/alg/ - Azur Lane General #31

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Reposting because I still need an answer
>started playing because of Renown
>farmed 1-4 for an entire week with Aniki
>she finally drops
>same time quest complete - ring
>Aniki is lv 70 and at 100% affection

I'm at a crossroad here. Do I:

1. Ring Renown, who has super cute sprite, average chibi

2. Ring Aniki, who has cute sprite, cute chibi, and has been with me since the beginning

3. Ring her sister Repulse

I want to FUCK these botes!


marry your favorite you fucking retard

Why is chibi Prinz so adorable?


I see no mention of this plane in any tier list, is it really that bad?

Translated Foxes...in case, if you need them.


Please also post the original.

Ring repulse, no one else will if you don't


what raid should i be doing on the weekend if i'm fairly new?

You mean the daily missions?

Threadly reminder that this harlot was responsible for the worst war crime in ww2.

all of them

whatever you call these

I don't take kindly to (You) calling my wife a harlot.

>rekt by based Enterprise



New thread!

Post toots and cutes!

Isn't nanking worse?

why arent there more boats like ajax in this game

worst bote

FLAT battleship

Is she in the event banner?

Spruance killed her and all her sisters.

Flat equals BattleSHIT

You mean in the event construction?
I think you can get every bote that is buildable from that.

>MLB ayanami + 76mm
>tfw ayanami unloading her loads every 6s

3 for maximum NTR factor

I don't want to test my luck with this one



tfw can't kill B3 in time for S rank
what's a high powered bote i can try farm to be ready for the next event



I have her, but she's paired with Prinz
She's Ayanami, right?

Did you limit break the Cleveland?

Once, she's 78 right now - Should I limit break her again or wait till she's 80?

Aniki is cleveland

Yes, you will instantly notice the damage difference

Lb once more her skill to open

thanks y'all

You can try to retrofit Cygnet or Leander. However, if you retrofit Leander, you'll kill her hopes and dreams like that one user.


I wish I'd get more of these expeditions.

You still have 5 days user, easily make B3 S in time so you can try to farm Zuikaku.

Reminder that the furniture set previews in the backyard shop shows furniture that not only look different than the ones you can buy, but also have them rotated 180 degrees when you can only rotate furniture 90 degrees.

>The 2nd LB for battleships adds 2 secondary gun mounts
Do they ever actually fire these things?

They fire them if enemy ships get in range. Useful againt suicide boats or if your entire frontline is sunk in PVP.

Yeah. They are range dependent though.

If enemy ships get too close to the left side of the screen they'll shoot.

52 SR Reppu Recipes but only 4 SSR Reppu recipes from farming D2. Is this normal?

Should I?


Only if you are retarded.

buy hanman instead

does anyone have an link to translated menu sorting?

I have just the thing saved.



Do we have the version for DD? I'm not sure what to give in aux.

Sounds right, probably not worth it at all.

I regret everything in life. This is probably roughly 12k fuel in farming too.

Dildo and toolbox.

He didn't make one. Probably cause Destroyers basically follow the secondaries of Light Cruisers in that list so it's redundant.
Aux order of priority for DD:
Torp Aux
Repair Toolkit
Auto Reloader

If you feel the Destroyer can survive without the toolkit, you can take it out for the reloader or something else. Pearl Tears is good for PVP.

>rotation went into Prinz at Maizuru
It was going so nicely with Hood after Takao, why ruin it now.

> T3 127mmMK12
Isn't this shit giving AA bonus instead proper firepower bonus?

I've been dead, too busy and/or too lazy.
That and DD guns got kind of really weird not too long ago, and it more or less applies only to DD's that they're weird on.

tl;dr on the aux for DD's though is:
deeps - dildo 4 lyfe
other stuff to use because oxy torp auxiliary's aren't actually readily available on JP yet:
SG Radar
Fire Extinguisher

...And there really isn't much of any other option. Technically you can put a chain loader on them and it'll work/do things, but generally all it does actually do is shave a second or a few off of your torpedo reloads.

I fucking did it lads. Farming those T3 prints took forever, but I now have another milk meido.
Any suggestions on who to retrofit next?

I hope we get Portland retrofit next week.




Langley desu

So rammer/reloader if the DD is tanky enough, repair toolkit otherwise?

Zenryoku de ikimaaaasu~

>flat midget carrier
why? for what purpose?


Nice, that was fast.

Reminder that this is a toot free zone. No tooting is allowed.

>tfw crafted toot early but Zui won't drop

Post BGM

Tooting has already been done , you were late user.

>cheap 2hu ripoff

When are we getting the update?

What do you guys listen while playing then? Sometimes I play some gundam stuff to get in the mood



The event ends on the 9th, so they will probably have maint for that, so then.

A man must sleep unfortunately. The tooters may have gotten away with it at the start of the thread but no longer. No tooting!

>Not playing the BGM of its original counterpart


Is Akashi worth it in PvE and event clearing, or is she more for the collection purposes and esports meme shit?

She ain't good for PVE, just for clearing stuff

If you get her and then ring her, she gives you a permanent discount on your purchases.

What's the difference, really? You're clearing maps anyway.

I'm also not seeing this "reach world 8" requirement for Akashi either.

> Akashi
> giving discount

What aux equipment do you guys prioritize upgrading?


>not good in PvE
>just for clearing

PvE is 90% clearing and 10% bossfights.