Final Fantasy General DCCIX - /ffg/

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Threadly reminder that Marche Radiuju did nothing wrong

Injectors deserved to be banned

Is it a good idea to refresh for absolutely every renewal reward? I have max stamina but still quite a bit of the elite dungeons to clear out, and all those crystals, orbs, accessories are too tempting. I'm at 372 mythril right now with a couple refreshes already done.

I can't wait to see how strong 7* Cloud's Omnislash is.

Threadly reminder that injectors did nothing wrong.

Injectors are getting fucked in the butt

It's looking like most of them will be able to get unbanned if they pester gumi enough. Based on what I've seen so far, anyway.

Depends on how desperate are you for crystals and elemental accessories

>30x multiplier with 2500+ ATK

So I guess I'll need to farm all the 5* bases I have right now so that their TMRs don't go to waste when fusing them for 7*s and STMRs.
The good thing about playing on GL is that you have months in advance to prepare.

FFT is a kusoge

What game should I play next? I'll decide by the end of the thread.
>Vagrant Story

It's already a 21x multiplier, you can expect the 7* version to be above 40x.

Explorers sucks, Type-0 is meh. Vagrant Story is great but not for everyone.
I'd say Vagrant Story but FFT is a safer pick.

We'll be back

Shh, the light warriors are sleeping!

7*s have not doubled in potency on average. Dark Veritas only went from 520% to 720%.

This is Seifer.

Luneth and Orlandu more than tripled, and DV went from 390% to 800%. Not really sure what the hell you're looking at, we're talking about LBs here.

This is spoiler



I don't know about Luneth, but Orlandeau and DV aren't used for their LBs. They're still used as chainers, though Orlandeau now has a 1500% finisher (Perfect Ultima Sword) for some reason.

I think they're trying to remove roles and make units do both potentially.


Who cares what they're used for? The only relevant fact here is that LB multipliers have spiked immensely.
Tidus IS used for his LB and his went from 410% to 1200%.

I dont know who any of those people are

for you

Front person, with the exception of the horn things, reminds me of Lunarians from Turn A gundam.

Those changes are misleading since their original LBs were absolute garbage. Luneth's LB was about half as strong as ONE enhanced Cut Through and since it's an LB it doesn't proc with DW, no fucking shit they're going to massively buff it to make it usable. Same with Orlandu where his LB was weaker than a regular unenhanced Divine Ruination. Cloud is an LB-centric unit that already had an insanely high multiplier, no way is the buff going to be nearly as extreme. They might give him high tide so he can spam it more, but 40x is just stupid.

Anyone would need some rest after going through the entirety of the Crystal Tower

You're missing the spirit of the matter. Those guys were made when LBs were not intended to be viable, Cloud came from a later age of character design where LBs were intended to be woven in.

Compare even Nyx's LB to Veritas of the Dark's. Units with junky LBs got super promoted, sure, but expecting units with good LBs to get the same exact treatment is wishful thinking.


They might not buff its damage at all. Squall's LB is more or less the same, it even has the same multiplier, but at 7* all that happens is that its crystal cost goes down.

Please, just let it die already. Square needs to cut their losses and move on.

You injected and got banned, YET, YOU ARE HERE, still shitposting about BE.

But Gumi's unbanning me, I just have to wait a few weeks.

>being this obsessed & salty
Those rates sure do drive a man mad. Shouldn't you be shitpositng about RK or Mobius or namedropping or something instead?

>being that assblasted about rates
anybody that wants a 5* can easily get one if they put in some effort. Just look at how everyone got 2A. Rates are good enough as is and 3% is only gonna make shit more boring

>Rates are good enough as is
The sad part is, there are people on reddit that will unironically argue this point.

>now projecting your salt
Stay in discord.

We already know the injectors
Everyone that is not on this list can be removed as a disgusting injector

Some people really are THAT autistic huh

Yeah have fun returning to a wiped account with 0 friends

fuck off with all this discord attentionwhores

Okay you are literally retarded, kill yourself born again and read the post again

deleted in shame

>on the list
>never touched discord ever

Am I just weird?

This is art by Tetsuya Nomura.

Fuck this boss. I enjoy him double hailfiring after regening MP and then draining me. Real cool.

>3 tickets still didn't give Illusionist Nichol.

Apart from his goofy mask, what's wrong with it?

>33 turns

Nothing. But something bad may happen if it was pulled off.

>33 turn with that team
LMAO uninstall you fucking shitter

Let me just pull more Summon Orbs out of my butt. Most of that time was spent farming orbs before 60% to summon Lakshmi and Titan.

He has innate frost resistance, which makes bursting him down with Fry difficult, I don't know about that guy, but I spent many turns with one Fry mana draining instead of attacking, which made it a long fight.

Never got banned for injecting, my man. I'm too good for their detectors.

When they keep Nomura away from the belts he can actually do fairly decent designs.

whats it for


Would he die?

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

>33 turns to kill the nerfed version of skelly

You fucking auto attacked him to death?

Yes, I ended up spending a fair few turns having to Osmose blade him with one, the other one FFBing so he didn't wipe me. All while waiting for him to spend a turn not regening.

Is he a CHAR?

>he thinks they're not injecting too
l o l

It might sting a little.

>70% in one chain
Wow. I wish I had that luxury. My Fryevia chains were doing about 14% so I couldn't just blow him up from thresholds or anything.

Roberto Ferrari will soon replace Nomura.

he is a large person

In your eyes.

He's a grown man.

I'm a sucker for overdesigned uniforms like that

What's your MAG?

Remove mandragoras.

What're you grinding /ffg/?

Wall, Ultra Cure/debuff blink/high mind/Infliction break, and take them out one at a time because their ultimate ram hurts.

>tm farming normally when the tool exists

I agree, I got banned, gave me an excuse to stop playing

enjoy your ban

>blonde terra


>I-I'm free, I knew what I was getting into, I swear!! I-It was all part of my master plan h-haha
>But first let me appeal my ban

Usually around 924 with the proper Espers, but I had Odin for this for Undead Killer.

You're not getting banned for it though

I can kill them just fine, but I don't have any astras and the fight is slow despite being a pushover because of the one at a time shit.

Just how many times do you "7* won't break the game" guys want to be proven wrong?

Banging out a quick assault with three shines, a pirate jake ring, and a dark robe. Once I'm done with the quick assault I'm tossing my Crowe back in and putting two luneth in since the Gauntlets are good for the GL Sakura I pulled. After Dark Robe is done I'm replacing with Glauca and then when Jake is done I'm replacing with another Jake. Crowe will be replaced with a second Crowe after that IDK.

Last set of TMRs for a while. Gotta save all my lapis for chrismas 5* pulls.

>Blonde Terra
Shit taste redditor confirmed

Blonde Terra is pretty! PRETTY!

Both of you make a good point, but I'm going to have to agree with on this one just for the sole fact that by the time Cloud has a 7*, powercreep will have progressed enough to justify some insane modifiers. I just wonder what his super TMR will be...


Yams injec-

>640% ST 9 Hit (20Fr) Magic Damage & ST 3 Turn -60% SPR
>counts as physical, so it applies dual wield, weapon element, killers
>Ashterose dagger is a dark element MAG dagger, perfect for element chaining
>gets a 50% chance counter that casts Curaga + clears one status ailment
>has Curaja, incase you still need healing after her counters and your bard
>Tornado and Quake allow her to AoE chain with many top magic units in a pinch, useful for 10 man
>AoE reraise + damage mitigation + def/spr move usable on turn 1
>AoE 180 MP heal at the cost of 50% LB, for those pesky MP drains
>sacrifice self to max summon gauge, for those pesky 'use esper' missions
>9k HP just from passives and her own TMR alone, making her a rare mage that isn't squishy

Best Type-0 girl finally gets the power she deserves.

Only problem is gonna be finding 7* Rem friends to chain with.

Eh. How does she stack up against 7* Dark Veritas or Lila?

And what did he do right?

She's trash as per usual