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CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.2.0)
/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one:
/wfg/ - Warframe General
WARNING: Tierqueer has escaped containment!
How can I tell the difference between a Staff and a Polearm? I wanted to use the Anpu skin on Orthos Prime...
third for jewing spanish trade chat
>TQ is shitting up reddit instead of /wfg/
>somehow this is a problem
fuck off TQ
>Type Polearm
good, stay there cunt.
let him, smash bro fags not allowed here
poast baro shit
i wanna see the salt
>shilling your own retarded jokes
Do-cats or Duckets?
So apparently this is good for Valkyr? Or so I'm told.
>first post on the general is a reddit link
So this is the power of nu-/wfg/
I meant to write "staying out of trins blessing range" because it fucks with my setup.
I really don't like that approach because it's unreliable. I use prisma angstrum that deals exactly 300 sheild and 105 health damage with one uncharged shot.
And yes, rhinos are useless imo. They reduce my kill time by like one shot which is maybe 5 seconds for the whole fight.
Harrow is nice if he times his invul correctly,
I'd still prefer 2 trins, chroma and harrow for the fight but pubs get mad when they don't see their mogamu approved """"best"""" squad comp.
duck cunt
no riven affect exalted weepon
making everything a jojo reference
Is augur secrets worth it?
I've got every other mod on to max power strength, but I need more.
Do-cats, because kavats are fine too.
Augur Secrets is the absolute most efficient way to get to 90% damage reduction on frames with such a skill
I dont even know how I feel about it
Its great that tcuck is not here anymore, but one the other hand, there are going to be a lot of his spergs in pub games with this trash list point of view
So what did baro kitty bring today?
reminder that x-files sucked
A faux prime Staff skin and a faux prime sugatra.
>this damage control
fuck off underage b&
I wasn't aware augur secrets did anything in regards to damage reduction
It's in relation too, sometimes if you only need to build for damage reduction and then focus on the other skills, you don't even need to go beyond a certain threshold.
>tfw people close prime junk trades when you fill it with 15 ducat items
matlock was fucking less shitty than xfiles
>the Baro jew emote is for your Operator
This changes things
>mfw I sold my old glaive p stuff for 350p
Still got a few parts too
>faux prime
it works on both
If that's the fucking late as shit halloween event where the plains becomes dead space 4 : space ninja, i'm fucking done.
alright... time for a Hate Riven
So does this mean I should just go buy the primed mods I actually wanted now
Damn it Baro
they said they didn't get a chance to do a halloween event this year, this was a planned dark sector event that's been teased in a past dev stream (image relevant)
how do i know wether it's better to vendor for ducats or try to trade for plats?
There's literally an app for that
What's the difference between these two lethal torrents? I see the thing above the upgrade rank on one of them but what does that mean?
so what exactly is wrong with the tierlist?
mr21 here and most of that seem accurate
the little gear icon means its equipped on one of your weapons
is there a way that doesn't require a phone?
You have one equipped on something somewhere.
that seems so obvious now, thanks.
took a shitload of time, but we did it
>Helminth Charger Weak Tier
>It's objectively the most damage-potent companions of both Kubrows and Kavats
I'm glad this is the first thing I looked at because I knew to stop reading in advance
this worth anything?
>using pets for damage
the steam community and the forums are left.
formite already reacted the same way as wfg and reddit so chance are low for anyone actually retarded enough to want/need a biased shitlist
no, reroll
>listening to the garbage that is sawano
end it all
should have sold it unrolled
now you gotta keep rolling for damage and status chance
>the steam community and the forums are left.
just keep posting the default excal vs fashion shitter comics
My Helminth does more for the team than most pub shitters. I couldn't give a shit about vacuum.
Roll for multishot and sell for 500p
Why the fuck does razorwing delete companions
What's the statuses I need for the kohm again? Corrosive or Viral?
>go to steam
>see this
this faggot needs to be stopped
You need 100% status first.
do it manually?
look at plat value from then look at ducat value from wiki and divide plat by ducats
smaller number = good for ducats
Corrosive, you only go for viral if you have sweeping seration (120% slash) or if you have over 100% status
Ignoring conditional things like corrosion for armor or radiation for bombards, is there a "best" status to inflict?
If not, which is most versatile?
Yes, I'm gonna get the electric one soon, hopefully
I just remember viral deleting enemies back with the synapse procs
Yeah I'm gonna get 100% status soon and I do have sweeping serration, so it's viral/radiation?
Is this new low?
No idea that would go through... if it wasn't DE in charge of this system.
Corrosive is king, unless you have condition overload then blast is king because it counts as 2 statuses.
>is this a new low?
>faggot had actual eva helmets form the sfm models as his first submissions to warframe workshop
oh wow the legendary rock golem VIP's gun
How hard is it to get a 25% status shotgun to 100%?
>being this bad at math
no you dont want even more fucking multishot
riven or nano applicator
You need a riven
Viral with a weapon that deals Slash procs consistently is the most versatile damage type. You can eat through every enemy type very easily with one viral proc and a couple of crit-boosted slash procs.
how hard is it to get +400% status chance?
which melee weapons are the most fun that also are useful? also same thing about bows, I know there's the tierlist but I don't know anything from the game and don't have any weapon besides soma prime and the free bow from the tutorial
Let's assume no rivens for now, just to make it generic.
Is Nano Applicator still good enough without one?
pls no bully I don't understand
uh whats wrong with the tier list?
Yes, Nano-Applicator can work for you
If you hit 100% status on kohm the only procs you want are slash, corrosive, and gas. Corrosive procs help immensely when dealing with high level armored enemies because you don't have 4x CP, health scales harder than armor, removing armor then letting Kohm deal full damage to those targets results in better TTK and better ammo economy. With 4x CP gas procs are more helpful than viral.
>people selling unrolled riven
>ask for the price
>they ask me for an offer
>shilling his own post like four times, every time someone forgets about it
Shut up
5 plat
Why the fuck is this a part of a focus tree? Literally everyone has been asking for this to be the actual part of the base melee mechanics
I was tempted to say 1p, but i doubt they would've taken the fucking hint anyway.
So? Everyone has been asking for channeling to become worthwhile, but that's no reason to just make that functionality innate instead of hiding it in a focus perk.
He is going to get away with this. ignus doesnt even care and his name isn't even on it as a co-lab in which case they share the profit since its 99% his design in the first fucking place.
You absolutely need a +120% status riven so you can only use 3x 60/60s. Using Nano Applicator or Riven + 4x 60/60s is pretty shit by comparison. Build Corrosive + Heat without Sweeping Serration for armored enemies, build Gas + Electric with Sweeping Serration for unarmored enemies. Build Radiation + Toxin with Sweeping Serration for Eximus Stronghold sorties.
so can any of you fine gentlemen tell me why the tier list is hated?
seems very informative for a new player no?
Because now more than one school have mechanics that should be vanilla in the game, and you have the freedom to choose energy regen 80% of the time. Rejoice!
see go fuck off back to lelddit
would it make sense to buy 1 or 2 prime target cracker to sell it for 150 plat in ~2 weeks?
>tfw doesn't apply to exalted blade
Buy as many as you can afford, it's free plat