Old thread: >tfw no qt hobo gf Edition
Old thread: >tfw no qt hobo gf Edition
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xth for my wife Syndra
Worse Diana since diana is pretty good before and after 6. Akali only does something to ranged champs after 6.
I recommend learning Diana because she also has really diver itemization; she can build tank, assassin, and offtank. Another even better AP assassin is Ekko, which has a really good pre-6 kill potential and is one of the best tower divers on the game due to his ultimate.
Your waifu would think it's creepy to obsess over someone you'll never meet.
I wanna cuddle Jinx and do anything to make her daily life easier and happier
This took way longer than it should have
>tfw no qt petite gf
im ready for demote
Your waifu got BURCHED by the BFC
all you fucking bronzies can go 5m
I- I can't resist the gamble. I'm going to reroll Redeemed Riven. Ahhhhh
you'll be carried by veigar if the rest of your team arent braindead.
repost for new bread
You have a 30% winrate on mordekaiser, stop playing him
Rework 1 to 2 abilities or passive of your main to make him viable in a completely different role.
>people who think high mobility characters are high skill
Just play a game you coward
Worlds start in 11 hours right ?
Malzahar voidlings no longer die in a single auto attack and don't deal reduced damage to monsters, malz voidlings apply on-hit effects.
As far as I'm aware Burch hasn't touched Lux yet
today's the music show, tomorrow is the actual finals
That's a mistake Redeemed is her only good skin
Hmm, perhaps I should make one of my champ ideas an Elf. Perhaps even the twosome concept.
crimson elite is better
only in ranked
xth for Cute Ashe
Cute White Hair Girls Edition
i dont actually want to play ranked its not fun
Champions need some way of moving around under their own control
season doesn't end for a week so decay will kick in. count how many lp you'll lose to see if you'll get kicked.
Play 1 game to preserve your rank you bitch
but that's wrong. Dawnbringer is the only real contender
>30% win rate in the only place where winrate matters
LAN master race mi amigo.
you're gonna lose your rank anyway
better be it by your own hand
im at 0 idk if its just instant kick or what
Indeed, white hair is da best
dawnbringer is ass
I disagree and I personally like it as much as one other, while putting it up there with a different one as her objectively best skins. But, yeah, it's tops.
I hope it's updated one day with a hood you can toggle to reveal that determined look of the splash or a confident smile.
Wrong. It has the potential to be, but it's held back just like Nightraven Flora. Riven's shiny booty in that skin amuses me, but it's a bit bad looking too in terms of the texture.
Would anyone like to play normals on NA? Support main here
I want to choke Jinx as I nut inside her
>every ranked match i get camped and my jungler does fuck all
i just died to fiddle in the first bush by my tower and yet nobody is gibing a shit that this is happening
>teammate rolls Yasuo in aram
>keeps dying because he wants to q poke the enemy nautilus and thresh who just cc and kill him
>he does 11 times before he says "fk naut, only ults me"
does playing yasuo damage your brain or something?
Anyone got that Futaraka mod?
sashimi akali is cute
the crab arm ruins the entire skin
your taste is shit
Krew skin for Urgot where he's a fat mobster floating around on a high-tech chair? Yes.
:^< ok thanks
How in the fuck do you counter corki?
>build armor
>abilities rip you to pieces
>build MR
>autos rip you to pieces
>Assassins in S7
Build MR dumb nig his autos are 80% magic damage.
>Forgot that worlds was tomorrow (today)
>Going to bed now and not sure if I will wake up in time
>build MR
>autos rip you to pieces
Build adaptive helm and reduce all of his spells' damage by 20% including his autos.
>tfw just rediscovered that one tumblr artists's blog that is almost exclusively filled with porn of tristana, poppy, soraka, and kindred, with the latter two usually fucking the former two with their horsecocks
UNF nice
Top-top-top tier fetsh right there my friend
The actual match is the 4th so tomorrow (tomorrow)
God damn I loved the Jak series. Made me really sad when they moved to the racing style. Those platformers are some of the best of all time
no its not
Mr and tabis?
Don't worry the world will still be there when you wake up. Unless you live in Korea, in which case you are fucked tonight.
oh thank god, I read that it was today on reddit
Talon without duskblade
>autofilled during series
Pretty sweet. There should be an option that says "I don't give a fuck how long I wait I just want my role"
I truly would not mind being in 7 minute queues. And for everyone who doesn't want long queues, then they can just not press that option.
Why are white hair girls so perfect !?
Got some sauce for that?
Post cute Rivens
matsu, im gonna be playing all night
are you gonna by up by any chance ?
i need a good suppot
please respond
I can take you to your waifu, user. You just have to tell me when Ezreal is
She really is a qt.
smelly hobo
I don't know user.
Ill tell you where he is without asking anything in return lol
I still want a Kled skin that's basically Dexter riding a Leaper Lizard or Flut Flut. If Udyr didn't have an Ultimate he could've gotten an Eco skin.
Don't even get me started on how well some champs could do with a KG bot skin or something Metalhead based.
Ah well. I'm working on writing the story that Naughty Dog believes it cannot.
Today I will remind them
When does this season end btw
5 days?
is that a thing?
Not likely, gotta wake up early tomorrow for work.
Fucking hate being a wagecuck.
The thumbnail kinda looks like she's making the no mi gusta face
Wrong kind of playing with though
>energized: [new] moving, attacking and casting spells generates stacks up to 100
Corki's broken now guys
>"You cannot know strength... Until you are broken."
Cute FEMBOY champ when?
>no demotion
The cutest! Surprise Party and Cheerleader epic skins one day - as well as a resource to do with wind that allows her to have ultra-quick movements instead of being an- whatever it is.
Jinx already exists though
sure is magic
fuck off fag
>akali top lane
>when most of everyone who goes up there is a tanky bruiser or full on tank who can outtrade you through sheer durability
Am I missing something here? Or am I just underestimating her burst and lane sustain?
>Sit on a ward
>You know there's a ward there because duskblade
>Die anyway