Happy Armistice day Veeky Forums
Remember not to bully the defeated unless they act like dindus.
Armistice day
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>won ww1
Why's Belgium wearing a dressing gown?
Remembering other conflicts too?
You mean Veterans Day you asshole
No. Americans can fuck off.
It's both.
Holy shit, I've never seen these before, great pics. Thanks, user.
The proper term is Remembrance Day you nerd.
>Millions of young men die for literally nothing
>Holiday is created to mark the end of the war and the tragic deaths of all involved
>Becomes a jingoistic celebration of the armed forces.
To some.
Kill your self you cunt
>Millions of young men die for literally nothing
Nice meme
Yep, the independence of Balkan memestates sure was worth it.
We only fought in the war for a yer when the wars after we fought more in
No, but stopping German and Austro-Hungarian aggression was
>how to be a anger cuck
Let's not get caught up in minor details about who did what. That's not what the day is about.
wow really makes you think
It really wasn't. We should have just let Austria give the Serbs a hiding.
Well American Did win the was for you and WW2
I am American.
Yeah I'm right BTW
Who /nopoppy/ here?
>give to other charities
>laugh while Unionists chimp out because I don't wear poppies
I love Ulster.
t. understands nothing about international relations or history
>Don't be a panslavic shitter
>War doesn't happen
>Your empire doesn't get JUST'd by the war
I think it's you who doesn't understand international relations.
Ulster here. I do wear the Poppy though that said I am a Protestant Unionist.
I haven't seen so many Poppies this year. I think we've long past the peak. Once the last WW2 vets die the British Legion will start struggling.
Frankly I don't really care if people don't wear a poppy. If everyone was forced to there'd be no statement to be made in wearing one and it would be counter to the sort of freedom that alot of the World War soldiers were talked into dying for.
I do however judge people who proudly don't wear one especially Republican sorts sure it cna be seen as a sign of supporting the British army but the amount of Irish soldiers of all creeds who died in the World Wars vastly out numbers any Irish casualties to the British Army.
>the amount of Irish soldiers of all creeds who died in the World Wars vastly out numbers any Irish casualties to the British Army.
That's precisely why I don't wear one. It's like black Americans retroactively supporting the Vietnam war because the USA sent many of them out to die in it.
>I don't care if you don't wear one
>Unless you don't wear it for reasons I don't agree with
There are families in belfast who's parents and grandparents were shot dead by British, or killed my paramilitaries aided in """secret""" by the British.
They can pay respects to those dead in the war without supporting British soldiers.
The Poppy has become-intentional or not-political and being from NI you should really know that better than anyone seeing as Protestant Poppy Fascism is rife here.
>le ebin panslavism meme
Yea I don't care if you don't wear one but I do care when people preach against wearing one or imply there's some kind of 'Poppy Fascism' going on.
Other than empty headed bellends on facebook who'll get butthurt about anything there really isn't but each their own.
Even English friends of mine prefer to wear the White Poppy. I'm surprised there are stalls to sell them. I've seen Republican Green ones aswell.
But there absolutely is poppy fascism everywhere.
>Other than those empty headed bellends
You mean a majority of the people you'll encounter at any rememberence ceremonies you pass?
Sure, nobody will have a go at you in public for not wearing one, unless of course you're in any sort of political position.
But god forbid you actually say "well I don't wear one because I don't really support a lot of what the British did" because you'll be fucking crucified.
"Wear your poppy with pride" is no different than saying "I'm not wearing a poppy, British soldiers did terrible things."
You can have your opinion, but keep it to your fucking self. There's literally nothing wrong with not wearing a poppy, ESPECIALLY if you're in Ulster of all places where you get absolutely lynched for daring to be anything too non-british.
You're just the other side of the same coin.
A road the Italian army carved intro a mountain
French soldiers attacking a german position with gunfire (and rocks)
An Austro-Hungarian outpost
British and French soldiers relaxing with a card game.
Italians trying to cut into a mountain
Typical Candians swearing too much
I'm sure the Belgians and French fighting to dislodge the Germans from their land would have agreed that they were dying for literally nothing.
Whoever drew this pic got the relevance order wrong
France was the leading allied nation, and Germany surrendered to Foch, not to whatever nobody the highest British general was
It's British propaganda for British people, what did you expect?
>France was the leading allied nation
In terms of land power sure, but the importance of Britain's total naval dominance can't be overstated. The war would have turned out completely differently if Germany had access to international shipping.
your retarded
No bully plz?
I hope you realize that the war didn't start because Germany invaded Belgium and France just for the craic.
Here's a set of photographs taken on 11th June 1918, near Courcelles-Epayelles.
During a counter offensive, soldiers of the 359th Infantry Regiment take cover in a ditch, few minutes after a supporting Saint-Chamond tank was destroyed by German artillery.
The same place, the same soldiers, shortly after artillery hit the road.
These pics are really interesting in that they depicts raw combat, the one who took the picture was most probably not an offical army photgrapher and as such no censorship happened.
The soldier on the foreground have been identified as sergeant Jules Hème, 31 years old.
Hикoлa I
Halt, imperial galleys! Restrain your mighty rudders!
Walk with silent tread
I am officiating a proud Requiem in the chill of the night
Upon these sacred waters.
There at the bottom, where seashells fall into the tired grip of sleep
And peat falls upon the dead algae,
Lay graves of the brave, lay brother to brother
Prometheuses of Hope, Apostles of Pain.
Do you not feel how the sea calms,
That it may not trouble the fallen troop's eternal rest?
From the deep abyss peaceful slumber ebbs,
And tired flight of the moonbeam walks.
This is a temple of secret, and a graveyard of sorrow
For the great dead, endless as our mind.
Silent as midnight upon southern islands,
Dark as a conscience, cold and despairing.
Do you not feel from azure depths,
That piety grows spilled atop these waters
And the air is filled with curious gentleness?
It is the great soul of the fallen, roaming.
Halt, imperial galleys! Before the tomb of my brothers
Shroud your trumpets in black.
Let your liveried sentries chant the holy dirge
Here, where waves embrace!
For the centuries will pass, like white foam
That crosses the sea and dies without trace,
And a new and great age will come,
And make a splendid home upon a pile of graves.
But this graveyard, where lays buried
The terrible, secret epic,
Will cradle a fairytale for the ages
Where the spirit will seek out its coryphaeuses.
Buried are here garlands of days past
And the fleeting joy of an entire nation,
And so this cemetery lies in the shadow of the waves
Between the bosom of the earth and the celestial vault.
Halt, imperial galleys! Extinguish your torches,
And draw your oars to rest,
And when I complete my Requiem, steal away into the dark of the night
Piously and inaudibly.
For I wish for the eternal silence to rule
And for the dead to hear the noise of the battle,
And hear their own blood boiling
In their children, cheering in glory.
For there, far away, the battlefield burns
With the same blood that lies buried here:
Here above the father, peace reigns,
There above the son flies a victor's banner.
So I want peace, to officate my Requiem
Without words, without tears and quiet sighs,
To merge scent of incense, and the breath of dust,
With the pounding echo of distant battledrums.
Halt, imperial galleys! In knowing respect
Glide with silent thread.
I officiate a Requiem, unlike any other,
Upon these sacred waters!
Pic related is the keeper of the allied graveyard in Salonika. He will be the last person buried in the cemetery.
Anyone got any Japan ww1 pics?
Well yeah. Despite the war being fought for retarded reasons, the men fought with more bravery and faced more horror than any cunt on this board could possibly fathom. It was remarkable and they deserve to be venerated.
>It's another butthurt Anglophobe episode
Why is the USA not pictured?
Because this is an early pic.
Also the reason why Russia is there.
Ahh that makes sense with the context I thought it was something post war.
Post end of the war I mean.
Was this paeschendael?
I hope you realize that it was as far as the Belgians and French were concerned. They weren't interested in the death of an Austria-Hungarian archduke, the war started for them when they were invaded because they happened to be between France and Germany.
Similarly, the war for the French began when Germany declared war on them. Defending your country is a perfectly valid reason to fight.
huh, I didn't know there were significant indian army units when gas started to be used.
more likely verdun i dont think the french were at paeschendael
>i dont think the french were at paeschendael
They were there
And at the Somme too, as well as at Gallipoli
In every battles the Anglos brag about, the French were there
But they were also at Verdun while the Anglos weren't
i knew they were at the somme but also that looks like a forest (or it used to be) and verdun was a forest
I wonder if he was just there to pose for the picture, it's odd he isn't armed.
last French pic I have