to go literally anywhere else.

We did it boys!

Lol just saw a guy copy pepepumps but call it coinpumps and hes going full scam trying to get people to pay to join.

Lmfao. Pepepumps all the way

Yea fuck that shit, pepepumps is the only legit one that doesnt jew you into paying to join.




has it been decided whats pumping?

It will be decided approx 7pm EST tomorrow

Glad to see someone is reading the pinned messages :)

I cant be around all day due to wageslaving.

>tfw i could have just scam charged everyone entrance and quit my wageslave job

eh maybe next life !

lmao fuck this meme shit

we do actual research on there, and no we don't want your money, just collaborate your findings and learn how to trade properly.

sounds good, wish you luck. after that post who wouldnt take you seriously.

Been to that telegram, like 3 ppl asking me for my coin count and which exchanges i keep them on..

Do not recommend, faggot scammer bitch

for anyone thinking about joining this, it's a scam

yes, indeed it is.

Im hording all of the 0 (ZERO) btc ive collected from everyone.

sorry fairpumps, your day is done.

Yea no,youve obviously never even been to the chat the guy doesn't even let people post the amounts of coins they have or what exchange because he is afraid of anyone getting hurt somehow financially or scammed he is a legitimately stand-up guy so go fuck yourself you're probably just one of the many sites out there charging people money to do the same exact thing OP is doing for free

Fairpumps business meeting just ended looks like. Top priority, figure out how to keep charging people for nothing.

The onky bad thing i can think about pepepumps is that he may not have enough volume from people for pumps. Other than that its pretty neat so far.

OP has a sidekick (yung-something) that asks everyone how much they have and where, and calls them cucks and nocoiners if they don't give him the information.



He hasn't asked me and I've been in there for two days you FUDDING faggot.

yung has only come in today, and he hasn't said a word except to you, cos you were trying to push people into pumps and he asked you not to do it.

keep trying fairpumps !

thanks for the bumps!

to add onto this, they only let you talk about "approved" coins there

dont know what fair pumps is

would like to find a chatroom that doenst have someone "in charge" where its just talking about coins

>He hasn't asked me and I've been in there for two days you FUDDING faggot.
He probably is you, why else would you be so defensive about shady practices.

>yung has only come in today, and he hasn't said a word except to you, cos you were trying to push people into pumps and he asked you not to do it.
A tall fiction which strengthens the above suspicion. I was on yesterday for 5 minutes. I posted nothing but saw your boys try to extract the mentioned information and harassing the ones who would rather keep it private.

there about about 5 different conversations going on about coins which i have never even heard of.

you know most of the people reading this thread are in the discord and know everything youre saying is bullshit right?

this guy doesn't collect directly from people, but he does get the opportunity to buy the coins before sharing which one will be the "official" one for the chatroom with everyone else

fucking scam lol look how hard he's trying to defend himself here, constantly refreshing, accusing people telling the truth of being part of a competing scam

Are you the guy who had to get removed because he sperged out too hard about a rule that doesn't exist

The only guy to actually get kicked in however long the room has been up for

i think i figured out who you are..

youre the guy i banned for asking everyone how much money they had and where.

sigh. i knew that a free version of something people make money from would get some friction, but wow lol

he is the only person i have EVER used mod powers on. yes.

i will let anything slide but someone clearly trying to get financial info from newbies.

bump bump bump.

Approved coins?
We are self policing, that's all, when dickheads come in trying to cause shit, and get people to hand over cash to join groups, we put a stop to it.

I'm neruneruneru actually - defensive? You are picking on a guy for asking you not to do something that is clearly against the rules.
I'll tell you here what I would say in there, you are not welcome, we are a friendly group, but some people take the piss and are better off out.
Sorry you are losing precious scam money.

>Faggot trying to damage control

This guy will scam you. He has 4 or 5 butt buddies.

Go die faggot. Your scams will work no more, kek is on our side

Again with the fantasies. Before I only had suspicions, now I know you're up to no good. I haven't talked to any of you, I just watched your chat and made a reasonable risk assessment based on what I saw. It should serve as a huge red flag to others when this apparently is a critical danger to you and you melt down over it.

>You are picking on a guy for asking you not to do something that is clearly against the rules.
If we're going with fictions -- you're a convicted child molester. Check mate.

OP is so brave to offer this great service for free.

Sure OP gets to buy the chatroom's "official" coin before telling everyone else, and then can sell, but he would never do such a thing--join the chatroom guys!!!! anyone hating is a scammer or competing scam service!! join this great chatroom, you will be rich guaranteed! not a scam!

I have been in discord since day one and the only thing I have ever seen the owner of the Discord is ban some guy for trying to scam somebody that's it.

well i hope youre right about the being rich thing, cause right now im at a net loss for this venture...

Discord saves all the chat logs, yes? Then look at the user whose name starts with "yung" try to extract coin amount info from everyone.

You can claim he has nothing to do with the owner, but then why is the owner and 2 of his friends freaking out when I mention it? Look at the poison and conspiracy theories they're spewing above. All because I warned Veeky Forums about an objective factual event that can be verified in the chat log.

What a fucking autist.

Critical danger? Why? There at 50+ people in the discord..they can clearly see whats going on, anybody can join and see for themselves.

The worst you are doing is causing people to be curious and go look, bumping a thread that would on page 5 if you weren't bumping it, nobody speaks on here.

You are butthurt thats all.

Here's a fact, if what you saw in our chat caused you to "make a reasonable risk assessment", Why is it that suddenly our of nowhere, Various people with different IDs have suddenly come into our thread and starting chatting shit against Pepe? That causes me to raise an eyebrow.

i would just let him do his thing man. he clearly is an owner of one of the pay sites.

this whole "free to join" thing doesnt sit well with them.

tl;dr if OP was on the up and up there's a 0% chance he would freak out about my report, he would rather want to verify it and boot out the user giving him a shady reputation.

Tl:dr you fail at slander, fairpumps

this thread and group is getting attacked by shills from a paid pump group, ignore paid shills

this is /pol/ and shareblue all over again

P much,they are pissed pepepumps is free to join

You're still freaking out and inventing conspiracy theories like some fucking bananas backwoods cult. I'm not a former member. I'm not a member of fairpumps. I didn't get banned. I joined, saw this shady dude extract coin amount info, and left.

tl;dr the last ~20 posts: if OP is on the up and up there's a 0% chance he would react like this and bring his e-thugs instead of verifying the report and booting out the user giving him a shady reputation.

Sorry fairpumps no more jew sheckles from your (((joining fees)))

Note that OP and his friends haven't asked time frame or any information to handle the reported event itself.

The just attack and spam conspiracy theories instead.

Really makes ya think.

>. I didn't get banned. I joined, saw this shady dude extract coin amount info, and left.

Ive been in the discord for 20 hors straight and yes,you did get banned for your failed scam attempt. And b. That was

ok ill entertain this once and for all, lets start here.

what "report event" are you talking about.?