Bentley Clark
Halloween is OVER. NO MORE LIZ threads
Brandon Powell
Fluffy knight
Parker Williams
Question of the thread: At what point does a monster girl become a furry?
Zachary Young
Eat shit liztard
Connor Gomez
Remind me why people jokes about Gawain? How did he achieve Meme status?
Zachary Peterson
Alexander Bennett
Wanted to see how much quartz it would take to NP5 a rate up servant. Seems affordable.
Ethan Johnson
>When an enemy survives with 3 hp and fucks up your chain
Anthony Robinson
It's a Thanksgiving thread to give thanks or Liz!
Kayden Wilson
How much have you saved for me?
Andrew Barnes
Robert Richardson
FUCKING THIS Or survives with 1HP
Bentley Jenkins
when whatever weird shit she has going on spreads to her face
Cameron Cruz
I'm going to roll for this pure nun!
Elijah Brown
>1 stheno
Xavier Nguyen
With that simulator you can't just do it once. You need to do it a bunch of times and get the averages.
Isaiah Nelson
Fluffy Gorilla
Dylan Campbell
Alexander Garcia
>is invincible while the sun is up >only a 4*
Jonathan Russell
Jace Fisher
353 quatz and 38 tickets. I never rolled the gatcha other than the tutorial. I'm all yours my mistress.
Nicholas Williams
>lost to a severely nerfed caster
Ian Price
I like monster girls!
Just not 95% of them, because I only like girls with cat ears and a tail and nothing more!
Anthony Bell
Nobu! One week!
Mason Fisher
What audience is Liz's design targeting?
Noah Gray
1040 and counting. $80 a week until you're here.
Zachary White
Henry Thompson
jack every thread until she can be adopted
Thomas Lopez
You just like kemonomimi, which is superior most of the time.
John Bailey
Fluffy Servant
Chase Brooks
When will we get the greatest Servant of all time?
Samuel Gray
Fluffy Craft Essence
Chase Thompson
Don't take all of them shishou!
James Harris
>kemonomimi But every girl with non-human traits is a monster girl, don't you know?
Easton Walker
>Blackbeards interlude drops pages
I thought I'd have to wait for the next event. Is there some place I can get two hearts real quick?
Asher Long
Huh? Where's Director-chan going?
Luis Price
holy fuck user
Asher Barnes
fluffy cow
Easton Green
>GUDAGUDA Honnoji Event begins November 8th 2-3 weeks fags BTFO!
Noah Rodriguez
James Brooks
I'm going to meme roll Scathach with a single ticket and there's nothing you can do to stop me /alter/! wonder if i'll meme roll okita too probably not
Andrew Kelly
So Altera is a monster girl now?
Jacob Green
>tfw because of the Tamamo Banner and a moment of rage I dropped all my Quartz and I am currently at 9 more orless >tfw I dont even hadcve that mucho f quartzs because fuck life AHDASHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHA SERIOUSLY WHY I HAVE NOT KILLED MYSELF to another better place than myself tyhats for surte
John Sullivan
Is Asterios a monster boy?
Lucas White
Evan Ortiz
But I need more EXP cards for Nobu, I need those two weeks
John Hernandez
I wish. I could have servants with good ascensions with a couple more weeks, but now I'll have to ascend them during the event and farm embers instead.
Ian Myers
Yes. She's an alien and has inhuman strength, so she is very obviously a monster girl now.
William Richardson
Fluffy smug
Chase Reed
Makes sense. She is a titan size being to us.
Nathaniel Walker
So what's the ETA on Scathach now
Michael Smith
He's breaking up insiiiiiide~
Robert Scott
Is Astolfo a monster girl?
Girl's don't normally have penises
Carson Gray
I need a Shuten and Ibaraki verion please.
Chase Wright
Sorry user, but Astolfo is just a boy. You're just a faggot.
Wyatt Robinson
just look up the interludes you still have the ability to do and check if there are demons there I definitely got a heart from an interlude this week but I don't remember what servant it was for
Josiah Wright
Where should I go to kill Wild Beasts and get Berserker/Assassin gems?
Nathan Baker
I am >male >old >bald >fat >work in the business world Which servants should I roll for? Money is not a problem And yes I will roll for Ishtar
Charles Wilson
I want to defile this goddess with my human seed.
Justin Robinson
Obviously. He has superhuman strength and a penis, which is a monstrous trait not found on women.
Elijah Russell
He's just that charismatic
Nathaniel Young
All the lolis.
Jack Ramirez
Soonest estimate it seems. Late november after gudaguda, or as it's drawing to its end.
Michael Walker
Post supports and what vidya you play while waiting for AP to refill.
I made the mistake of buying Dragons Dogma for the PS4.
Logan Thompson
How much does /fagorderalter/ spend on sq? Do you do massive one off purchases or buy every few days/months?
Jack Martinez
Enough for 180 rolls. How fucked am I, alter?
Andrew Diaz
Jeremiah Russell
Bentley Gonzalez
Soon as Guda ends and assuming that runs for two weeks somewhere around the 22nd. I'm betting they do that with London following the Scat rate up.
Cooper Gonzalez
Guy I think Okita is a monster girl! She has super human strength and spews blood from her mouth!
Jason Nguyen
Cooper Howard
NP5 Ishtar is the only answer.
Maybe both Jeannes too. Old bald fat men seem to love them.
Connor Robinson
Roll for Herc. Become his Danny DeVito.
Sebastian Hughes
>We will have Poop Chute for Thanksgiving
Oddly fitting
Thomas Sullivan
>Money is not a problem Get them all
Jack Scott
28 percent
Carson Richardson
>not having 990 quartz Turbofucked
Alexander Hill
>Side hair not visible
Thanks goodness for $500 tablet
Noah Watson
Are you me? >Male >Not old >bald >fat >work at a bank
Christian Jones
Pretty sure the other user who does fluffy edits did Shuten
Cooper Price
William Miller
I believe in you. All who have saved and want Scathach will get her. We must.
Brandon Gomez
I procrastinate playing video games but I've been playing SNES classic.
Eli Walker
I will only have enough quartz for a 2 10s roll. Come to me, Shishou!
Jacob Miller
F2P for life
Jason Lewis
Thanks, I'll keep my eye out for it.
Jack Hughes
That is not very good dedication to best girl, but I will still pray for your success user.