>they didn't invest in artificial photosynthesis
Y'all deserve to remain poor.
very cool image
is it from anything? or just concept art?
are we ever going to make cool cities like that or is it not really practical?
>Robot factory outsources it's coding to India
>Robots now are buggy and occasionally fall down without an explanation
>Shares have dropped 20%
I lost 3 million credits and 2 kilograms of nanoprobes so far. Going to inject myself with neural decay agent soon. Hold me cyberpunk biz.
ETH will skyrocket anytime now, I just know it!
We have a great number of . . . shills, who in turn operate other shills. Pumps stacked one in another. They'll need to be reactivated, but we never touch anything directly. We only influence. Suggest. Insinuate.
Like that? Probably not, too impractical.
In my view, the cyberpunk future is already here. Think about it:
>governments ratcheting up surveillance
>huge technology corporations are fighting each other over market share, power, influence
>a visible and painful divide between classes and incomes, with the rich out of touch and the lower classes in poverty (kept suppressed by various forms of electronic entertainment)
>segments of the population speak some form of unpronounceable gibberish that is a sure sign of cultural decay
It goes on.
Just look at pic related from China. Would you say that's cyberpunk as fuck?
I agree wholeheartedly that it's already here and that reality will begin to shape itself around it.
For those yet to be indoctrinated in this view it will come as a surprise down the road when they look around see a very apt future akin to the one depicted in movies such as Blade Runner, Elysium, etc.
Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized withing the week
I've already discussed the matter with the Senator
how do i dropship breathable oxygen?
It's not a real cyberpunk future until someone builds a giant Fuck You pyramid.
Elysium is the stupidest fucking movie I've ever seen take itself seriously.
be that as it may the main point I was getting was the divide between high and low. High has access to wonderful technology and they even live on a fucking satellite colony. Low is left in the shit. Everything true minus the satellite colony as far as I know
You got the right idea
Not really though. The average standard of living is better than any other time in human history...
That and the Purge, even more so its sequels.
I 90% sure the third one (Election Year) was a "this is what liberals actually believe" vision of America.
>totalitarian and police government imposed by a political party composed overwhelmingly of middle aged white men, who hold up in a church for a "Midnight Purge Mass" and are heavily inspired by Christian beliefs
>they dispatch death squads during the purge to minority and poor neighborhoods
>a virtuous resistant movement composed of a multiracial assortment, but mostly minorities
>the opposition candidate in the upcoming election is a female white liberal savior
>the *not*Republicans hire a a neo-Nazi and white supremacist paramilitary force to try take out the opposition candidate
Speaking of Cyberpunk, I recommend long term investment for Project Red - the studio that developed Witcher 3.
Given W3s success (most awarded game of all time, the last of us #2) the stock will most likely rise from just the preorders alone.
I've read some predictions that the game will be out in 2018/19, but no certain answer, hence long term investment.
CD Projekt SA* Sorry :)
Buy fiat on the dip
The premise of Elysian is basically
>Poor people are literally too stupid to lead good lives even when they have the entire earth at their disposal.
>Rich people fuck off to space.
>Said poor people invade space and somehow that isn't going to fuck up space as well even though they couldn't make a good environment with literally the entire fucking planet.
Yeah you're right, all those other countries on the other side of the world probably don't exist.
We're on the satellite.
Seemed like a cool idea, how the hell do I buy Polish stock though?
The average standard of living is better in those shitholes too. Just because they don't have the luxury of shitposting at work and collecting a check for existing within a building for 8 hours doesn't mean they aren't much better off than when they were peasants or savages. Idiot. But I guess improvements don't count if someone else gets more improvement than you. Man I'm not starving to death every winter anymore, but those damn americans have smart phones and xboxes so this is terrible.
Where are you from? I also had this issue, I am from Sweden and the two biggest brokers Avanza and Nordnet does not seem to have access to Warszawa stock exchange.
I bypassed this by opening a account on DeGiro, they are originally from the Netherlands but should work anywhere inside EU, perhaps US aswell.
>disclaimer, I have not yet bought CD Projekt SA stock but will do once I sell off my current long term investments in this fall/winter
The future that's in store for us will look more like mad max than blade runner.
Listen here you inbred shit, the taco bell sludge comprising the genetic material in your DNA is doesn't give you the brain to understand this but I'm not talking xbox's and smart phones. I'm talking access to health care, steady work, and steady living. I know you don't listen to any news or read anything about the percent of our human population that is impoverished and being locked in a systemic genocide but even if you listened to the shit tier news networks you'd know there's a ton of turmoil going in the world right now. Access to resources in these countries continue to dwindle and the people in power there are motivated by their own self-interest and greed. That's everywhere in many degrees. So you can keep eating shit and be okay with being told its honey or you can see it for what it is. I be you've always been dumb sack of shit.
Aw dammit.
Lol idiot. Of course bad things happen. They always have and they always will. But on average everyone on earth is better off than they were say 100 years ago. Especially if you're talking about people in power since the norm of the early 20th century was just a step above despotism. And you're getting mad because I'm not actively angry or emotional about the plight of random people in a random corner of the earth. Should I just be constanly upset then? How about you grow the fuck up and read a history book. Then if you feel so inclined, go improve the lives of those people by creating jobs and opportunities for them. I think you'll find that the real world is alot more like the movie elysium than you're willing to admit.
I'm making a killing on trenchcoats! you suckers missed out, I'm telling you
>the majority of people are better off
how do you even measure that?
>I think you'll find that the real world is a lot more like the movie elysium than you're willing to admit
dumb motherfucker do you not understand you just proved my point when I explained to you what Elysium was trying to convey. You're an actual fucking retard. Thanks for agreeing with me.
You don't even need an objective measure when famines and plagues alone are now newsworthy, where as in 1900 it would be more a footnote in the chronicles of the world. The difference is so enormous that it's actually silly to even argue, unless you're some sort of primativist who thinks that people are better off dying of cholera and a missed harvest than working 9-6 in a factory.
I get what you're saying and I agree with the sentiment but
>You don't even need an objective measure
you should get the fuck out
out of this board, out of this site, off this planet
You can't objectively measure happiness so if you start a discussion with that as the prerequisite then you're in for a bad time. Some things can only be meaningfully discussed in the abstract unfortunately.
no one said anything about happiness
quality of life doesn't necessitate people being happy, IMHO, it just necessitates the *capacity*, and the meaningful capacity, to be fulfilled and in control and unoppressed and healthy and social and """successful""" and happy and so on, because some people will always be unhappy and even make others unhappy
The point of everything you listed sans happiness is to promote happiness, future or present.
Yeah and as the movie depicts the world's resources were slim too. You seem surprised that 1. The Earth has throughout history had massive shifts in climate and as a result produces different biomes; the current one being expunged by humanity and that 2. poor people wouldn't know what to do in that situation and wouldn't have access to technology that would allow them to harvest more resources. You also seem surprised that the ones who do have access to this technology are the ones in power and just replicate a despotic governments essentially run by gangs on this planet (as also depicted in the movie) so I don't see how you could be lost.
Would the poor fuck up the space colony? Yeah absolutely. That's the one thing I thought of too.
Listen the only thing I didn't like about the movie was the love interest and that dumb story the little girl tells Damon in order for him to feel compassion.
We can head over to /tv/ and discuss this all damn day but in the end you're just not able to grasp it.
I don't feel sorry for you. Your mental capability was determined a long time ago. Cheers.
Blomkamp is actually a hard right winger that takes perverse pleasure in hiding his overall anti-immigration message in superficial liberal disguises because he knows liberals can only think superficially.
Not a single argument in the whole post. Biomes has nothing to do with indolent peasants not changing their surroundings. As for resources this is a mere detail of fiction since such a thing makes no sense in reality. (high poluation but no resouces? some fantasy contrivance must be keeping them alive). If they don't know what to do in that situation then it seems that's the whole problem then eh? Are they absolved of responsibility and agency because we expect them to make the wrong choice? Everyone is responsible for their own happiness. We all have to make our surroundings into what we'd like them to be, otherwise we have no right to complain. The idea that poorer people are better of than they once were, responsible for their current situation, and have a responsibility to tend to their own happiness seems to offend you. And that's awfully childish. Perhaps you believe in some cartoon caricature of "the rich" or "people in power" but I really shouldn't have to explain why such generalizations are silliness. As I said you should grow up. If you don't understand, that's fine. You will when you're older.
life is more than just happiness, and people want more, otherwise horror and tragedy and loss wouldn't be massively popular, otherwise we wouldn't expect every single story to have some central conflict
The point of all of those things, though is a more raw and abstract notion of pleasure, which is really what I'm reffering to when I say happiness. Pleasure in this sense is a neurological phenomenon that causes people to feel that an event or task was both worthwhile and valuable. For instance a baby may cause alot of suffering with incessant crying and demands for milk. These events taken in isolation would be considered bad. But when asked about the baby in general the parents respond that they are glad they had it and love it. In this case, small instances of discomfort lead to pleasure. The total experience is more than the sum of it's parts. The sum here is satisfaction with an event. That is what I mean when using the ill defined terms "happiness" and "pleasure". They aren't a kind of elated activity but more of a passive contentment.
Homeboy I never argued any of those things you stated. And you dragged happiness into this like you did with the other guy so you really don't fucking get it. I understand, you think Elysium is terrible. It must hurt trying to find different avenues you can take this and pass off as an intellectual. So I'll take it back to the original post that everything you've stated thus far can't understand because you've been fed hand to mouth your whole, Elysium depicts a dystopian future that is not dissimilar to our own. Suck my balls retard boy.
hue ok then mind telling me what I'm missing about your posts since aparently the text of them isn't indicative of their content?
try harder to impress me retard boy hahaha
Read everything I said and I have kept both subject of the world depicted in the movie and the world as is IRL separate and only draw similarities to express my original reply towards . I discuss nothing of happiness nor of the less fortunate being absolved of responsibility, I simply state what is. You just need to argue so your true thoughts about yourself don't seep into your mind and leave you crippled. Must suck.
I also have a question. Are you white?
So now I'm really curious in one sentence what was your point? Go ahead. Summaraize. I'm right here. You haven't had a single coherent argument the entire time as far as I can tell. And every time I respond your first reaction is to say that I don't understand you and that I'm too stupid to wring meaning out of your words. So now's the time. Say it, friend. Make your point. Since I'm obviously much dumber than you I'll never understand it unless you just tell me. What's your argument?
>So now I'm really curious in one sentence what was your point? Go ahead. Summaraize. I'm right here. You haven't had a single coherent argument the entire time as far as I can tell. And every time I respond your first reaction is to say that I don't understand you and that I'm too stupid to wring meaning out of your words. So now's the time. Say it, friend. Make your point. Since I'm obviously much dumber than you I'll never understand it unless you just tell me. What's your argument?
You just proved it.
Your point was that you're incoherent?
so mad baby boy. you literally got angry over this whole thing as if it was an argument and it's not. An argument implies that there's multiple views that are viable on a topic whereas this from start to finish was me downloading truth of the world as is into your mind and you reacted violently that your psyche couldn't comprehend it. You can argue all you want. I already stated you can't see it any other way. No matter how many times I reply to you or how many times you drag me into your stupid argument. You just won't understand. You also answered my question. You are white.
What's it like being a born loser?
Is this trolling? I haven't been angry the entire time, you know. I've been alternating between chuckling and head scratching.