Spanish civil war

What the fuck was his problem?

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He loved his country and didn't want to see it turn into a mass grave.

Una Espana libre y Grande.

He didn't finish the job.

Spanish >civil war
I think you mean Spanish revolution friendo
It was labelled as a civil war so that support of the largely communist syndacalist anarchist rebels by the western powers would be justified in the public eye.
Read Orwell's 'homage to Catalonia' he explains a lot of this there

He didn't indoctrinate the King well enough into a good absolute monarch and let him turn everything into a socialist shithole.

A fascist revolution?

so close, yet so far...

He dindu nuffin wrong. Dalí praised him as the GOAT ruler for exmple

Except every good point on that list is a result of the EEC pulling Spain out of the hole Franco made.

> Except every good point on that list is a result of Franco pulling Spain out of the hole lefites and anarchists made

>1975 Spain
>Great Power
hahaha, middle power yes, great power, no.

9th world economy


He ruined Spain. Spain could have been a leading power today.

>Save republic in 1934
>Kill republic in 1936

He just was being impartial

He was decorated by the Catholic Church


USA remained isolationist, Britain sympathized with the fascists and France was too much of a servile cuck to do anything without the back up of USA or the British Empire.

So the Republic turned to the Soviets for support, and got cucked and ripped-off savagely by them.

Republicanism, evidently.

Basically killed of the last chance of non Leninist or social democratic interpretations of socialism getting into the mainstream until the fall of the USSR.

He trusted Juan Carlos

>implying killing lefties is a prolbem
top kek

>Implying Spanish civil war anarchist were in anyway similar to modern day liberals
They even had a song about how they wouldnt let the Moors ( Francos north african army) take Madrid

Only the top 8 become great powers

A commie ain't one.

Fuck off paracuck.

>Communism fails literally everywhere it is tried
>Right-wing authoritarianism makes Spain and Portugal prosper throughout the 20th Century
>Fascism only breaks down in Germany and Italy because they lose a massive war
>People constantly want to push society left instead of right

His mistake was not getting people to notice.

Putting an end to collectivism, political assasinations and burning of churches.

You are a fucking moron


Thank god for that.Also the anarchists were ridiculously small i number and almost irrelevant for the outcome of the war

This. Had the spanish anarchists not fallen, there might be more incentive to try anarchy.

They were just violent peasants that wanted a piece of land and chimped out to become local warlords for a couple of months

There probably would be even less incentive after the clusterfuck that they would have done

I think people would have preffered this form of socialism as opposed to the bullshit that the Communists within Russia were spouting. Hell even George Orwell, as socialist, liked what he saw there, and was opposed to Stalin's rule.


Not too sure about that m8

Memeing aside, are there any good modern treatments of the period that weren't written to be polemics?

Who's to say? Orwell upon visiting there was impressed with what he saw.

But I guess we may never know.

You mean that Franco created the perfect ground for economic caciquism and service monopoly which avoided the consolidation of a competitive system and left a heavy economic burden which would difficult spanish economic modernization during the democratic transition era? I love how you guys talk shit out of your ass but you clearly don't know anything about the guy, he was just some dunce that got lucky and rode the wave of success created by Sanjurjo and Primo de Rivera.

Get gud you fucking faggot

Anarchists were one of the smallest groups inside the republican faction and they were mostly concentrated in rural areas where they built their own tiny goverments. The numbers in that video are totally off. 8M anarchists would mean that they would be the majority inside the republican side which is totally dumb

The CNT had more than a million and a half affiliates.

>Primo de Rivera
You mean the father or the son? The son did jackshit and the father's legacy was extremelly damaged after the Republic. Most of the industrial complexes in Spain where built in the 60's

Not all were anarchists. La falange originated from the CNT for example. Still 1 million would make them a minority which was the case

>The son did jackshit
Are you fucking retarded? Do you know that it was Jose Antonio who introduced real fascism in Spain and later on created Nacional Catolicismo (Falange) which was key into shaping the ideological structure of Franco's rule right?

There's a difference between economic size and great power status
Italy is the world's, nominally, 8th largest economy.
I doubt anybody would apply the moniker "Great Power" to them.
A great power needs to have influence, military, diplomatic capacities, a strong economy, international respect, and most often today nuclear weapons.
Franco's spain did not have the capacities in most of these regards to be ranked as a great power in line with the likes of the great powers of the United States, United Kingdom, France, USSR, and China, or even the intermittently added Germany and Japan.

>Do you know that it was Jose Antonio who introduced real fascism
He really wasn't. Ledesma was the brains behind Falange.
>later on created Nacional Catolicismo
Nope.Falange was national syndicalism. National Catholicism was mostly a Franquist thing
>which was key into shaping the ideological structure of Franco's rule right?
Falange became totally residual after 1943 in Franco's goverment.Monarchists and catholics were the ones that really hold positionsof power.

>Most of the industrial complexes in Spain where built in the 60's

Yeah but as I told you before only 4 cats owned these factories subsidized by the regime to loyal and key families which still control most of the private and banking economic sectors in Spain turning it into a de facto oligarchy. Franco didn't make improve Spanish economy he just shared the industrial infrastructure between key families to gain support for his rule in Spain since the national coalition after the war was heavily divided between falangists, monarchists, fascists, etc.

>Yeah but as I told you before only 4 cats owned these factories subsidized by the regime to loyal and key families which still control most of the private and banking economic sectors in Spain turning it into a de facto oligarchy. Franco didn't make improve Spanish economy he just shared the industrial infrastructure between key families to gain support for his rule in Spain since the national coalition after the war was heavily divided between falangists, monarchists, fascists, etc.
Not really.Most industries that were founded in the 60's were medium size.You are confussion the first big companies in newer sectors like Iberdrola or Iberia that were publicly owned.But that was a common thing at the time.Most middle size factories that carry Spain's economy were created in the 60's.

>Ledesma was the brains behind Falange.
What? You know that it was Jose Antonio who traveled to Italy and spoke with Mussolini and saw fascism as a way to create a new conservative identity that would encompass Spanish traditional values such as catholicism right? Ledesma and Redondo weren't even in Falange they created JONS and merge afterwards with Falange.

>Nope.Falange was national syndicalism. National Catholicism was mostly a Franquist thing

Nacional Catolicismo IS Nacional Sindicalismo they are one and the same.

«La interpretación católica de la vida es, en primer lugar, la verdadera; pero es además, históricamente la Española. ¿A qué puede conducir la exaltación de lo genuino nacional sino a encontrar las constantes católicas de nuestra misión en el mundo?»

-Primo de Rivera dixit

>What? You know that it was Jose Antonio who traveled to Italy and spoke with Mussolini and saw fascism as a way to create a new conservative identity that would encompass Spanish traditional values such as catholicism right? Ledesma and Redondo weren't even in Falange they created JONS and merge afterwards with Falange.
Ledesma wrote everything and was the main person behind Falange.Jose Antonio wrote very little compared to him
>Nacional Catolicismo IS Nacional Sindicalismo
No it is not. Him liking catholicism and catholic values doesn't mean that it is the same. He also defended Islam and that Muslims should be free to room through Spain which is anything but national catholicism.

>Ledesma wrote everything and was the main person behind Falange.Jose Antonio wrote very little compared to him.

Ledesma was the architect of the union between JONS and Falange española but he was kicked out in 35 because he was too much of a revolutionary and he linked the fascist struggle as one inherent to the proletariat. The party had become too burgeoise and that didn't sit well with him. He was more lenient to national socialism as opposed to national catholicism, there is no Falange without Primo de Rivera. The inception was his and also the symbol that he would later become for Spanish fascism.

>No it is not. Him liking catholicism and catholic values doesn't mean that it is the same. He also defended Islam and that Muslims should be free to room through Spain which is anything but national catholicism.

Have you actually read what I posted before or you cant understand spanish? He says catholicism is the core of the Spanish national identity one cannot be understood without the other so for a nationalist movement to take hold in Spain it must be inherently catholic.

About Islam, you seem to forget that most of the generals that planned the coup were destined in the Moroccan Rif and relied heavily on moroccan legionnaires and conscripts. They cozied up a lot to moroccan military elites which helped them during the Rif war and later would fight with the nationalist side during the Civil War.

>implying the anarchists would have been put down by the republican left for being edgy retards
>implying if that didnt happen the communists would have put them down for not being communists
>implying if that didnt happen the anarchist system wouldnt have collapsed due to lack of roads
Not an argument
Ad hominem
We expect a high level of discourse on this board
Wrong anarchists were fairly large and took control of one of the most important areas of Spain, Catalonia and Barcelona