League of Legends General - /lolg/

LATE SPOOK edition



Post lewd

xth for my wife Syndra

Best couple!


How the fuck do I play katarina and not feed against literally anything with point and click cc?

I just got off of ban, so an aroused yet embarrassed Trist is all you are getting.

The healthiest bovine in all of Runeterra

Hopes and dreams for the irelia rework?

Worst fears for her rework?

how much BE do you have? Urfwick and 3 gemstones alone will cost over 300k BE and there's going to be even more stuff in the store

>reroll 3 shit skins
>get Masquerade Eve

This skin is too distracting in game

4 champs
5 tags
1 doujin

>Manly edition loses to another waifu edition.

Truly the darkest timeline.

It was supposed to be Poro Pal, not Pool Party (nice as that would be). I'm in the mood for Winter/regional (relative to the character) skins.

>lock in Caitlyn in normals
>My friends tell me I'm trolling and I should pick a real carry that I can with with
>Tell them that in soloq I have a very good KDA and winrate and I climbed with her even after they nerfed her and I won't fuck up this time
>They take my farm and kills saying I'd just feed anyway
>Taliah wall me off and tahm kench eat me constantly
>We lose
>They tell me not to play caitlyn again
I should just face it. My Caitlyn is washed up and I'm too retarded to play her unless she's broken.

Buff Caitlyn

i cant focus with shadow evelynn midriff and toned figure,too much boner fuel

xth for breast metal waifu

Am I right in thinking Yasuo is complete garbage unless you've got at least two champs in your team that are able to knock enemies into airborne? By the time you're able to get your shitty tornado up in team fights in order to use your ult you're already dead.


>its another 'we are gonna hit 250 images before 750 posts thread'


>Every champion's base attack speed (ASbase) is calculated using a hidden variable called attack delay,[1] which ranges from −0.10 to 0.3. (ASbase) is the total number shown at level 1 without runes, masteries, etc.

this fucks with me, especially on urgot since he has one of the highest attack delays in the game



The only point and click cc in mid lane I can think of is ryze. And you can still kill him when he roots you thanks to daggers.

I hope she gets some version of Fiora's old omnislash.

>Pick Singed
>Put on Killer 7 soundtrack
>Make the enemy Lee afk after 8 minutes

This champ is pretty nice.

I want to brand her!

You're wrong because he's a pretty good duelist and splitpusher so he can do that too

Stop engaging or frontlining into 5 dudes

Just pretend you're kiting on a melee champ with your q's

malzahar khazix velkoz lux
rape mindbreak oviposition alien birth

xth for my gf(male) Swift!

We're about to hit preseason

What do you have to lose

> true damage on w becomes passive/always on
> w gets a new flashy component added that scales with some stat like armor, mr or hp
> becomes unkillable once past early game

If you ban a champion a teammate is hovering, it's your fault you'll lose when they troll you out of spite. A shitter that's trying to win is shit, but it's still better than a shitter that's deliberately trying to lose.

good timing

I don't play Warwick and I don't save gemstones. I've got a little over 400k.

I'm aiming for the ward skins and then just chromas. The only actual skin is urfwick right?

if you have queue anxiety anywhere below top challenger when you're trying to hit rank 1 you are legitimately retarded and should gas yourself for being a waste of oxygen d


Swift is an ugly serb

I don't ban hovers when I want to have a winning game

sona has the BIGGEST damage

Would you bring in a bull to keep her pregnant or do the deed yourself?

got masquarade eve on box, gonna reroll it

bets ?

I feel the same way but you should try to avoid letting losses that are out of your control tilt you, just move on from them as quickly as possible because dwelling on them won't help you.

This either happens in really low elo or really high elo

You should be good if you're plat-masters unless you're on some troll server

don't say that, he's a qt and I love him!

No one cares that you spammed q all game. Dumb healslut

>I've got a little over 400k.

I think urfwick is the only skin unless riot pops a surprise skin in the store when the preseason starts

>has 10 orange essence
>rerolls skins anyway

>with with

Vi Nami MF Camille

Hardcore water inflation BE Femdom anal

ufo corki, any of the season 1/beta skins

As a high-elo (silver) player I encounter this a lot.


Sona, Janna, Raka, Quinn

Pretty dresses, Éclairs, Tea Party, Platonic Friendship, Alternate Costumes

>hovering at all

I never do this but then I again I don't pick any champs with a high ban rate

A bull of course

>tfw I need to buy annie sivir and ashe because they're going to ruin my reroll gains

I never wanted to own those sluts but now riot leaves me no choice

>all the new black alistar shitters
>all the new king rammus shitters
>all the new corki shitters
you know id still take that over the current state of riot's shitpile

>why do i want oe anyway ?

also this

second best skin imo, i needed one for her


>Dont hover a champion
>Ally bans it from you

You know that sounds dangerous

no way

I've been buying champ shards and dusting whatever I get in them but the cheapest ones aren't worth dusting, if I end up getting a 450 ip champ from rerolling that's an even bigger loss.

eu vgs, looking for people

>tfw Urgot against Yasuo
I hope you like anal, kid

>watch you be an urgot fotm and lose to a yasuo


handholding,consensual,mating press,purification,happy end

>play urgot after a long break and go mid
>get butchered by a talon doing talon things to me
>I'm like 1/4/1 by picking up a few scraps from fights in river
>enemy yasuo (top) walks up to midlane for some reason while talon is roaming
>dashes into me
>chop him into hamburger without even ulting

we need a bit more people please

>tfw i live in times where urgot is not a trollpick

>have autism
>pick singed
>be autistic

ywn play roa + tear signed ever again


Azir, Evelynn, Ahri, Xayah

failed_corruption, purification, foursome,
mastery position, holy_sex

riot seems to want to nerf him but not completely gut him so I think he'll be strong for a long time

so far they only want to reduce the slow on his Q at early levels

it's Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums on EUW
password is vidya

Hamburger meat isn't chop, it's fucking minced. Swear to god, the fucking inbred retards on this board

>tfw you can tell who's an urgot main and who is an urgot """"""""""""""""main"""""""""""""""""

found the yasuo main


is TF jungle legit? I need to know if I should dodge this match

>sion jgl decides to gank when im under my turret
>steals my cs with his big ass balanced Q
>feeds enemy zed
>gg report mid lane didnt back me up
>build crit malzahar
>enjoy rest of the game

based retard

>when you can tell a bard main from a bard """""""main"""""""

its great

>not chopping your own hamburger meat, with your trusty machete, in your backyard from various scraps of meat found in your louisianan swamp, then compacting it into a patty

Uh... user?

>tfw I live in times where Kassadin is not permabanned 24/7
How things have changed.

Sona, MF, Soraka, Alistar

human_cattle, lactation, nakadashi, tail_plug, pillory

Goats can be milked too

>Eve, Shyv, Irelia, Kat
excellent taste user

Post cute rakas

>brainlets that think they're smart for maining bard
lmao @ ur life

three slots currently remain

>play game
>i'm top
>i've made it my goal to keep the enemy jungler top
>i'm basically just power housing these two
>enemy botlane comes top
>I get a five man gank
>I think
>"eh, I'm 11/1 what's the-
>my bot is already a combined 1/20

B-better luck next time.

maybe some people play urgot every now and then but don't main him?

>Didn't bait the dodge or dodge yourself

can't cure stupid

as a bard main i can spot any bard and put them on a skill scale

I'm always confused when I see my team losing when the enemy jungler is camping top.

I am the bull

>autofilled to top
>instantly dodge

Absolutely most boring shitty role in the game. If you enjoy playing top you have actual autism.

most top laners (excluding renekton) dont like top lane to begin with

I love Camille

Do you even DJ, bro?

It's a shame because I love a lot of the characters that are usually played at top, but the lane itself is just so boring.

>Play Camille
>Play Darius
>Have fun in top lane now

>play irelia
>cant jungle
>cant mid
>top is a 'play like a bitch until you get trinity force' game
