Worst freljords edition
League of legends general /lolg/
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Remove loli posters
xth for my wife Syndra
Who here just waiting for Swain to save us from this sparkly trash
I claim this thread for ZAUN
xth for killing lolis
If you get ~35% on a test do you pass it or fail it?
I know that you're baiting me so that absolutely no matter what I answer you're going to call it shit. But everything from 2015 downwards is fine. Even Illaoi because they had the best voice line writer they had working on her.
Best girls are Orianna and Kalista.
who else here going to try full ap zoe
Zoe and bard are the only 2 with portals
They are required to be on the same team at all times.
Right here brother
>walking home at night
>see pic related
>she says "hey sweetheart, want to make an explosion in my asshole?"
how do you respond?
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is Zoe but u can call me t3h Asp3ct of Tw1L1GhT!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch rick and morty w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! TWIIILIIIGHGHHHTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're wife is a dumb chuuni slut
Homosexuality is a sin. A delicious, delicious sin.
New champ will have a 30% winrate on day one. Lolgen will call xer shit. Will be hotfixed on day two to make xer "viable". Winrate will be 47% for the first week.
Winrate will be 63% from week two onward.
ryze has a portal too
nothing wrong with that
BEST couple!
I want Dark Lux to (gently) step on my balls
Shove a firecracker up her ass and watch her guts fall out of her while she screams in agony.
It's pretty nice of her to ask me to do what I always wanted to her.
I look forward to swain because it means more birbs
would he respect or hate Azir. They'll 100% have some sort of interaction. Maybe he'll make fun of the shuffling 'tactic'
Reminder Zoe doesn't ONLY get your flashes by collecting bubbles, she straight up gets 2 flashes instead of 1 F R E E
oh yeah i remember this guy
he broke down on stream that one time didnt he?
didnt he give up on the climb to master because it was too hard?
League of Lolis
Hey that's mine!!
>this thread start
I cant wait to grind my meat in the loli pedo bait!
He's going to be specifically designed as a series of abilities with easy counterplay for the designated main characters of league to be able to avoid and "outplay". You know that right?
Join us.
I look forward to Swain's interactions overall. He is bound to have tons with a lot of champions because of how important he is lorewise.
This is pretty neat.
>implying it's bad to be chuuni
It's shittiest trailer I've ever seen
I just want Swain - Vald - LeBlanc lore reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Cute couple. Is Kat really that much taller though?
I want Dark Lux to forcefully sit on my lap
Futa senses tingling!!
How can futa be gay for both boys and girls???
He couldn't even make it past diamond 4.
I like other brands of homosexuality.
shit like fiora and tryndamere would become so cancerous
no way fag
>talk about swain
>somehow find a way to bring Vlad into it
vladfag everyone
>Just watched the reveal
What were they thinking?
>melee ones additionally
I was under the impression you had to be melee AND have no dashes to get the slow resist and tenacity
tell her i have no time because i need to go home and milk the cow
Fact: the people most butthurt about Zoe are our unbearable, repulsive female posters.
Jhinfag and Vladfag have already expressed their distate for her.
I want her to forcefully sit on my lap and then smirk at me like she's saying "what are you going to do about it pussy?"
There's a female jhinfag?
>Blizzard has found a way to let you talk to the dead
pretty neat actually
that wouldn't be so bad then
you mean lolbabs, right?
I'm so sorry for you.
who's that pokemon
>voice chat
no thanks I don't wanna hear ESL people yelling at their ADCs because they cant cs
>Swain hears of a Shuriman bird god
>Sends Leblanc to swoon him onto his side
>They take over Runeterra
>Vlad dies in the process
There, everyone wins.
I'm so sorry, I would never wish voice chat upon another game. HoTS had a good run, shame they killed it like this.
So this is their new way to try and revive their dead game?
>She has more mobility than yasuo
>wanting voice chat
Oh lord, I love it when the hanzo main on my team is in voice chat, sure improves my experience having to listen to their calls as they miss every single arrow!
>Zoe launch skin could've taken her themes further
>could've been based on Portal alternatively
Instead it's a brat in modern clothing, because? RIOT. RECONSIDER.
don't call me sweetheart, sweetheart
then take her into an alley
>Vlad then gets removed from the game
10/10 story, get on it riot
Considering that Noxus has already taken Shurima cities I don't think Azir would be too happy. You can blame that on Darkwill or whatever but I honestly don't think Swain would stop the expansion into Shurima but we have to wait and see.
nice, hots is a fun game. good for blowing off steam when im tilting really badly in league.
>Jinx and Lulu aren't quite lolrandumXD enough
>Lets combine them!
>Get to hear spics yell at you about their sopa de macaco
Truly an epic gaming experience
Don't use Lala for shitposting.
Silver Miss Fortune support?
BRs aren't spics though.
>Play a champ that uses skill shots for the majority of their damaged skill shots
>Enemy picks Her
someone please show me a picture of the non-base zoe launch skin
Why are people calling Zoe a loli?
She looks more like a teen that a little girl. she's the same size as Jinx too.
Am i missing something?
get fucked
>the new champ isnt a yordle girl
kill me senpais
I cant take it anymore
look at those lips and tell me they weren't made for dick sucking
all wrong it was galio
>got gold 5
>norms are boring
>aram is boring
gimme me some cool games to play on steam that don't require a good computer. My cpu is powerful but my gpu is fucking shit. I love them visual novels so if anyone knows some on steam recommend.
Ask her why we're still talking?
whos vladfag?
gib sauce pls
3v3 is fun
Do it
how can you look at thisand say it doesn't look like a little girl
There is a whole general about VNs. Go ask there.
Nah don't want to play league until the preseason comes. literally no point
I want her to do that but be interrupting whatever I'm doing when she does it. Then she spends a few hours reading or playing league of legends or something while I'm her chair.
>lolmongs are conditioned to not want features cause riot literally cant code them
Sona has the biggest _______