/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

Latest patch: dota2.com/duelingfates (7.07)
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
New players (League refugee edition): dotabuff.com/learn/lol
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Cosmetic simulator: d2armory.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page
Interactive Map: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/interactivemap/

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/

Streamlink: github.com/streamlink/streamlink
GUI: github.com/streamlink/streamlink-twitch-gui

Previously on D2G:

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When did he win your heart?

Reminder that Pangolier's voice lines confirm Jakiro and OD are the two most hung heroes in Dota.




Jokes of past TI.

you dont get it, the facts are supposed to be opposites, not just a mishmash of positives and negatives

How do you play Doom in positions besides offlane? He feels ineffective to me anywhere else.

Come up with talents that would break the game harder than the ones we have now
>Cold Embrace can be casted on enemies
>Ball Lightning pulls nearby allies inside it

warlock: golems do not expire

>wakes up
>vp got stomped 2-0

Doom sucks

t. last pick

Dirty Sanchez is a good position to play Doom

More like 'Pangolly I better repick'

is Crystal "Maiden" the most horrible title given to someone in dota land? this "Maiden" doesnt look like a maiden to me , hell Lina the Slayer is more of a maiden compared to this slut.

>t. doesnt get the chad meme
Yours isnt funny

Death Pact grants agility and strength instead of damage and HP.

Aren't you supposed to have a lewd image with that pasta?
Post naughty sexy cm pls

>want to play dota with friends
>friends only want to play turbo now

i don't want to get banned for posting lewds in a blue board :(

Um excuse me

could you not talk about my wife like that?

guess which pokemon d2g

literally viable on any hero

The virgin memes are supposed to be mundane statements so general that they can play on anyone's insecurities. The chad statements are supposed to be completely ridiculous counterparts.

>7.07 hits
>It's a "if you don't pick a ultra late game dotard you lose" episode

my favourite episode
last episode was literally
>lets just sit mid as 3 heroes and rape the midder until he tilts

You want to see the game die right /d2g/?

meme warden


>play with friend long time ago
>friend is a shitter that exclusively plays hard carry no matter what
>stop playing with him because its not fun watching him pick a hard carry and shit the bed and never carry
>he hits me up with the new patch saying he's got real good now and consistently gets over 800 gpm
>call him out because there's no fucking way even in over a year of practice
>look at his match history
>every game is turbo mode
turbo mode was a fucking mistake


sunder can work on buildings

That's actually viable

been watching it for nearly a year

Guess the hero

I think Tempest Double would deal more damage to towers by right clicking rather that meme hammer, stats are good on it though

Can anyone redpill me on midas these days?
When should or when shouldn't I go for it as a carry/support?

game is the best it's ever been, ya'll just being salty ass nerds.

there was a pl against us this game and we did not have real aoe except for ember, every time the illusion got out of control id just cast 2 meteors and wrek all of his illusions, worked pretty well actually

You build midas on characters that need levels really fast

When you are le balanced master-of-all-trades wizard, or perhaps AA

other than that, probably never

>OG vs Fnatic
Who gonna win?

clinkz is really fucking strong rn

how do you not die by standing still for 3 seconds, it cost VP a game

i guess cause it was a pub

why's midas good on AA ?

who is that supposed to be on the left?



2 ez

OG. Even with Notail dragging the team down they can't lose to Envy.

AA basically can't farm creeps at all. He can hit a creep wave with his ult and hope to hit a few low health creeps with it, and then go in for last hits manually. But other than that he can't farm shit.

"Pangolier is a carry meme" needs to die already. Hate having the game instantly unwinnable when our safelane carry wastes a slot by going as him.

will dota ever have this problem?

Nope. The developer team doesn't say anything to the players outside of patch days.

No because literally the worst thing that ever happened was Veeky Forums charging Gabe $2.50 for a box.

OW devs are just pussies.

valve's method of dealing with community is

>we're changing this. feel free to express your opinion but we're changing this and we'll only ever modify it if it's an egregious problem.

they don't give a shit about what the community says. not since diretide. they just do something and it's ready when it's done.

midas is good on any hero that really needs levels and has no other way to farm. it's also sometimes good if you're really ahead or really behind but think neither team can end the game soon, depending on the hero.

muh burden of knowledge

The worst that's come of valve being silent is diretide. Yes they were retarded for not knowing that literally everyone wanted it back, but compared to Riot and blizzard, it's a fucking blessing

Has anyone else felt as if all matches they played since the patch have been decided within the first 15 minutes?
Or worse, just by the pick?
I had so many games not change after 12-15 minutes. I could have been 0/0/3 as a support and suddenly the enemy team swings around and does nothing but steamroll us. Nothing but enemy domination from that point onward.
It feels as if starting stats and statgrowth outweigh everything now.
Even fucking PA is useless now, instead, the team with tinker always wins.

WTF happened to this game?

I didn't say it was a bad thing. if anything I'm glad they aren't such beta pushovers like blizzard.

>midas is good on any hero that really needs levels
i dont think that's good enough of a reason anymore because of the bounty runes, you just get more out of getting small stats itens that help u fight for the runes instead of a midas that impedes you from doing anything for 20 mins


link is broken, but a league team literally got fined because they went an unconventional build
imagine if Dendi got fined $500 because he did the pudge fountain hook


If I’m forced to support in pubs should I be instalocking Bane? Seems like with the nightmare change and enfeeble talents he’s a god-tier lane bully/space maker, no carry meme build necessary. Also is Spirit Breaker offlane viable?


>that mkb price
>all that pure damage
man this item got so much better now


>"healing is antifun"

i can't find that video


oh, I forgot to mention Arc Warden, because his double also gets his own midas with a separate cooldown. So AW gets two midases.

other than that, it's just what said. needing levels and farm but not being able to farm on their own. and situationally when you have a fuck ton of gold early game and it couldn't be better spent on getting your items faster to just shit on the enemy team and close the game (ie. you know the game is going to go long no matter what).

You didn't post the reasoning for the fine though, which was the hilarious part.

He was fined because it was considered BM to not use the Riot Approved build, i.e. it was considered hurting his opponent's feelings in a pro match.

>diffusal recipe changed to 1000
>diffusal upgrade allows you to purge
make diffusal great again

>morph undying
>bonus strength stolen with decay persists after morph ends
>morph OD
>bonus int stolen persists after morph ends
>morph slark
>bonus agi from essence shift disappears as soon as morph ends
What did Icefraud mean by this?

Hell, I just want more Dispels in the game

At least Valve changes things fast if they think it needs to be changed. Blizzard's method of updating their games is fucking retarded..

morello is aids.

He is actually right in this instance, Soraka was a horribly designed character; she could restore her own mana and had a heal skill that also boosted ally armor by a retarded amount, meaning unless you could do her entire life bar in one combo (not feasible in LoL) then nothing would happen for the entirety of laning because she also had no offensive tools.

topkek, i wish i didn't start playing 2 months before ti5 and get to see it myself

>reading about new gpus to buy
>go to nvidia website looking for a promotion/discount
>puppey holding a gpu "this is the best for esports"
my boy made it

Does Silencer's +2 INT steal talent work retroactively?

who...so this is icetoads real power. How will we fix him?

name a good am counter

ill wait

Nope unfortunately.

Midas = core then? Rush that level 15?


time will heal it, as it heals everything

>the virgin midas
>the chad mjollnir

The exit game button

>Samoa Joe is the VA for the Jugg immortal

u wot m8

>is something too strong? remove it
>iron talon and PMS removed for being too strong

So is jungling basically steal farm from your offlane for four levels first?

you can leave now

now this is dumb
fuck off with your overratings

>/ourprofessor/'s analysis still sitting at

I just realized I played 14 (fourteen) games of DotA today. I think this patch might have rejuvenated my will to play this game, DotA feels the same as it did on the comfy times (circa 2013).

only if they were actually going to be farming those camps instead of being in their lane

PA and troll

drow ranger.

Healing is absolutely anti-fun. You'll notice that Dota, a fun game, has no healbot characters. There are several characters with heals but it's not the primary thing they do. Many shitty games have characters where healing is the main thing they do, and they are bad games.