Why is schadenfreude the greatest source of joy in the world?
Why is schadenfreude the greatest source of joy in the world?
Why don't anglos have a word for skadefryd?
I went about 20 years before I realized it was something as basic as that, and not some obscure philosophical concept.
Fucking get it together.
Because we feel really good when people are being humbled. Usually, people that fly really high have various nasty qualities with (of course not just nasty ones), particularly that them being in this position had absolutely nothing to do with luck, had everything to do with their own skills, and now that they're on top, they will stay there indefinitely.
When all of this is busted, someone who we would judge as being a little too high on the societal ladder tumbles down, and his illusions along with it
This. It turns out to not be fun when they're delusional, if you've ever completely humiliated someone, but they don't seem to have realized it and keep acting as if nothing happened or that they won and humiliated you.
I never cared for it personally and I think it's misinterpreted by sociopaths often. Taking joy in your smug neighbor picking a shit color for his fence and then having to repaint it is different from taking joy in somebody experiencing severe bodily harm.
i dont
>if you've ever completely humiliated someone, but they don't seem to have realized it and keep acting as if nothing happened or that they won and humiliated you.
Sometimes I still find this funny, especially if it's really obvious.
why is slave morality the most powerful/common form of morality?
Love is, you homo.
Why is there no english word for Skadeglädje
Cause it's german!
>Why don't anglos have a word for skadefryd?
Because traditionally we've never bothered with the distinction.
apparently if it's made in germany it's good
Why is there no english word for gledesbringerskade?
No idea why they don't call it "hurtjoy" or something like that.
I don't think "hurt" is getting the dimension of "Schaden"
Yeah, I cannot even imagine how awful schadenfreude would sound in English.
Why isn't there an english word for vahingonilo?
English word is epicaricacy
Why is there no english word for "тocкa"?
Because you're a bad person, OP.
How about misfortune happy tingles?
Prayer is.
Pretty sure you mean love.
Because our state of misery is so complete, we can't even laugh at that of others