/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Rotations, formats, new class:

>14M Download event details

October nerfs - PDK, CoCK and NEET

Starforged Legends is out.

>What events are up?

Leader poll results

Official Website:

Deckbuilder and card database

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Other urls found in this thread:


dragon quest rivals

>trying to fill my 500MP a day quota
>play dshift
>aggro ambush sword, aggro blood, agrro blood
>start the day with 3 loss

Hearthstone new expansion looks fun tbqhfam

You deserve it.

>be the cancer that's been killing the game
>cry when you force everyone to play aggro or autolose

Good job, Luna!

ded gem

i hope i get to rope you


The face of havencraft

>dragon quest rivals 3754
>shadowverse 797
ded gemu

>check past threads
>subhumans unironically defending censorship
i remember when anons laughed at anyone with censored files, now everyone is prideful about using clap files and posting mobile screenshots without shame
where did it all go wrong?

>Summon a 0/8 Chest to opponent side
get Bonemared
>Lego weapon is a dumb down version of Anduin

Hey hey hey, wait a minute. How did he pull Demon with his Deck getting replaced by Satan?


But svg told me that DQR wouldn't kill SV

is there any hope for seraph haven or is aegis strictly better?

Things went downhill here back in TotG with the MidShadow/RampDragon meta, then got way worse when NBlood happened, and haven't really gotten better since. I dunno if it's /hsg/ refugees or what, but the quality of this general is just not what it used to be.
Exhibit A: all the people here who unironically want rotations


It's literally in the post you're quoting you mouth breather

>oponent has 0 master points
>play airjammer and an ambling wraith come out
at least the first one was aa1

I was roped by Cblood i met after those 3 games. Ez win, he just prolong the defeat.

>Be a cancerous twat
>Surprised that you lose when an entire meta is trying and failing to remove you

Perseus, oathless knight, headpat+princess vanguard

/svg/ tournament when?

>necroassassin + corpse
defend this

im 100% sure its /gbfg/ and /fgo/
they felt at home with all the recent shitposing, and now they all came out of their homo cave and post like their usual selves without any care at all

ded general no point

Do you expect me to remember this after watching the video?

That's probably a big part of it too - the fate collab certainly didn't improve things around here. Still, a lot of the really stupid gameplay-related shitposting reeks of hearthshittery, which leads me to suspect they're part of the problem as well.

dirt's so fucking retarded
who thought 1pp 0/2 ward, 2/2 mordecai, and 6pp board wipe + 3 face damage in a burn-oriented deck was fair and balanced

Discord fucks up anything. The tournament was 99% discord, there's no point.

Just banish bro

>losing all day
This is why I mostly play single player games to avoid the inevitable competitive rot that tends to happen in 2 player

>polluting an event that gives them attention
Not even surprised.

what's discord

run more pings. Illusionist is great, you have a 40% chance to destroy his hand for good if he draws poorly which makes it smooth sailing from there now that he has to contest without having full strength and not having the room to play producers

whatever you don't like

tl;dl: A disaster.

How does more /hsg/ refugees correlate with more people who want rotation, if anything logic dictates it should be the opposite.

I've been here since DE and said back then that given the Devs' MTG background rotation is the most likely solution to powercreep but there were stubborn idiots who clung to the idea that cygames wouldn't do it until KMR had to spell it out for them.

i stopped playing them when the dude that used to make them stopped bans after inba blood nerfs, he clearly was a huge xxfag so i didnt bother anymore

Basically an imageboard where you can just make whatever board you want

>Basically an imageboard

this thread

What, it's what it is.

can we talk about reddit and discord more guys?

Just a chance for /svg/ to beat up Discord.

No we are done, reddit.

This general is fucking dead. nerf sibyl btw upvoted ESL

newbie here, what are the packs I should get

the DE ones because they have vampy chan in it :D discord

~40 from each set newest first. This gives you a good working pool of silvers and bronzes to piecemeal together.

>Nerf the deck that kept DShift in check as it received the best buff it could get other than literally adding another Insight to the deck
>Don't nerf Sybil
>Announce that every craft but Dragon will get nerfed to shit in 2 months after dealing with Dragon's shit since ToTG got released
>Everyone already got to GM last month
>Dragon Quest Rivals gets released
It's almost like this game is managed by a couple of baboons throwing feces at a wall.

/svg/ would end up filling their ass with decks and ideas.

Reroll first, then spend your gold on whatever you're missing to fill out the deck you want to make.

Nice reddit spacing discord.

The biggest gaming community out there.

Don't forget to join us at: discord.gg/XDLampy=)FTW:DD

how would you nerf sibyl

>will get nerfed to shit in 2 months

We haven't seen a single fucking card from the next set other than the few leaked portal cards. It's way too early to call anything nerfed, people were shitting on PDK prior to SFL too.

How long until this general dies off completely?

Golden curve after golden curve after golden curve
There is some kind of malicious nature to my match making

It's good to be desu.

shitty stats like merlin
shes balanced since she draws you cards (standard skill) and spellboost (class skill)
meanwhile sibyl does the same but with full stats
and no, the t5 thing does not make it balanced fuck off with that shit already

No, retarrds were shitting on it. Anyone who knew shit knew it was a strong card

At least turn her into a 4/3. Having a 5 drop that can kill something and heal is OK, having a 5 drop that can ramp, heal, kill an evolved follower and needs another evolved follower to be taken out (while taking out the second one as well) is absolutely stupid.

They are taking out way too many important cards for many decks and classes to be solved in one expansion even if literally every card in the set is good to great.

I want a Medusa deck because I got an animated Venomfang medusa so I don't want to reroll, should I keep opening sfl packs until I get the 3 then?

it's some bunch of crap, if anything on paper the less affected craft it's shadow

Not to mention how almost every match is decided by turn 4
Not won, but decided
If your not on the decided side of the match there is really no reason not to concede

Cool, it's still gonna kill their previous play and then the saha train's engaged

Sneks are really bad. You can probably climb to A-AA with it but it's not exactly viable in the current meta.

Don't forget you have to do gm twice in seperate formats if you want all the season limited goodies now. Have fun grinding.

Fucking epic!

Yes, I remember back then. I remember when you and people like you were the stubborn idiots that insisted that rotations would be fine and definitely wouldn't make the Japanese jump ship, and now that rotations have been announced we're seeing shit like almost immediately but people like you will handwave and deflect to defend your precious "balance" mechanic. You'll go on about how it's because of the Dshitters infesting the meta, or only because DQR just released, I'll go on about other TCGs and CCGs that succeed without rotations and cite how games with rotations tend to die in Japan, and in the end you'll ignore whatever I say because it's inconvenient for you. There, it's like we had the whole argument without shitting up the thread this time.

Really, we've been having this shitfest in this thread for over a year now, and if nothing that's happened has changed the rotationfags' mind on the matter than it's likely that literally nothing will. Enjoy your dead queue and terrible Giant Chimera-infested rotation meta, you'll come back to unlimited soon enough anyway.

>Neutral: Hamsa evo, have elta up the preceeding turn you know it's coming, Strix evo, angel crusher, mr full moon, Gigas. Odin (off curve)
>Forest: Pixie's mischief, Dwarf perfumer, forest of dreams, woodkin curse and evo anything, Rose gardener Pegasus elf evo, Crystalia Lily, Abby evo and roach, sukuna evo and roach, epm faeries and elder treat, master of canopies evo, Noble fairy and your emp's faeries evo, fairy driver and faeries, Archelon and epm faeries, gigas, homecoming
>Sword: Unsheathed a fatty, Barbarossa, frontguard
>Rune: Petrify, Rune blade summoner, Penguin Wizard-cantrips-enchanted swords, whirlwind mage-cantrips-enchanted swords, rimewind, caprice, 0 cost evo and curse, shadow witch, bolt, giant, ER elder mage, brick destroyer
>Dragon: Leviathan, Dramatic dragonblader-Serpent's force, draconic arts-force, red ragewyrm, disaster dragon, lightning behemoth, skull dragon, ebon beast warrior, inferno dragon, jabberwock
>Shadow: Atomy, board tetris, ephmera howl, dolorblade warrior, orcus, kektar, mail
>Blood: Dark summoner-axe enhance, Meme peddler, demonic sniper/DoV-laura, beast dominator, rampaging giant, demonic thrall, Carabosse, frenzied juggernaut, Gunnlod
>Haven: Iron Maiden, Hoylwing dragon, holy mage, Laelia, Acolyte's light, divine armor, angelic noble, white knight, heresy's avatar

Don't crop out what you're playing fag.

Nah, it's a burn dirt meta.

>Skull Beast, Soul Conversion, Bone Chimera, Deathbrand, Phantom Howl, Cerberus, Mordecai, Tyrant, Atomy, Death's Breath, Foul Tempest and lesser cards like Rabbit Necromancer, Dark Conjurer, Spartoi Soldier and Lesser Mummy
>Aiela, Forte and Genesis
Indeed, user.

I hate that shit but it's better than having the hell parade begin and still have to throw an evolve to take out Sybil instead of just trading with a 1 drop or some shit. I don't want the card to be unplayable I just want it to stop being so oppresive.

>Not keeping up board pressure
BnB hates trading you know

>all these fucking bounces


>Play offensive instead of defensive 4 drops
>Any ping follower drops her
You are own fault

Aggro is oppressive, not a defensive card in a craft that needs to catch up to be worth of anything.

Nice, did you just carry liza forward to a free win?

Yeah man it's not like she takes out basically every card that can be on the board by turn 5 except Albert.


just themis bro

Are you guys aiming for top 1k?

Cards with 6 ATK point and sometimes low cost aren't rare.

>you spend 2 cards to take out 1 card
>while they also get free ramp and possibly heal
>brainlets argue she's balanced just because she evaded nerfs this month
Just like eachtar amirite? Until he got nerfed that is.
Neet and trump evaded 3 months of nerfs too. I guess they were balanced in those 3 months and now they're not.

>fucking ptp rune
Yeah but I almost lost.

Is that why Dragon has been a top deck in ToTG, completely shat on the game last month and has been a great tournament deck ever since Sybil got released (even winning RAGE last expansion when it was "balanced") while aggro decks are always at most second best decks that don't do well in tournament metas?

Her 6/7 evolved body lets her take out an evolved follower that was already on the field and survive with enough health to need another evolve to take her out unless you are crashing her into Atomy or an Strix that got his effect triggered (which was played for like one week last expansion and then dropped unceremoniously), user.

>comparing a card that gives you followers, buffs, removal and finishing powers to a single body with heal

And Ramp. The strongest damn effect in the game that you guys never care to mention.

Learn more about the game. Blood alone got that 3pp 4/4 guy and Belphegor herself, and Shadow has Soulquasher, just to name a few.

I'm afraid this isn't /hsg/. Ramp in curverse sucks and have always sucked.

Just Tilting Windmills bro

>ramp is bad
Not when it's tied to a base stated 5pp which effectively makes the ramp free without any downsides. Again something brainlets love to leave out.

Do tell me how many 1 drops or pings Vengeance blood runs to take advantage of that, user.

>The Dragon playerbase

I stated that rotation was the most tried and tested way of combating powercreep and it's no coincidence the most successful CCGs in the world use it. I don't give a shit what the Japanese feel in their little microcosm and it's only ever brought up you keep insisting that Cygames is ready to throw away all the money from the rest of their east asian and international consumers because their domestic market has a hissy fitt.

You denied it when the devs stated it in the February interview but now with Shadowverse NEXT there's no room for doubt. On the off chance your doomsaying proves to be right feel free to come back and gloat about it in a few months time when the game and this general cease to exist.