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How do I get desperate losers to pay sub for me?

Either make people think you're dying or a whore for long enough.

No, but I am paying a fee for Legion aren't I? But I'd rather pay for vanilla if it was availible.

affliction or demonology or destruction? I need to pick one to focus my AP on. I like them all.

My only lego is the master harvester chest.

be a girl like vjera

Destro is the less boring and channel demonfire is sexy

Demo is overall shit and theres no powercreeping either

Affli is boring but better on paper, also better for PvP
Destro is a little less boring but its RNG and howitzer gameplay makes it way worse (imho) in both raids and RBGs

>all those filters because some faggot redditor is salty bout our boy P*z*ad*o
>he will later announce something like "half of the posts filtered good start"

demo is not very fun outside of of gimmicky honor talents
I'd say afflic or demo, both are competitive raiding and M+ specs and afflic is great at high end pvp and destro is great at more casual pvp levels
they're not as fun as cata/mop lock, but they're still pretty fun in their current forms

holy SHIT folks!

pls respond

hon hon hon baguette baguette

Oh Pezado don't change


holy shit I didn't think you could read

read this if youre gay


Sylvanas' Ice Cold Pusy

* ruins you're blizzcon q&a *

>want to ambush some horde nigger
>everyone is some 5mil hp bull these days

i'd do her tho

i'd do a mailbox too if it smiled at me so yeah thats not much of a feedback

wowg guild Argent Dawn EU /w anyone for an invite :3

She is literally human perfection. I'd even go as fart as to say she's literally elf perfection because she almost looks like one.

>be me
>be rogue
>have the legendary cloak
>os everything

do you guys raid? I'm desperate

>Everyone's talking about WoW and I'm here thinking about the possibility of a Warcraft 3 remake on the SC2 engine or even Warcraft 4...

>cross posting
heirloom gear binds to your account, right? so I could start off on another server with my heirloom gear?

I wanna move to erp servers for draenei daddies.

>have shitty gear
>people from the other faction attack me all the time and pursue me into fucking Alaska if they need to
>get better gear
>suddenly no one attacks me anymore and run if I initiate PvP

I'm not even a tank I'm a fucking balance druid what a bunch of fucking niggers, another reason to shit on my friend for wanting to roll on a PvP server

Can't tell if this is a guy or not

Who is she bros?

We do but only once a week, and so far it's on saturdays.
We put up a post here and a premade group when we do it, so you don't have to reroll/transfer if raiding is the only thing you want.

>cloak + shoulder

it was fun for a while but it's just so retarded it got boring real fast

looking for more for heroic meme progression, RBGs, and RP events on ED. Just spam we eat ass in tradechat until you get an invite

>heirloom gear binds to your account, right?


Do people really think the subrace stuff is bullshit? You can load Lightforged Draenei onto a sandbox and choose their new options IN CHARACTER CREATION.

>been playing since the start of Legion but I still don't have all legos for 1 spec
I fucking hate this expansion.

around what hour?

I can see blizzard doing it but I don't understand how can anyone be excited for some fucking recolors.

>tfw the wow audiobook had its music stolen from NGE

Blizzcon tomorrow, place yer bets on what the expansions gonna be

Current money is on old gods/south seas

I wish faceless ones were a playable race. I want to have non-consensual ERP as a tentacle monster

Space apes on the moon.

underwater zones + nagas

kangs of azeroth

How do I get Tyrande gf?

World of Warcraft: Can /v/ just PLEASE fuck off?

That's exactly how you'll all feel tomorrow.

>heroics are pointless and everything 1shot
>low level dungeons are boring because tank pulls together everything and 1 shot
fuck this game

i wanna stand in front of trash and talk about CCing and not fucking hold a contest of who is going to reach the endboss faster

JUST dinged 110 on my first toon after a multiple year break. I'm fine with grinding honor/dungeons/rep/gear/etc. My number one priority right now is a sexy ass mog for my stealthslut. Anyone have resources/sets in mind? I'd really appreciate it.

Blizzard thinks everyone who plays this game is a braindead retard so it'll never happen.

Do Mythic+ or join a hardcore raiding guild?

Questing and low level dungeons are so easy and boring I don't even think they qualify as content.

It will be about STRONK WOMYN who NEED NO MAN


How long until they introduce the sassy black woman?


3 way catfight between Jaina, Sylvanas, and Azshara

>24 and 3 minutes hours until expansion reveal

after playing alliance at 110 I believe dumb ass high elves will be added to the game now to bait faction changes and give them more numbers + blizzard more $$$$$


high elves are blood elves with different eye color

isn't that the other way around?

Where's the leaks?

>Moon Ape is most likely Overwatch hero

>Moon seems to be the key link between the Sylvanas ad just released and the leaked Blizzcon stuff


Moon expansion.

you should have out crusade in discord spot and avenging wrath in vent was for top memes.

G'day lads.

>darkmoon faire
>literally old god eye in the middle
>4 old gods of wich the 5th is missing and living on the moon

>darkmoon faire
>moon faire

son of a BITCH


go back to jerking off to traps while we talk about the game

>elune is a light old god

>ywn send the orcs back to camps

>when the slut mogged BE warrior is tartgeting me

God I'm torn. I have enough gold to get the Virtual Ticket, but part of me is just loathe to spend $40 on that. However, I do love the Alliance mount. Ahhhhhh what to do

I wish I could use loot-a-rangs but Engineering seems like such a shitty profession.

So I'm guessing they're reintroducing the old world bosses dragons of nightmare/azuregos/kazzak for the 13th anniversary? This shit was datamined for 7.2.5 and never happened so I'm pretty sure.
Also blue post confirms they're bringing back "old foes" Azeroth.

if you can't kite Azuregos to Org the event sucks ass


>fun in wow
never going to happen

I had to carry a friend thru mythics for it, lel.

Sylvanas' Ice Cold Pussy

Or we could kite him to Vael's room.

Why do they keep changing Sylvanas' face?

In one cutscene it'll be really cute and feminine, in another it'll be really ugly and manly looking.

And of course her statue finally gets announced and they go with the ugly man face version.

What the fuck is going on with Blizzard's art team?

What class should I roll to dominate in random bgs?

For reference, here's her statue/figure.

elves best girls. nelves best elves. tyrande best nelf

That's sexist you shitlord.

>wrong filename
you're not the real deal

for the same reason we're not blessed by her midriff anymore.
because of their shitty american pc culture

Modern game devs are all cucks.

The usual braindead classes: warrior, druid, rogue.



Where is all this moon ape talk coming from?

Free Space fixed edition Package from 2016 only works on kills Package from 2017 that works on all rep/experience, time to grind rep

Good day, fellow patrician.

Troll dungeons and raids are always the best though so I hope we get more.

Just get it, you will be able to farm more gold anytime, the mounts will go away soon. Just pretend that is the price in gold for 2 mounts instead of 40 bucks