>Neutral: Hamsa evo, have elta up the preceeding turn you know it's coming, Strix evo, angel crusher, mr full moon, Gigas. Odin (off curve)
>Forest: Pixie's mischief, Dwarf perfumer, forest of dreams, woodkin curse and evo anything, Rose gardener Pegasus elf evo, Crystalia Lily, Abby evo and roach, sukuna evo and roach, epm faeries and elder treat, master of canopies evo, Noble fairy and your emp's faeries evo, fairy driver and faeries, Archelon and epm faeries, gigas, homecoming
>Sword: Unsheathed a fatty, Barbarossa, frontguard
>Rune: Petrify, Rune blade summoner, Penguin Wizard-cantrips-enchanted swords, whirlwind mage-cantrips-enchanted swords, rimewind, caprice, 0 cost evo and curse, shadow witch, bolt, giant, ER elder mage, brick destroyer
>Dragon: Leviathan, Dramatic dragonblader-Serpent's force, draconic arts-force, red ragewyrm, disaster dragon, lightning behemoth, skull dragon, ebon beast warrior, inferno dragon, jabberwock
>Shadow: Atomy, board tetris, ephmera howl, dolorblade warrior, orcus, kektar, mail
>Blood: Dark summoner-axe enhance, Meme peddler, demonic sniper/DoV-laura, beast dominator, rampaging giant, demonic thrall, Carabosse, frenzied juggernaut, Gunnlod
>Haven: Iron Maiden, Hoylwing dragon, holy mage, Laelia, Acolyte's light, divine armor, angelic noble, white knight, heresy's avatar