as any Western nation
Is Russia's cultural history as strong
It has a strong history sure.
most assuredly
in literature they suck ass
i mean not even Tolstoy is as good as American Negro writers like Toni Morrison or James Baldwin
this is trolling
you think tolstoy is as good as toni morrison?
monk photius is better than both yuo imbecile
I wouldn't say so. They have the great writers of the 19th century, but with almost anything else they're far bellow the UK, USA, Germany or France. Western autists like to pretend Russia is something super cool, but that's because they're the niggers of Europe and seem exotic if you haven't been liberated by them.
Russia's cultural history isn't even as strong as Iran let alone any western nation.
They also have better composers, painters(with the exception of France) and their inventions, while being less numerous, are more impactful than those of the West, especially grain harvesters, space travel, light-emitting diodes and lasers.
Try to be objective, this isn't /pol/, in case you've forgotten.
>Try to be objective, this isn't /pol/, in case you've forgotten.
I'm being serious. Iran's cultural history is extremely impressive and has thousands of years to draw from. Iranians were making cultural masterpieces before Russians even existed.
Russia's cultural history (whilst going very good for the past 200 years) has a long way to go before it can top this. And longer still before it can be considered equal to major western cultures.
Other than depressed novelists and aristocratic composers, Russia has no culture.
And both of the above are out of fashion, and in several generations will be forgotten.
>russia cultural history
so like, 19th century?
it's shit
You've implied Persia and other successor states?In that case, sure.
It began in the 18th century and ended with the arrival of Perestroika.
Russia was considered as a "Western" nation. Until Communism meme
>better composers
I mean, obviously the only composer actually worth listening to is Mozart, but the fact remains that russian music is extremely EFFEMINATE and GAY while at the same time being BOMBASTIC like a FIRETRUCK.
Even more-so than effeminate french fags and autistic jews like Mahler, it really is astonishing.
Yo, hit me up with some good Russian operas.
>Russian was considered a "Western" nation
Russia, like Britain and Turkey. Has always been on the periphery of Europe, part western and part "other". It was never considered fully western. And I don't think they ever considered themselves fully western either.
>their inventions, while being less numerous, are more impactful than those of the West, especially grain harvesters, space travel, light-emitting diodes and lasers.
Ok please tell me how those inventions are more important than the steam engine, internal combustion engine, wireless radio, the telephone, the computer, penicillin, calculus, the laws of physics, the theory of evolution etc.
yes, definitively. Russia has its own distinctive strong cultural tradition.
Russia for most part of it's history wasn't even considered European.
>are more impactful than those of the West
put down your Serbian glasses for a while and try to think about what you just said
Many western nations like Portugese, Swiss, Irish or Poles have weaker "cultural history" than both Iran and Rus.
Poland and the Swiss I would say in fact have a stronger cultural history than Russia. Ireland I would say is about even on the count that the lions share of both their accomplishments come in the form of great writers.
>middle eastern art leads to secrets and mysteries to be uncovered
>faustian space leads to nihilism
Nice pseudomorphosis, FAG
Russian cultural history is much stronger than their state/military history.
They are up there with France and Germany in terms of Culture.
Art, literature, architecture, science.
>inb4 i get replies with gopniks in commieblocks
Yeah, chavs without half their teeth are completely representative of British culture.
both poland and portugal have definitely stronger cultural history than russia