What were the jews doing at the height of the Roman Empire?
What were the jews doing at the height of the Roman Empire?
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Living in Palestine, largely minding their own business. Having the occasional rebellion.
There were lots of them outside Palestine too. Mainly being butthurt about whatever the Romans decided to ban about Judaism this week.
Usual Jewish stuff.
>complaining about being oppressed
>plotting to steal power
>killing the Son of the Living God in human form
Getting their temples sacked and looted
Actually apparently Jews had it pretty good in Rome at a time.
>Rome provides a based king
>Approves the religion
>A big part of Roman population are actually Jews(a jewish-histories professor that I know says that it could have been as high as 10%)
I don't know much about it, haven't read anything, but from what I heard, Jews weren't just stereotypes, a shockingly shocking idea, I know.
The kikes controled the Roman Empire, this is why christians were persecuted but not (((themselves)))
that sounds interesting. do you think this is where they first learnt to be shifty and bargainy? to get around roman laws?
are you serious hehe, i could almost believe that
After Judea was destroyed they dispersed everywhere and did their typical shtick of peddling and shopkeeping.
I will post a more developed post in 30 minutes.
Not well to say the least.
Didn't Romans also loot the Ark of the Covenant? They probably did the same to it as Spanish did to all dat native American gold and silver artifacts.
>Jews controlling the Roman Empire
You're basically doing their "we wuz" for them.
No. They learned to be shifty and bargainy to get around Christian laws.
In Rome it seems a lot more like they just kept their heads down (outside Palestine anyway). Then Rabbi's would ban the Jews attempts to blend into Roman society. Most notably with circumcision.
this, Jews are literally next stage of evolution. The highest life form of life ever to walk the Earth.
They adapt and will eventually control every enviromnent they find themselves in.
I mostly used wikipedia and not primary sources(i.e.christian and pagan historians) to not make it to make too long.
No, the Ethiopians have it kept safely tucked away.
Persecuted in Roman Polytheistic times
Persecuted in Roman Christianity times
I:E being persecuted
Getting their butt kicked.
Getting their vaginas filled with Roman semen
romans had a mandatory policy that all jewess brides be given off to a roman soldier for insemination
so cucking was the norm
this is also confirmed in the talmud, mishnah, and other judaicas
bretty gud then they chimped out while rome was approaching her peak. then they got btfo all of europe and then the christian west set them up for a two millenia scheme to achieve world domination
Who /wetasoctober/ here?
They got fucked a bunch of times against the Romans. They lost countless of people in the various revolts they led.