/dg/ - Destiny General

who needs a fireteam edition

>>LIVE EVENTS Gauntlet
Royal Pools Challenge: A player must always be in the water by Sun Platform at all times, jumping or moving away from the water will result in a failed Challenge.
Nightfall: The Arms Dealer - Prism & Time Warp: Killing Time
Flashpoint: EDZ
Xur: N/A
Trials: N/A


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is it safe to join a clan yet on PC


Best part is I just carried her over from D1

>looking forward to D2 on PC for months
>finally comes out
>gather friends together and make a clan
>have three guys at 20 at the light softcap within 3 days
>do the weeklies on all three
>max upgrade points on all three
>all that's left is grinding the same handful of public events and strikes for cosmetic purposes or the faint hope of an exotic I can feed to something
I... didn't expect to run out of shit to do so fast. So now I just... wait til next week? Wait for the expansion? What the fuck? Could they not have created a couple more public events or strikes? They barely even utilize new assets, it's just the same shit you fight in the campaign, in the same areas, so how fucking hard would it have been for them to toss together a few more?

I feel cheated.

Come on xur you noodle faced faggot! Bring something good!

love to post right as the thread ends

They took shit out so they can add it back in later for praise from "gaming journalists", or put it in the dlc for more of your shekels.

how to solo nightfall

i'm titanpower 271

Sparrow Racing League when?

it ain't easy

Imagine completing your first ever Destiny raid (either game) in over an hour


Is it time to claim all my rewards or should I keep grinding PEs until 265+?


let me clarify further, it ain't easy at 305 either

hello would anyone like to do nightfall with someone who hasn't done it before?
bnet is Yarara#11171
gotta work this weekend so i'd like to get this done

do one or two power levels make that much of a difference to you?

you'll get there one way or another if you're going to play longer than one week, I wouldn't worry too much about it user

Was I supposed to have gotten this before the faction rally, because I did

The absolute worst thing about the game right now is the "progression".
It's borderline timegated.
Once the reset rolls around and you do your weeklies, your only option left to gain any power at all is to grind out exotics for marginal upgrades.
A ~5% chance at every PE or Strike or whatever chest to get an engram that 'might' give you an overall power upgrade of a point or two depending on whether or not it decides to roll for a slot that already got a larger upgrade from a milestone.

Where'd you get it? Lego drop? Banshee?

Yes it's possible through cayde chests

>5 Rec
>On a warlock
Come on user, You can do better.

Thanks, just don't want to make a dumb mistake.

Are these webms of chests in the leviathan raid stuff you can just do on your own without needing anything else?

Those engrams scale to your power by a fixed amount, so if you open them at 263 it just means your items will be 2 levels lower than if you chose to open them at 265. A minimal difference, and you'll be much farther than 265 before long anyhow.

The raid even gives you a guaranteed 300 item from one of the chests.

If I want to remake my character, besides time what do I lose?

>tfw spent all my good boy points on a nice pc rig
>tfw no money for d2

brain cells

At least you got a good PC rig.
You won't have to replace a part for the next couple of years. I hope.

should've gotten the 1080 deal where it came with destiny 2

is the raid auto rifle any good?

This is why we told you not to buy the game.

Congrats! You are now a Bungievision enabler!

right now i'm at 271 power, and i haven't done anything above a normal strike. do i have to do nightfalls or raids to start getting higher power stuff?

It's your fault for buying this shit after us console players have been complaining since day 3 like you and they haven't fixed shit in 2 months.

16gb ram, 6600k(got it for free), and 1070ti

i think i should be fine

nightfalls zavala can get you some high light reward after completing it only once per week tho

>First character is a warlock
>Other classes don't even compare


I mean, you don't have to do anything user, it's your life

Mtashed is chad and is making money playing this game, it's not fair bros. chads win in life and video games


idk wat de fuck is going on with the damage. in pve the explosive damage scales with crits as well.

>reach level and complete mission
how fucking lazy were they that they didn't do the math with exp rewards so you have to fucking grind jesus fucking christ

>Not liking Chad Titan or Virgin Hunter
typical beta warlocks

>waaa dev is making me play their game

>Hiding behind walls and invisibility
Bunch of virgins
True chads stand in their brightly glowing rifts, clearly announcing their presence to the world, flexing while their manifested Chad essence shoots bolts of lightning at their opponents, all while eating bullets to the face and regenerating everything.

oh boy who’s ready for absolute balls to the fucking walls SWEAT filled trials later? can’t fucking wait boys this is going to be fun

I can't wait for sweaty 4-stacks of double pulse Strikers with MIDA, Uriel's Gift, and swords.

>getting excited about the worst pvp to come out of an fps in 10 years


literally only playing for one weapon then I’m done I could give a fuck about the social space or flawless gear fuck trials

sarcasm brainlet

I’m playing for the persecutor and hunter cloak and I’m hoping Hawthorne will drop at least one of them for me, I want to limit my time in this as efficiently as possible

no its waa dev is making me play their bad game

Global and local chat for PC when

I actually do hate trials it’s legitimately the worst mode in the game I’d rather Sherpa newbies through leviathan than play 2 hours of trials

How did they get to 305 already when I'm only 295 even after having done all the second week milestones for powerful gear


Maybe in a couple of weeks at worst since Bungalow are working on it right now


I did it!
Now I pretty much just have to do weekly milestones, correct? Is there any other way? Can I get powerful gear from the raid or something? I don't wanna sit around and jerk off until next Tuesday.

you might be no-lifing the game like them compared to normal people but there are always autists far more powerful than you

Source on confirmation in adding chat?
Thank fuck I literally can't do the fuckiing raid because I only have 3 other friends above 280

finish your milestones
finish the raid
go flawless

All by the end of the day or blacklisted

Is there a discord?

What the hell is with the PC performance now? Did the patch to fix the memory leak add this?

Yes all they’ve said is they know it’s a thing and are looking at it

Oh boy. Thanks

why couldn't this huge literal semen demon be the final boss?

>memory leak
what memory leak?
Dumb appleshitter.


what do you want with me you literal who?


they should have had ghaul be the first boss in the raid


I completely agree but they would have been criticized for "locking the end of the story behind a raid that doesn't even have matchmaking"

Search your heart, you know this to be true.

Do we have a discord up or anything, organising for nightfall or the raid is suffering.

yeah even if it turned out to be a robot ghaul like calus I’m sure people would have flipped shit aka casuals who don’t even attempt the raid


>pc can emulate consoles
>consoles can't
>calls pc cuck

Lol I'm at 275 after those and that's only thanks to some exotics I got

no bully bby were all cute little boys here

[Joining PC: PM the clan founder of LXIV or LXIV-VI with "/dg/" in the message]
PC: bungie.net/en/ClanV2/Chat?groupId=1988236 (FULL)
PC Extension: bungie.net/en/ClanV2?groupid=2862412

#5 is capped, #6 is active.

enjoy your locked 15 fps + 5 minutes loading screens to enter orbit

xur's live

north of winding cove on earth


>Alpha meme
>still at 30fps
>still on controllers
>paying to play online twice
this game can basically run on a toaster
there is no excuse

Thanks for the heads up dude

tell the items nigga


consoles are for children, desu

>NM has the only faction sword

gg this week

>half of alpha team don’t even have laptops

we’ve really ascended huh

>75 FOV

consoles are literally 55 FOV, user.

graviton lance
young ahamkara's spine
mask of the quiet one
nezarec's sin

I bet you use max FoV on BF1 and still get your ass beat by default FoV chads bruh

Thanks for telling me.



>Graviton Lance
>Young Ahamkara's Spine

Here I was hoping he'd be selling Merciless or Wardcliff and instead he's selling the two fucking exotics I keep getting from my exotic engrams.


Why is he so shit every week