/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2302

>Recent News:
Xeno Cocytus Stick
New character EMPs at the end of the month as usual
Racer MC skin on Platinum Sky rerun
Debuffs getting adjusted this month (para, fear, coma etc)
GW balm buffs removed, it's now up for 2 or 1 hour depending on your Captain/ FO
Burger spoofers banned (wave 2)
Arcarum News (no date yet, but soon(tm)) (Summons' Call and Aura TL - pastebin.com/PwBd5VSz)

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for November:
31/10 - 8/11 - New Story Event (Yuel)
9/11 - 16/11 - Water GW (Fire NM boss is Sethlans)
17/11 - 22/11 - Platinum Sky (Rerun)
22/11 - 29/11 - Xeno Cocytus - It's a fucking stick
29/11 - ? - New Scenario Event (4th homoknight event?)

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:



>retard still doesnt include the shingeki no kyojin collab

>Xeno Cocytus Stick
>Water will now use Ultima stick

host ubaha

Feather's Cute wife

Arcanum sidequest where?

My girlfriend is so cute


Is it pedo if a human fucks a harvin woman?

here but its missing

>how hard does sarasa hit
>200k unbuffed with mis mist
>This is simply not true
>Lol ur grid is just shit u liar
>Posts pic of fully buffed damage
>N n n no one was talking about unbuffed.

Talking about buffed damage is pointless because you dont know what buffs he has access to.

Dumb kunt. Doesnt even know uriel doesnt stack with her passive.

There are people itt that doesn't have Titan and made 5* Sarasa for esport

41350856 4/6 DAO HL

They can still use ultima spear even when main handing the stick you idiot. Unless its a stick worked around warlock, then it just becomes a modifier stick

We still have no interracial harvin couple. Shit I don't remember ever seeing a harvin couple at all.

Sakura - 72k 69k
Tsurumaru- 44k 53k
Yamanbagiri- 61k 70k
Yoshiyuki- 29k 32k
Levi (so far)- 37k 16k

Holy shit. That's fucking stupid.

Literally nobody was talking about unbuffed damage you absolute dumbass, and Cock buff and Concludere isn't a fucking Shiva call, it's not going to jump your damage by 200k

>3* grid
>barely able to auto for 100k
am i doing something wrong

>le moved goalposts

yngwie managed to seduce a luminary knight... charlotta is the oldest out of them so...

>check my light parties
>have to change summons and party members on cr

>There are people that use Titan

>barely any likes

Everyone was talking unbuffed from the start, dumb cunt. Its literally the first sentence. 200k no buffs.

If the guy replying with 400k meant buffed, then hes just as retarded as you, or youre prolly him.

>try to impress people with his big numbers
>get called out
>"uh uh t-that wasnt part of the discussion"

I really find it hard to believe sarasa 5* only hits 200k on-element

The goalposts were never moved, you were just an illiterate retard from the get-go

So will the Race track skins be used for every class or will it be like Vermilion where it will is restricted to only certain classes


Oh wow, all that talk about unbuffed damage, huh? Oh, wait...

Haha, for sure here they'll mention no buffs! Oh... wait

This has got to mention "unbuffed", it's the reply! Oh, weird, it doesn't


But I don't have a boyfriend.

you need to abuse enmity with a 120% titan to make her hit 500k

>/gbfg/ literally can't read and moves goalposts instead

are you djeeta

Lesbian couple and their son

She doesn't. Even non crit it's like high 300k to 400k with nothing but her own attack buff.

yes, having a 3* grid

Holy shit.

>reading comprehension tards BTFO

So Sarsara lets me slimeblast without her 5*, yes?

I wonder if he will be Wind or Dark

Yes, but takes a party slot; did you not get homo katana

yes, she gives you permission for unprotected slimeblasting

I'd blast her slime

What is Ground Zero.

>last thread
I think I want to fuck Lunalu now

Yes but Torchblasting is better now if you have Yoda. 4 less AP and gives you the other half of the materials you need for making EXP/RP scrolls.

Is the ideal water frontline yuel/societte/anre?

Stand in line, there are others who go first.

How much HP does it have?


I'm aware, but I read on a guide that she doesn't kill all the slimes in one hit unless if she's FLB'd.

1m, that's why I said to use Yoda (and Invigorating Droughts, which you can also make with the stuff Torch and Slime drop).

swap Uno for Cailana

Aren't you?

The slime has 100k health, Salsa caps at 820k at 4*

>he doesn't have enough mats already to make hundreds upon hundreds of exp scrolls and feathers
>wasting a slot for something you don't need

I wonder what the plot of the event is going to be. I could see the fujo swords and Sakura getting isekai'd into granblue but what kind titan magic are they going to use to get into the GBF world?

You could also do it with 4* salsa and SM if you don't have yoda

The same way every other collab happened

On Makky HL she hits about that to 300k on average.

Congrats you're a toddlerfucker.

How can cows even compete?

Huh. I wonder if the guide was bullshitting me.

Ouch, getting btfo this hard must sting.

Dont worry my retarded seanig mudhutdwelling friend, you can still delete your post and pretend nothing happened. And hopefully youll delete yoir existence afterwards so dont taint the genepool any longer.


You just cant stop making a retard out of yourself can you.

>this much effort just to be wrong

Look for a second. Do you see a problem?

Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that they weren't replying to the guy who mentioned no buffs? And that nobody else mentioned no buffs?

How long until it comes, anyway?

How can any race even compete?

Cute Waifu


TIL Yugu is Titan


By manhandling her...

I fucked her last night.

>enmity on a magna earth yggdrasil grid

Who knows but it will probably limited to some classes.
I'm interested in that Ougi.
>Gran/DJ jumps on the Nightcypher starts rushing on the enemy and then jumps off to punch him on the face
I want to believe.

>The most Gransexual
>Never #1 in polls
>Cuckshit like Vira is

by not being dwarves with stumpy legs

Nobody mentioned "no buffs" because nobody was replying to that guy, dumbass. Follow the actual comment chain.

You went to all the trouble of making this autistic shit just to prove how retarded you are, god damn

>what kind titan magic are they going to use
What's funny is that Titans are basically space-time magic.

Girls under 5'5" aren't attractive

Granblue in charge of helping in this event will be SR Yoda! and he will have levi spin as ougi!

>Discussing buffed damage when you dont know what buffs the requester has access to
>Instead of just saying the flat base damage

You just dont know when to quit do you.

>B b but

No. No buts. Youre an illiterare retard that cant even follow a simple comment chain and thinks seraph stacks with her passive.

I can bet my ass that Titans will be earth and their ougis will be stomping the ground or throwing rocks.


I'm glad you like her too user.

I'll hold you onto that promise.

>damage control

Wow, who would think that a guy with Sarasa 5* would have access to a self buff that Sarasa gets at 5*, or crit buffs that she gets from zeniths? Unthinkable!

Yuisis is the best erune

>Titans will be earth
Considering that their origin is known in-verse as "the devil of the earth", you'd likely be right.

Quatre isn't needed if the party has yuel since they're both DATA buffers

Titans will be plain type

Are the 1/2 pot drops about the same? How's the xp?

By not being midgets

>we're getting Sawano music in Granblue

I didn't say i like her.
I just fucked her, but she was to small for my dick. Worst sex ever.

Little Girls is recruiting two mercenaries for water GW. Have a good water pool and be able to grind at 7 AM JST. Contact Eureka(id 6823403) if interested.