Why is xenophobia bad?
Why is xenophobia bad?
God damn it /pol/
Reasonable xenophobia is good, for example the are valid reason to hate islam/muslims.
Hating everything foreign per se is just retarded though.
>Why is xenophobia bad?
I think it is reasonable to want to protect your ingroup.
What I will never understand is people who are xenophobic about genetics (nature) instead of culture (nurture). To some extent I can see why one would want to preserve kinship, but for me what really matters is culture.
This topic would probably end up in shit.
>What I will never understand is people who are xenophobic about genetics (nature) instead of culture (nurture)
genes and culture are related; a culture grows out of a certain genetic heritage
Explain Jews then.
This is not to say that genes are uninvolved in human behavior. Every aspect of a person’s phenome is a product of interaction between genome and environment, but cultural and genetic evolution are entirely different. It takes a few generations for a person to fully assimilate into a new culture.
>for example the are valid reason to hate islam/muslims
Why do so many people seem to think this. Why would an individual be guilty until proven innocent just due to a religion or culture they're a part of?
Being black or Asian it's something you can't help, but being a muslim is a conscious choice, meaning you align yourself with islamic cultural values. Either that or you're just pretending to be a muslim.
True, but why do Muslims get a worse rap than anyone else? In board terms, looking at all of history, Islam and Christianity are both basically the same degree of bad when you're looking at the worst examples of both.
>being actually religious
You're replying to /pol/. They have no logic. It's just following the heard.
Probably because the propaganda in their country wants them to think they're bad. They associate western funded terrorist groups as Muslims even though they're over there killing Muslims, bombing mosques, etc.
We in Russia don't care for Arabs and their shitty personalities, but there's nothing wrong with Muslims. That's why were fighting for them and against your puppet terrorists from Saudi Arabia.
Yeah those damn radical Christian terrorists, flying planes into building, driving trucks into crowds of people, murdering people who dare to draw pictures of Jesus, all in the 21st century. Those barbarians has to go back to the medieval ages
I made a point of saying all of history. Radical Christianity these days isn't as bad as radical Islam, but in times past people did some pretty awful shit in the name of God and the church.
what about abortion clinic bombings?
I think there's a lot of different xenophobias. A rainbow, if you will.
I'm personally not offended by an individual Muslim. In fact, I actually had good talks with one in one of my classes this semester.
However, Muslims, as a block, are a danger to the West.
At some level, anyone who isn't us is an enemy.
>let's kill this group of people
Wonder why?
I'm assuming the Central African Republic terrorist groups, the NLFT and NSCN groups in India, or the Unganda Christian groups using child soldiers and sex slaves don't show up on your Christian news networks in your country I bet. Or all of the bombings and terror attacks on abortion clinics and LGBT clubs in America during the 80s and 90s. Or in 2011, the Hutaree Christian militia movement possessed more weapons than the combined weapons holdings of all Islamic terror defendants charged in the US since the September 11 attacks. Or all of the murders that happen to this day at abortion clinics by Christian people claiming they're doing God's work.
Your emotions are so controlled by your government and media. If you exclude terrorist attacks of "Muslims" bombing and killing Muslims in the Middle East, the majority of terrorist attacks are committed by non-Muslims. Being Russian, I thought America was a great country, but once I got old enough to be on the internet and realized how brainwashed you all are, I've done nothing but feel bad for you.
That's a meme. Muslims cause extreme tensions and war wherever they go. Europe, Africa, India, Myanmar, Philippines, fucking everywhere. Christians are nowhere near as bad, you don't hear about radical Christians blowing themselves up in Iraq or some shit.
I miss Veeky Forums before the idpol.
Islam was founded around 600 years after Christianity. It's going to take them a while to catch up.
And yes, Christians did cause extreme tensions and wars and genocide with pagans and fucking everywhere. And like Muslims, Christians used to try and blow each other up, fight stupid wars, and no one liked the sola scriptura no fun allowed all women must wear bonnet puritans.
Correct, not Iraq. But see Plus, Christians also caused tensions and wars when they were going to other places. See Japan, China, northern Germany around the time of Charlemagne
Seriously, China had an entire civil war due to radical Christians in their country combined with destabilization caused by Christian Europeans
Practicing empathy and understanding on all people can be tremendously benefiting. Doesn't mean having to agree with them, but it's very informative on what kind of a world we live in.
I feel that a baseless predisposition based on principle can offer less than learning to dislike some people.
>you don't hear
That doesn't mean it isn't happening in Uganda, India, Africa, etc. You only hear and believe what your favorite news network wants to tell you.
>uncivilized people in Africa and India killing each other over some bullshit
big fucking deal
I'm not American by the way and in no way support American Christian terrorists as well
NLFT rapes people as intimidation to convert to Christianity. They burned a Hindu priest alive. They've committed ethnic cleansing of non-Christian tribes killing thousands. And there's nothing wrong with allowing these people in your country because they aren't Muslim?
>Hutaree militia
Those retards literally dindu nuffin.
Is it a coincidence that BOTH the largest mass shooting and the deadliest bombing terrorist attack in US history was done by muslims despite muslims being like 1% of Americans?
Yeah but christian values and western society changed
Until muslim values change there is nothing they can do to stop people from hating them
>Is it a coincidence that BOTH the largest mass shooting and the deadliest bombing terrorist attack in US history was done by muslims despite muslims being like 1% of Americans?
No, but it's not an inherent problem with Muslims. There's a lot of reasons for what you said there, including American meddling in the Middle East, which is extremely Muslim.
Thinking it's a thing about just Islam and not something more complex is juvenile.
It's a system of belief and behavior: one that can be adopted or abandoned. It's not melanin in your skin or your a style of music.
I don't want any non-European peoples anywhere in Europe, regardless of their religion.
I generally promote the secularization of societies, but the CIA and petrodollar capitalists have other plans.
Islam can be secularized much more quickly than Christianity was secularized. Middle East during the "Islamic" golden age was more secular than Europe during the Dark Ages. Then shit came back to Europe and there was the enlightenment. After that Europe started being at the forefront of civilization.
Secularization seems to be the result of exposure to technology, worldly stuff, and free and non-dogmatic thought. Islam can be secularized quickly because technology exists, worldly consumer goods exist, philosophy exists. We're not exploring new waters here. Muslims just need more exposure to the stuff.
t. neanderthal
homo go home
Measuring the U.S. Muslim population is an inexact science, since census data doesn't track religion.
Muslims haven't even accounted for 1% of murders since 9/11. Of the approximately 2,400 terrorist attacks on U.S. soil contained within the START database since 1970, approximately 60 were carried out by Muslims. Political extremism is the biggest terrorist threat in our country. Over a third of terrorist attacks were committed by separatist groups that are against these minority groups that they believe cause the terrorism, when it's actually them.
If you are scared of somebody because of their religion because your favorite journalist says so, you need to get over yourself.
You're about a few thousand years too late on that wish user. Your entire continent is centuries of race mixing.
Were the 9/11 hijackers even American? I would think you would categorize 9/11 as the work of foreign agents rather than Muslim Americans.
They were Saudi Arabian funded Wahhabist groups, not your typical Muslim. If you don't know the history and difference between Wahabism and Islam, then I understand your ignorant hatred.
christ, is this seriously what isolationist retards believe
>If you don't know the history and difference between Wahabism and Islam
come on, Wahabism is a sect within Islam, not a different religion
That's like saying the Nation of Islam is a Muslim sect. Same name and they both read the Quran, but they aren't Islam as in the Islam that 25% of the world follows.
How come every nation that lives near muslims fucking hates them? Israeli Jews hate them, Russians hate them, Serbs hate them, Hindus hate them, so do Christian Africans, Assyrians and pretty much damn everyone.
It's not a sect. It's a diverging separate religion with similar views. Like imagine Mormons bombing a city and Christians being blamed.
Islam follows the practices of Muhammad and his successors, Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali. Wahhabism comes believes in the same Quran, but they think Muhammad was stupid and his companions were idol worshipers of Muhammad. Islam doesn't consider God a deity. Wahhabism considers him an actual deity sitting on a throne. Islam considers all of it's sects Muslims. Wahhabism considers any real sect of Islam apostasy unless they convert to Wahhabism. They especially hate Shia Muslims.
They're only considered a Sunni sect because Wahab followed the teachings of an old Hanibal Scholar, despite him being exiled from the school for his views that aren't Islam.
Russian here. We don't hate Muslims. We are fighting for them. We fucking hate Arabs though regardless of religion.
Because most countries don't like its neighbors, primarily when those neighbors are considerably different.
Morality is a form of communication. Communication is better between similar people with similar experiences.
Mormonism is a sect of christianity, albiet one that most other christians consider heretical. you have cited no reason for why Wahabism isn't Islam, just reasons that it's not legitimate in your eyes. i find it quite ironic that you are getting onto Wahabism for considering other sects of Islam not "real" Islam when you are doing the same thing back at them
Because it pays too much attention to something that doesn't fucking matter
Wahabism is not a sect of Islam because it doesn't follow the interpretation of Prophet Muhammad. They claim he is wrong. While technically all monotheist religions are Islam as it's just Arabic for submission to 1 God, it's not the religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah. If you believe that what Muhammad revealed was wrong or he interpreted wrong, then you aren't Muslim. Regardless of the 12 sects of Shia or 4-5 sects of Sunni Islam, they are all fundamentally the same. Wahhabism is completely different. You can't blame the 2.2 billion Christians on the planet because of the acts of a few hundred thousand Mormon terrorists.
The difference between Christians killing in the name of their religion and Muslims doing the same is very simple but explains much.
Christians killing in the name of their Religion is 99.99999% of the time a straight up SIN within Christianity itself. The religion does not condone such behaviour.
In Islam, the killing and brutalization of non believers (Kafirs) is very much sanctioned and encouraged, in many cases. People of the book (Jews, Christians) receive slightly better treatment, but humilation, repression, in in cases violence and murder are all sanctioned by Islam agaisnt non believers.
'Christian' terrorists, brutalizers, and tyrants, do these things IN SPITE OF the religion. By definition what they do is a sin, and not acceptable within the frame work of Christianity.
In Islam, the brutalization of non believers (a very broad and easily abusable definition) is very much BECUASE of the religion. There are defined situations where violence and repression are not only acceptable, but at the minimum righteous, and taken to the maximum, required.
This is the fundamental difference between Islam and any other major religion. Islam is far, far from a religion of peace.
Are you reading from Wahhabist sources? Because actual Islam doesn't condone any of that.
>inb4 I interpreted the Quran as so
>those sunnas and hadiths proving the context otherwise are false
>stop playing mental gymnastics with me
Literally Wahhabism.
You need to listen to
Islam is not like Christianity. There are very well defined rules as to who is and is not a Muslim, and very few doctrines are open to interpretation without conflicting with the Qur'an and Suna, which in turn are defined to be the perfect and unchanging. Islam is actually a very consistent religion, so long as you understand the doctrine of abrogation.
>Islam is not like Christianity
But it is. The Koran talks about Jesus Christ being a prophet, and also the gospels are affirmed by the Koran. Now the book of Paul and similar interpretive books in the New Testament not so much
Islam follows the guidance of Muhammad and the Rashidun Caliphate. They use credible collections of hadiths and sunna to confirm the doctrine and interpretation of the Quran. While Shia and Sunni Muslims have their differences, they both follow this basic fundamental rule of Islam.
Salifism on the other hand is different. They interpret the Quran at their own will and create their own doctrines mostly through finding context from other verses within the Quran. Wahabbism is a radical extremist example of Salafism. Not all people who interpret the Quran at their own will are extremists, but they are very prone to being sucked in to the Wahhabist religion.
Islam as the religion revealed by Prophet Muhammad isn't really the same Islam as Wahabbists follow. So it's more technically correct for Muslims to call Wahhabists non-Muslims as they don't follow the practices of the Prophet himself and the guided caliphate than for Wahhabists to call Muslims non-Muslims because they don't submit to the doctrine of a radical religious group that has been killing Muslims for centuries.
There's really no Christian comparison. Islam by most of the billions of Muslims is following the guidance of Muhammad. Islam has been this way since it's inception. It's not wrong for them to call people who stray from the doctrine practiced by Muhammad and his companions as innovators and apostasy.
What is the difference between an Wahhabi Qur'an and another? Translation? Version? There are many tricks in Arabic that allow different translations and versions of the Quran and Sunnah, leading to different interpretations.
Thankfully there is a rich literary history surrounding the Qur'an, and it can be interpreted into another language accurately. I am an objectivist. When wanting to know about Islam I don't ask a Muslim, I consult the Qur'an and Sunnahs, and other widely accepted Islamic works. Wahhabism is not Islam, but you also say that Islam does not condone violence. Are you aware and a believe of the doctrine of Abrogation? It is a doctrine long established before Wahhabism. Wahhabism is new to the Islamic world but what I am arguing is not.
Islam is a violent, totaltarian, ideology. It is more than religion, it is a political system, a societal template. The Qur'an and Sunnahs confirm this. The history of Muhammad and his companions confirm this. Do you deny this?
nothing wrong with bombing murderers
Just becuase Jesus is mentioned does not mean it is like Christianity. There are very fundamental and irreconcilable differences between the two. "You will know them by their fruits", and I know the fruits of Muhammad.
It's not following the Quran itself that makes you a Muslim, but following the doctrine of Muhammad and the first caliphate.
>Islam is a violent, totaltarian, ideology. It is more than religion, it is a poli[...]
Read a history book, and you can replace Islam with literally any empire, religion, or shit fly in history.
Islam represents globalism and social justice.
Xenophobia is one of the most ancient instincts of animal life, and its what keeps animal alive, imagine if our fishy ancestors were like STOP BEING SO RACIST TO THE ANOMALOCARIS IM SURE THERE ARE SOME NICE ONES WHO WONT KILL US AT ALL.
The jews are also the ultimate proof that racial xenophobia is the perfect survival strategy as well.
Genetic xenophobia is a mental mechanism in hominids to stop species mixing because that destroys all the hard work natural selection did,
Over 30,000 years it took for whites to evolve in Europe and its all destroyed the moment you breed with a nigger who is designed to live in the hot african jungles an alien world compared to the colder deciduous forest of Europe.
Hybrids are also random, we may be part Neanderthals but our neanderthal genes actually screwed us over compared to our human genes. Thus mixing of any kind is a biological waste of time and a bigger gamble than regular natural selection.
Jesus Christ not a fucking prophet in Christianity, he's the literal God in flesh.
Attacking any and all foreigners on sight is insanity
Driving out members of a hostile or destructive group is common sense
Well at least the /pol/fag shows his true colors
Any kind of phobia is technically a bad thing since it means a excess of a certain fear.
The problem is when xenophobia sees enemies and hostile groups where they don't exist.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day
And it'll fuck you over every other time. The trade off is hardly beneficial.
Not really
Japan, South Korea, and Singapore are highly xenophobic, peaceful, and prosperous
Foreigners are more than welcome to visit and then leave
Japan's xenophobia is going to be the death of them thanks to their low birthrate.
Is this satire?
>Foreigners are more than welcome to visit and then leave
You are high or something? And just so you know, not wanting the island to sink is not xenophobic
Not really
They're a first world nation already overpopulated and in the next generation or two things will stabilize
You don't need constant growth, especially on islands the size of Montana
And I like how you ignored Korea and Singapore
C'mon man, diversity isn't good
And diversity for the sake of diversity is worse
People like being around people like themselves: be it friends, lovers, or coworkers
Research has already shown diversity + proximity = conflict/crime/terrorism/lack of community participation
It gets so bad even people within their own group mistrust each other
Everyone settles into their ethnic ghettos and looks anxiously at the others
Diversity can be a good thing when it's not forced
A clearly defined country for Irish, Russian, Italian, Chinese, etc. works better
People are free to visit, enjoy the culture difference, and leave
not him but don't they hate Malaysians/all sorts of other SEA peoples there?
they're all pretty butthurt against eachother so I hear
then you have the Indian workers who go there as well
lol whut
More like bantz and "Success breeds jealousy XDDDD" than outright hatred and loathing. but i will admit Chinese dispora aren't well treated in the region and yes China being China is not helping
I wouldn't be surprised if Japan conquers the world one day, they are truly a brave people.
You are right, though. Ethnic diversity almost always leads to ethnic conflict. Multiracialism is even worse, and it is a big chunk of the reason reactionary politics is becoming more popular.
The social justice to fuck 9 year olds?
Why is xenophobia good?
There are 125 million humans in Japan and they are intelligent people they will never go extinct, they would legalize rape rather than import non natives to increase their birth rates because nips are not cucks like white people to the japanese their people is an extension of their nation.
The term "ethnic diversity" is just a subtle way of implying segregation and inhibits the possibility of a united culture.
If Neanderthals were more xenophobic they would still be here.
You mean Niggers and Muslims thats exactly what you mean by diversity.
Diversity is also bullshit, there is a reason why humans are naturally racist.
>Proving my point
"Good" and "bad" are relative, subjective terms.
they aren't going to go extinct but they are going to face severe economic problems do to their demographics. either the mass of elderly will suffer greatly without adequate care or their government will have go into great debt without an adequate tax base to fund social services. it's akin to our baby boomer problem, but much worse
Blacks dont want diversity they just want to NIGGER the entire human species and use buzzwords like inbred to make cucks reproduce with them.
Japs are fine.
Xenophobia is negative because it halts the progression of mankind. In order to progress as a species we must transcend our external differences and come together. Other wise we'll just be stuck in the mud judging and hating each other for cultural and physical differences. We must unite and realize that we are all on the same team.
Because Islam hasnt been a peaceful religion since the late 1800's
When Safavid(Shia) ideals overtook Ottoman(Sunni) ideals
All the jihad and violent conversions and other things took place
Takr Afghanistan a hundred years ago
and now compare it to the shitfilled cesspool it is now
That's not xenophobia. That's just racism. Do you even know what xenophobia is?
>Japs are fine
no argument of course. their rate of birth is nearly 1 per woman. you need to replenish your population or else your elderly will have no one to care for them.
They can handle it user.
Racism is just racial xenophobia.
There's passages in the Quoran that explicitly states you should kill non-believers. "Strike fear in the hearts of non-believers", it says, literally.
It's an inherently violent religion. Not that Christians haven't been assholes in the name of christianity, but I don't think there's a whole lot of "kill people who don't believe this" in the Bible.
Not to say I like christianity. At all. All religion is shit in that it detracts from the truth, which is paramount to understand and progress, or fall to the wayside and die so the righteous can blossom uninhibited.
You aren't understanding the context of the Quran and sound like a Wahhabist.
>I don't think there's a whole lot of "kill people who don't believe this" in the Bible
hell yeah there is. you should read more of Kings. plenty of slaughter of priests of Baal. in Deuteronomy it says to stone any Israelite that tries to convince his community to worship a different god
Why shouldn't people take the word of God at face value? Why does everything have to be a goddamn riddle with this shit?
Oh, I know why, so it's less susceptible to scrutiny. "Oh, it doesn't really mean this, it means this, because of the arbitrary thing here".
Fuck off with that shit.
Because the Prophet's companions are the ones that wrote the Quran as revealed upon to them. The Quran wasn't complete until the 3rd caliph. If you don't agree with their doctrine and practices then how could you possibly believe in the Quran?
because it is isolationist and as such serves only to hinder progress and trade.
cutting yourself off from the massive majority of the earth's population isn't going to achieve anything but stagnation.
When scholars are doing "Oh, it doesn't really mean this, it means this, because of the arbitrary thing here" they are doing so because they understand the context via sunna, not because it's their own interpretation playing gymnastics with you.