/lhg/ - Light's Hope General

Classic WoW announced:
[YouTube] World of Warcraft Classic Announcement (embed)

Light's Hope is a Vanilla WoW Private Server, it's the new and improved version of Elysium, they cut out the corrupt owners and rebranded.

Open realmlist.wtf and Set realmlist logon.lightshope.org

LH Discord (discordapp.com/invite/mraKxcU)

>Vanilla WoW database

>Addons pack (some out of date like KLH Threat Meter)

>Leveling Guide (specs unreliable for some classes use at own risk, play what you want or ask in the thread for more info):

>Download the client without torrent (direct download):

>Raid/char/item drop info:

>WoD models (place MPQ in data, rename file to patch-3.mpq)

previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:



>we will allow players to download a cryptographically signed copy of their character data, if they wish to continue their journey with another project.

Why is WK so based?

What are the retailbabbies going to do about autism like devilsaur mafia? Will the cry on the forums so much they end up changing classic into retail wow anyway?

When will light's hope officially disband?

>all these losers who spend months playing on elysium
>and find their progress will be irrelevant
How does it feel cucks?

What they're going to do is start at vanilla to gather a strong subscriber base, then progress the realms all the way through to the latest expansions. Sure you might be able to stay in the vanilla realms but your guild and the entire playerbase will move on to the tbc immediately and you'll be left on a 500 pop anathema lookalike. Same will happen with wotlk, then cata etc. All until everyone is buying the latest expansions from blizzard, falling right into their trap.

did they announce vanilla?

>continue where nostalrius left off
>clear aq and naxx
>retire happy just in time for best fresh

>level up and clear mc and bwl for the third time in a row
>server dies before aq for the third time in a row
>have to go even more mc/bwl on best fresh

The animes can't keep getting away with it bros

I don't know they want to shut it down. They could progress through TBC before the official server release.

From the QA, Blizzard seems haven't started anything yet beside the concept of "we gonna host classic server". They are known to pull/alter project from time to time e.g SC:Ghost, project titan, starcraft2 dota, diablo3( they released "gameplay" but when the demo come out 3 years later, it was really nothing like it)

Because they know it's pointless since blizzard will eventually release TBC classic and people will just wait for that instead of rolling on a shitty bugged private server plus they have to fix their own bugs by themselves instead of starting with a decent base like they did for vanilla

>World of Warcraft: Classic releases
>It's stock mangos

>tfw people are going to cry stock mangos when their shitty strats that only work on bugged private servers don't work anymore on real vanilla

>i can finally farm DM without getting banned or gimped by stupid shenna

What happened to the other thread?

daily reminder, your server has a limited time left. A few months before they release 'classic' servers, they will purge all vanilla servers in hopes of getting you wastes of space into giving them a few extra dollars

>classic is coming out
>all vanilla servers get shut down by blizzard
how does it make you feel?

Isn't collusion bannable?

everyone's on discord and is talking about what class they gonna roll on official server.


i don't want to play wow classic, i have better things to spend $15/mo on and i don't want to deal with multiboxers: the game

Multiboxers have been in the game forever are you new? They even became a meme in retail WotLK with 10 man shaman multiboxers being everywhere

thats why i liked nostalrius, because multiboxing was against the rules

yeah enjoy your dead server.

>join blizzard classic server
>banned for pvping
>banned for standing on a roof
>muted for talking

and enjoy your multiboxing

Just like playing on LH!

alright go play nostalrius then

Any REAL info on WoW classic rules and settings?

Racism is fine, excessive racism isn't. Compared to retail where just calling someone retarded is enough.

No technicalities were discussed, just some general info about the project and what their intention is.



I can't decide if I want to roll /fresh/ for fun leveling pvp or edge myself for a year so the blizz classic orgasm feels better.

I am definitely not raidlogging another fucking private server ever again

Fresh will be fun if you can poopsock it into stv before its dead in a week.

Nice interview.
Won't happen for a while then, they're gonna milk the next expansion for a while before they release classic.

literally lmaoing @ you retards. it's an aprils fool joke. classic servers are never coming.


No joke, I'm considering re-subbing for the next xpac. I haven't played since wrath so I have no idea how the fuck you even play now, in fact the only reason I want to now is zone level scaling.

Don't bother it's shit. It was acceptable in Pandaland but everything after Draenor is terrible.

play on pve servers

WoD leveling was fun the first time around. Not challenging or engaging combat-wise, but if he just wanted to pay to sub and see the content, you'd get more than your moneys worth seeing all the new shit.

Yeah I do, even the shitty cata revamps. I also want to play a demon hunter, they look fucking sick and I'm a total sucker for edgy shit.

PvE server is even worse. There's literally nothing you can do about the gang of hunters dropping explosive traps over the spawns.

where my /retailbulls/ at?

What do I play on retail classic, bros?
I think it's between warrior, mage, and shadow priest.
I've always played warrior, identify as it. I've always wanted to play a shadow priest though, and mage is mainly just considered because it's easy, good, and wanted no matter what.

I'm playing a human warrior. Literal master race, the ultimate chad.

How generic can you be?

Retailcuck detected, but I guess we're all retailcucks now.

Which class has the better slutwear?

finally we're free of all these shitty russian scam servers

Holy fucking shitballs, I just got a sponsored add on normiebook from elysium official page! You can't make this shit up!

Like seriously, they can't fix the lag for months, but Shenna can just pocket 3k, and after the shitshow they have enough for fucking kikebook adds....

madtii's pantiis

>tfw as soon as retail classic launches i wont have to read comments like this any more

boy are you wrong

>be warrior
>get frost nova'd
What do I do in this situation?

get despelled

i wont because i wont have to come here to read dumb ass attention whoring to keep up with servers
enjoy inflating the egos of trannies

i want to lick cummies off madti's feet



jesus christ they are spamming emails now?

FUCK europeans, I'm glad I'm never going to have to play with the fucking retards that post shit like and anyone, since they'll be contained in their own cesspools while I play my glorious NA servers

ironic that the 6 guys from SD and dads who make the majority of those posts are all American.

Demon hunters are fun as shit, but you start at the entry level for legion so you'll miss out on all the content prior to that.

Though most people will tell you that's for the best.

i'm american

hunter 1-10
just fucking kill me

kite kite kite

1-2 rogue
3-4 hunter
5-6 priest
7-8 warrior
9-0 reroll


now roll for race

Give me a rundown on the class. What makes it unique and what roles do they have?

Watching gameplay of it tells me nothing.


1-3 troll
4-6 undead
7-9 orc
0 reroll

w-what's going on in there..

the congregation of lots of orbiters

what happened to not giving Blizzard your money because they were a shit company? why haven't you subbed back to retail, could it be you can't afford 15$ a month?

>in a game where it's all about race wars
Yeah...back into your jail cell, greenskin nigger. the kul tiras fleet will be here any moment

be gnome

female troll or night elf mail/plate wearing classes

so hunter/shaman/warrior

some of the legguards are just ridiculous and don't even cover the inside of the thigh i don't get it at all lol at least make slutmogs at least somewhat practical

No more china
No more russia
No deleted toons
No inflated gold scamonomy

Holy fucking shit...

I play on Elysium because I'm a poorfag neet.
Will this classic server be free too or will I need to be a sub?

coming soon
>hierlooms :)
>lootbox chests
>barber shop
>selfie mode
>balanced specs
>lvl 20 mountz
>LF dungeon
>girl gamers
>wrath babbies
>cata babbies
>legion babbies
>wod babbies
>mop babbies
>flying mounts
>wow tokens
>pet battles
>pet selfies
>gear tokens
>custom tabards
>battle.net friendz
>wide sweeping patches that change the entire game but keep normies interested and playing for another month
>sjw shit
>feminist shit
>customizable EXP rates
>chat moderators that are easily triggered
>GMs who are taught the customer is always right
>bans and mutes for offensive language
>gear score
>refer a friend
>Res scroll
>casual raids
>in-game hearthstone in the INNs
>achievements that unlock shit in overwatch
>overwatch babbies
>achievements that unlock shit in hots
>hots babbies
>achievements that unlock shit in hearthstone
>hearthstone babbies
>simplified class quests
>streamlined leveling
please add to this list as you see fit

LMAO what the fuck is this

retail babies just wont get devilsaur

nah, maybe dont be an ass for an hour on a complete stranger and spam nigger and you will be fine
and to keep you playing you are looking at 24/48/72 hour bans max for racism

this isn't true. on retail if you get enough reports you're muted for X amount of time without ANY overview of your case or situation, and wow is littered with sjws now.

ok i got banned 3 times in tbc/wotlk for racism and got banned for 72 hours, dont remember anything about being muted, maybe i just forgot



are we sure that Wreathe isn't Punished Gummy?

>unironically comparing real world races with made up shit species in a 15 year old fantasy game


>implying we don't play just to have fun

leveling is part of the game you know

Did blizzard actually confirm that it will be different game on a different client? I still feel like it still can be most epic fraud I've ever seen.

*coughs blood*

im gonna miss funny names and guildnames
>RIP in peace aids and hivpatients

why shouldnt time and effort be rewarded?

hes listing everything as if it was time he couldve spent with his family, why even bother competing with hardcore players as a casual then.
Now theres no excuse the casual friendly is readily available for him in the new expansion

please dont ruin it for everyone else just because you dont have the time or effort...

>muh casual boogeyman

the worst thing about retail is that it's not even casual, high end raiding is harder than ever before but the average player will never get to experience it.

It will use the new server structure, which means features that haven't been in Classic itself could potentially be added to the new servers. This might include new services like the cross-servers, dungeon finder etc but it also gives the potential of a server that can hold more than 2000 people. Make your own judgement.

meant to reply to this



>using kikebook