Just to recap:

Just to recap:

>Nobel prize in economics
>Predicted the dot com bubble
>Predicted the housing bubble
>His book, irrational exuberance, is probably the best book ever written in business cycles.
>As far back as 2015 he's been expressing concerns about overpriced bonds. This was a year and a half ago.


Other urls found in this thread:


>Overpriced bonds
So? So interest levels are shit?
You can't really have a "bubble" in bonds user, only shitty bonds, unless the rating agencies fuck up or something.

Are you telling me that US Bonds are suddenly going to stop payout out? Do you have any fucking idea how much that would destroy the world economy? Forget the 2008 shit, this would be 500x times that.

Been consistently wrong on equites too. Believes in efficient market theories etc. absolutely clueless

Watch "The Big Short" Film

What does he say about Bitcoin

You really are a special kind of retard aren't you?

You do realise that there are more bonds than treasuries, right?

Jesus Christ, there was a junk bond bubble back in the 1980's.



Shiller is a very PC type. the fact that the shiller index data was never organized before him is insane tho


You cannot be right every time.

i watched 15 of his lecture at yale, the guy is rather bad at explaining things.

I am sure he is clever as fuck but he is not a good "teacher"

What's his investing track record?

Weird. I watched his yt lectures too, and I think I could follow quite well, even though I don't have fuckall to do with finance.


Rather than short the market though, I'd say just wait for your global economy crash and buy when everything becomes super cheap.

sometimes the more you know, the more you know you don't know

I watched them too. (The entire 2011 course)

I thought he was great.

What's his investing track record?

soo don't buy bonds rn basically?

Is it so crazy? Here in Cali many(all?)Doctors and hospitals haven't been paid for their medi-cal services in over 2 years. US is 17 trillion in debt, mostly in debt to american citizens. If bonds prices are overpriced long enough and we keep not paying our debts and spending money we are eventually going to have a problem. Maybe its worse than we know...

Following lectures doesn't necessarily make them a good teacher. I have gotten A's in 100% of my math classes than failed a god damn calculus class cause the teacher would teach us shit then give us a test on completely different maths. Fucker was a genius, used to even work with the Nazi scientists after WWII making missile guidance systems. Knew fuck all about teaching math. That class went from 40 to ten people after dropping out andthen like 2 people passed the class. It was a joke. I was a retarded freshman so for some reason I stayed in..

You sir sparked my interest. Care to tell more about the math class and the professor? Some examples of stuff he taught and or said?

>be me studying 24/7
>really interested in anons post for some reason
>it's about studying
>fml :')

I watched them, I thought he was excellent.

every noob spouts this as if watching that fucking movie is the equivalent of taking a phd.

>You cannot be right every time.

Yeah you can.

that's the meme, you dip.

The Yale endowment is over 20% annualized. But a large part of that is due to private equity investment.