Asymmetrical Slasher Series General /assg/

Its already over edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

Dead thread:

This is the third asymmeric game I've played seriously and the only one whose community was so divisive and saturated with shitheads. Maybe I should go back to Depth.


>barbacue and chili
>nurse calling
Rate my p3 Doctor Build

I still don't understand how people can be so autistic as to "main".

>lol fuck it I'm going to be ironic and insult him anyway xD

I swear to the frogs that there must be a great skill check hack or something. Some games I literally lose 3 gens in the first minute, no BNP, totally rando R8-10 players I've never seen before who seem to do gens faster than R1s

That's the only way the game can end so quickly.
You as a killer allowed it to happen by playing poorly, or as a survivor the entire lot of you just threw yourselves at the killers feet.

That's the only want it happens, people played poorly. If you can't handle that, I don't know what else to tell you.

he doesn't need nurses's calling. Swap it for unnerving presence, or franklin's if your lobby is filled with flashlights. Maybe brutal strength if you find you're getting wrecked by loopers
agitation is a bit of a situational pick I find, especially on a regular speed killer like doctor. You could swap that out for something, maybe overcharge for maximum gen slowdown

What are some ways to survive against the doctor?

no mean comments or else

>high ranks
>survivors failing skill checks

>Someone gifted it to me

I honestly feel bad. Haven't played him, either.

Michael Myers only killed Stacies and Chads, besides his family that sent him to the mental hospital because his roastie sister didn't care about him and he killed her. Literally just a misunderstood autist.

Michael Myers was also catatonic and incapable of running, at least in the first two.

Loop him for ages
utilize closets well
get in his terror radius and hit madness level one while he's busy with someone else so that you won't get caught out later
prematurely throw pallets to avoid getting trapped by a shock
fuck off foxy

i want to like F13. but i just can't. i bought it on sale a few days ago and played a few matches but it's just so shit.

i always thought i'd like F13 more than dbd because i like watching streamers play it but it's the exact opposite.

>if you can't stop 4 players from gen rushing you're bad
>if you spawn on gas haven you're bad

Agitation over Unnerving Presence

they will with constant screaming and fuzzy skillchecks with tiny success ranges
even if they hit half of them, just chase them off and stomp

It's just not for everyone user. That's why the general is divided between themselves on which games they like. Don't force yourself to like something just because others do. I can't stand DBD over F13 because of how boring it feels to me. You just gotta try both and make your decision on them.

Generic looping/pallet spam works unless he's running a shock range addon (beware illusory pallets). You can hide in a locker to avoid static field and if he's the type of killer who never checks them it's a free escape. Gen placement is important because his radius is big and he probably has Unnerving Presence.

A tokened up Lullaby totem or Unnerving Presence will do that.

>every fucking game has 1 or more BNPs in it.
This game isn't hard

>Take a long break from playing and come back
>Know my hooks respawn but toolboxes still trigger my fight or flight response


>tfw I can't change my screenname on PS4 to WAAAHMBULANCE when I wanna play my botany knowledge / empathy medkit claudette for the heal other survivors daily

>play solo against myers
>He holds M2 the whole game and procs EW3 10 fucking times
Playing this game in SWF is cheating ESPECIALLY because you can bitch out your idiot teammates for allowing this

>even if they hit half of them
You must get lucky then, because I've played around a lot with the alleged "cancer" Doctor build, even running the purple Calm addon to have like 50m terror radius patrolling 3 gens, and survivors at rank 1 most certainly do not miss even close to half the skillchecks. Hell, I dropped Overcharge entirely because people rarely ever missed it.

>play survivor
>actually have fun
I'm sorry bros

You'll stop having fun when you die for the 80th time due to your teammates gargling huge loads of cocks.

>guy wants to give me the hatch
>i dont know where it is
>he starts making noise to get the killers attention
>he could have just played normally to give me more time to find it
>he did not for some reason
>he dies
>looking for it
>i hear the noise
>fuck this im running to it


i played against him. hes a bad killer
dont know if hes good at survivor

>Pallet "loop" him
>run out of pallets
Nice "balanced" killer, thank fucking christ he's getting nerfed.


it's a good time

its a nice break from the labor of killing

>play huntress on red forest
>game goes pretty average and thrice hook a meg player
>all's that's left is two fucking claudettes and a quentin
>the claudettes are insufferable by virtue of being black and difficult to see
>hook one in the basement, another gets thrice sacraficed
>another unhooks poor quentin twice while i'm right nearby and disappears
>feel bad for him
>eventually find and nail the last claudette with devour hope at level 3
>mori claudette for good measure
>now it's a hatch standoff between quentin and I, but neither of us can find it
>then I found it pretty far off, went away to go look for quentin
>find him and chase him, knock him down
>grab him
>he doesn't struggle and has accepted his fate
>go over to the hook, but the hatch hums nearby
>this man is fighting the same battle as I against shitter claudettes
>stare at the hook for a moment and then back up and drop him on the hatch
>he happily jumps for victory
feels good

>run out of pallets
fucking how? also
>needing pallets
>not just looping windows


>frogs in charge of map design

>complaining about an easy survivor map

>Any map that has low amount of nearby pallets
Not every map is Haddonfield or Autohaven Jukers.
>Loop windows
>Bloodlust kicks in
>You die
>Loop windows
>Window gets blocked because there's only 1 window in a 10 mile radius due to map generation

time to git gud user, I dont have these problems at rank 3-5

It's because I mostly play killer

You're forgetting the other survivors to help you, plus the get out of jail free perks survivors have plenty of

>Playing killer
>Every lobby has third world connections with 800 ping
>have to keep dumping lobbies because the one faggot thinks I'm going to play against him and his coconut internet

>Two megs and a jake
>I'm playing david
>I get 2 gens up solo and one with one of the megs
>they all die
>escape down hatch

I wish I started playing claudette first seems more like my playstyle.

>other survivors
I think you mean
>Other survivors to hookbomb you and then SB away while freddy whiffs your asshole

I 'main' killer because if I wanted to play survivor there's like 50 other games that let you do that.

I don't want to play killer because I have no other killer to laugh at for being worse.

>play anyway
>game ends
>laggy killer
>[Insults I can't understand]
I don't get it, they can check their ping before starting a game now.

So, after 1.8K hours I think it's safe to say the game isn't fun anymore. Especially with the nerf to Freddy who was already a easy loop target kinda put the nail in the coffin for me. High ranks aren't rewarding nor fun even as Nurse. You concentrate so much and the end result is that you're just a tryhard,Nurse crutch, noob. Even if you play fair and give everyone 2nd chances still you get BM.

And it's not just as Killer, survivor isn't fun to play while solo queued. Making SWF the only fun option, if you solo queue you're bound to rage unless you play stealthy or have someone who can waste the killers time for 5+ minutes, you're basically going for hatch every game. At least in high ranks.

All in all, I'm just taking a break and some of my friends are too. I'll probably be back once you can play a variety of killers without essentially handi-capping yourself. (And judging by the track record that'll be a while.)

>Freddy is the most anti-noob friendly killer added into the game

I fucking called it.
I love how nurse is actually on the opposite spectrum as well.

I want them to buff Myers by giving him the ability to lean. I just want to see him peek around corners.

>Cite this graph as one of the reasons you're nerfing a character
>Also note that a significant amount of low rank survivors leave the game, thus making it nearly impossible for the other survivors to win
>Don't seem to correlate these

>Load up into map
>Patrol gens THREE TIMES
>No progress on any of them
>then suddenly
>Chase blackshirt meg
>4 man escape
"Swf isn't cancer, I just like playing with my friends"

They just fucking need to add Ghostface, it would save this game. Think about it.
The two biggest problems right now are pallet looping and SWF. Here's how Ghostface breaks both of them:
Ghostface has no power and runs at a reduced speed(maybe 110% or 105%)but just like in all the movies Ghostface is two people. Similar to how survivors que up and work together, Ghostface would que up and wait for another Ghostface to join(or have a friend to play with) and it would also solve the issue of a lot of people wanting multiple killer games.
You could break pallet looping with coordinated attacks and SWF would be similarly countered by having killers that are working together as well. Not to mention it's also a highly requested ip that people would want to see in the game.
Another nice bonus for the frogs is that it would most likely increase sales somewhat. I personally have a few friends who have been interested in DbD, but don't want to buy it because they're terrified of getting bullied by survivors all game when they saw actual gameplay.

>Remember Me
>Syngerized with Dying Light and STBFL/PWYF
>nerfed so now literally nothing synergizes with Dying Light
What's the point in adding obsession perks if they're just going to be nerfed into the ground? What's the point in adding perks with "huge downsides" when there are plenty of perks that don't have downsides, and the obsession perks never have an upside worth it?

how do you even play trapper at high rank games?
you put a trap and one gen is already getting finished.

You don't. You just lose all your traps to toolboxes and see the survivors say "GG" after they 4 man escape.

>run out of pallets
Happens in 0.2% of games per dev stream. You're just bad and don't find them.

Fuck off Steam forum.

You don't be a retard and accept gens will get done while you setup your traps around 3-4 gens and herd survivors into them.

Despite what you see from trappers as a survivor, the correct way to play trapper isn't to tunnel the first person you see and trap the hook

How do you even play Myers at high rank games?
You can't grab people because you need to charge EW2 because you are slow as fuck at EW1 and you need to GO fast.

Dying Light will eventually be nerfed so hard that literally no one will use it. After all, it's a perk designed to incentivize camping.

>Trusting dev stats
Wew lad

There are people who use Dying Light?

traps take too long to set down and can be sabotaged/disarmed pretty easy, the only time they'll reliably catch people is when they're blindly trying to sprint away from you

they're best set up around three or so generators that you'll patrol for the rest of the game and even then, in tight choke points or likely escape routes

That means that in almost every match there is still at least one pallet standing. It doesn't matter if there's some shitty unsafe pallet in a corner of the map. If all the good pallets are gone, then you have run out of pallets.

Remember to protect your Dwight/Waifus from mean devs who are so incompetent that they overnerf 1 week old content!

That would probably require a lot more work than you're considering.
>playing doctor
>survivors somehow get stuck on the upper part of the generator thanks to the catwalk above it
>i can't hook one of them for BBQC because they ended up getting stuck underneath the generator after I hit them once, managed to slug them so that the game would end though

All pallets can stun the killer. All pallets block the killer's movement. Getting your rank into the teens is going to require you learning how to use the pallets that don't have a mile long pile of junk attached to them.

His power should be to call up Survivors on a VOIP and ask them a series of questions related to horror movies. If they get em wrong, they die.

I honestly don't see the fascination reddit has with this copy/pasted killer. The dude at the end turned out to be a less "evil" Michael Myers.

>DS tier 3 one day after buying it in the shrine on a non-prestige lvl 19 Meg.


>4 survivors load in at once
>3 survivors load in at once
>4 survivors load in at once
>All shaved Claudettes with blackshirts
>Consider for half a second, then remember they'll probably use darkest moonlight
>Everyone has 500 ping for no reason and won't fuck off
>3 random survivors load in with decent ping
>Pablo loads in with 400 ping and refuses to leave


Scream was a great movie and is considered a staple of the slasher genre. The premise was meta and interesting for the time it came out, was directed by the famous Wes Craven, had a unique and thematic soundtrack, and had an ending twist that hadn't been done in the genre before. Ghostface was also interesting as an antagonist because he wasn't some unstoppable force of nature like Myers or Jason and could've been any of the characters you saw throughout the movie. That alone was integral to the interesting dynamic the movie portrayed, that real life serial killers aren't just deformed monsters hiding in woods or monsters in your closet waiting to jump out, but actual humans who secretly perform atrocities upon other unsuspecting humans. It explored a previously rarely done trope that anyone could be a killer and most people wouldn't even know.
You're right in that the killer turned out to just be two lame humans, but that's what made it so scary at the time. It showed that anyone could be a killer.

>The premise was meta and interesting
can I get a quick rundown? I saw the movie when I was like 10

You don't. You learn Nurse and Billy like everyone else.



>tfw the other guy get's mad at you because you didn't wanted to run to the other corner of the map to unhook him


It'd be better than that stupid hoax people came up with where he just disguises as one character.


>Claude speed vaults a window when she's the only one alive and I'm freddy
>she's not dreaming
>Check the window where it came from
>Its the killer shack window
>The hatch is right fucking here, she found it but ran off to be a dick for whatever reason
>Find her finally and dream her
>She's sprinting toward the hatch
>Grab her out of it and hook her
>Her and her SWF groups give me shit for not just letting her have it

What kind of survivor entitlement is this?
You had the win, but you didn't take it and I'm supposed to let you have it again because reasons?
Fuck off survivors.

Do I even want to know which one you were?

I'm the survivor ofc.

It was a slasher movie about someones who got too into slasher movies and became one. A good deal of the movie is characters making fun of stupid slasher tropes, then accidentally performing the tropes themselves when Ghostface started coming at them.
A good example is when Prescott thinks it's funny how horror protags always run upstairs when getting chased by the killer instead of bolting out the front door, then in the next scene when GF is chasing her, she runs to the front door, forgot she chain locked it,
then had to run upstairs to get away.
Also the twist at the end of the movie two killers was considered something not really seen in slasher movies before, so it was praised on that as well.

>self healing
>other guy brings the killer near me
>other random guy comes to heal me next to the killer
>fucks up the skill check
>killer hooks me
>faggot unhooks me next to the killer

How are you still rank 20 with all these perks?

I forgot to mention about 5-6 minutes in I unhooked the meg who is crying and healed her to full.

I simply realized I was the only one meant to survive.

Don't forget that Barrymore gets slashed like ten minutes into the movie, completely shattering what people thought was the obvious final girl.

It's a really fun slasher. I would watch if you have time.

>Just a bunch of meg teachables
Also, people are still bad and you need to account for that

Does jump rope hinder vaulting speeds or is "actions" JUST interacting with gens and etc

Killer brainlets said this was gonna be hard, when does it stop being completely effortless 4ks?

If you want a meta movie like that watch Behind The Mask:The rise of Leslie Vernon and be sad that we will never get him as a killer.

That is the expected outcome on Huntress.

when you stop playing best girl

10-5 is when you start encountering tough groups. 5-1 is mostly tough groups.

There should be a perk that lets you know when other survivors are around so you can avoid them. Oh wait.

>our boi hillbilly being the most lethal at high ranks

top lad