Alright Veeky Forums,
I bought 0.13btc, now what?
Alright Veeky Forums
If you lend me 0.01btc I can send you 0.015btc in about 10 more days. It's a pretty good investment.
What's in it for you?
If I told you my secret then someone else would do it first. There is no risk tho, it involves some local trading and I need some btc as starting capital. I would do it myself but I am cash dry at the moment and don't feel like going to a (((pawnshop)))). You will have your 50% profit within 10 days, probably more like 7.
go samefag your autistic scam elsewhere pajeet
don't trust any jewish niggers asking for loans
now that you have btc, learn how to properly secure your btc
research the possibilities of blockchain tech
read the history of bitcoin
if you want to be stupid buy alts and shill or gamble on dice/sports, or buy drugs or something
Ignore these retards bro. Lets do some business.
Buy MILO before it moons
>inb4 shitcoin
There's a secret that's on the ANN. It actually has something behind it other than a bunch of NEETs cumming their pants over it.
>trusting a fag who doesn't even have 10$
this dude claims there's no risk in giving him control of your money
it's the oldest nigger trick in the book
aye man let me just hold your money, no risk
aye mayne da pawnshop no good gimi 10$
I have lots of money, I just don't have btc
Motherfucker when you go to a safari whats the first thing they tell you? Don;t try to save the animals from getting eatin, you have to let nature take course. Whats the number one rule of money? A fool and his money is easily parted. Now do you mind telling me why the fuck you had to go scare off a sucker like that? You really got no respect for a playas game?
I made over 200$ today btw you whiteknight motherfucker
Buy syscoin while its low, wait for it to reach 1600 like it usually does. Sell.
people left the safari and helped each other build civilization
quit being such a nigger
it's against what bitcoin is, now that the community has grown trash like you try to screw with people
get fucked
woah 200$
Do you feel safe holding over 70k on Polonihax?
Nice. I don't get angry when I see successful people btw. I just try to find out how they think and what they do. Mind telling me your secrets?
I have a few hardware wallets and most of my coins in long term storage
sometimes I worry, but I like to trade
I sure as fuck wouldn't
Also to answer your question OP, convert it to ETH now or lose it all later
60 million coin presale 12 million coins to the developers
90 million coins in circulation and counting
plans to go to PoS someday
claims to be decentralized
biggest dapp DAO hacked, coin forked to rollback
feels good man
Did you really make all that money trading these coins?
I was buying when bitcoin was 20$ a coin
I used to spend them on gambling and drugs
I started holding after it shot to 1000 and crashed to like 200
i trade a little but mostly hold
>buying BTC at ATH
I lost $300 today.
>losing money on shitcoins
It's like you don't even know how it werks