Wise to short United Airlines?
Wise to short United Airlines?
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Why, you think teleportation is coming?
wait for a call for a boycott first
Finally watched that video that passenger is fucking weirdo. When you buy a ticket it's in the ToS that overbooking is a possibility just work with them don't sit there and ragdoll like a 3 year old.
I don't know... but United breaks guitars, dude. Fuck them.
^^and now I watched that video. I've never flown United, and now I'm definitely not doing business with them unless my life depends on it. Too many bad stories, not worth the risk. Reputation is beyond ruined at this point.
Thanks user I needed a good belly laugh.
United fucking sucks. fly asian, or Alaska
Anyone else think that the chances are high this guy isn't even a doctor? Seems like a moron. Any professional would handle the situation diplomatically. Sure it's unfortunate, but what else did he expect? That if he just refused to get out of his seat that they'd just give it up?
You are missing the point. Don't defend shitty practices. Overbooking is retarded. United deserves everything that's coming to them.
I'm not defending United, just saying that the idiot who got dragged off could have handled it much differently.
Of course overbooking is an inconvenient practice from the consumer point of view, but they have to factor in the no shows in order to get a flight to full capacity. Restaurants overbook reservations too assuming some percentage of people won't show up.
Having to find a different place to eat and not being able to make a flight are not even in the same universe in terms of inconvenience
What a shitty comparison.
Quit being a corporate bootlicker.
It just seems weird to me that the stock rose 1% today with the PR nightmare that they have on their hands. Shits everywhere, huge amounts of people are vowing never to fly United again. Should this not negatively effect them?
>fly to see specialist, forget favorite pillow
>doctor says he has 24 hours to live he just wanted to sleep with his anime body pillow one last night..
>everyone else can fly but you lolsorry notsorry
regardless of anything dude who got dragged is about to cash out for an early retirement
It's been down 2% since the story was released.
Go check it right now.
dub dubs confirms this nigga is set for life
also hopefully this reigns in the abusive overbooking practices. one passenger offered to leave for 1600 and the united manager laughed in their face. buncha cunts.
>fly asian
Trying to fly asian is what got that guy in the video in trouble.
Short SkyWest. They were the contractors involved and after this I can almost guarantee they will never get a contract from United again, and this may hurt their other major contracts as well.
>United spokesman Charlie Hobart said the airline tries to come up with a reasonable compensation offer, but "there comes a point where you're not going to get volunteers."
BS. They should've kept raising the reward until they reached the equilibrium price for someone to give up their seat. Everyone had a price.
They're not legally liable for anything, the guy technically broke their Clause of Contract if you browse through it.
The guy can probably sue the cop for excessive force.
Otherwise normies that don't understand Terms and Conditions will probably short it out of anger. Despite them not being responsible it's still a PR shitshow.
any compensation he could have received was pretty much voided as soon as he refused to follow the flight crew's orders. If he's going to get money it's going to be from a successful suit against the cop.
Their reasonable compensation offer is usually $50 for a cab if you live in the city, or $150 for hotel and $50 for food. I wouldn't leave without fighting for my seat either, fuck these dumb niggers.
This post is underrated
you are a fucking retard KEK
I am shorting the hell out of it
Clever girl
even with all previous scandals, this will die down. the new CEO has done good work for United (besides his "recovery" email he sent to employees). most employees i've spoken to still have confidence and shares havent shown any change.
theyre the worst airline ive flown with
>Our agents were left with no choice but to call Chicago Aviation Security Officers to assist in removing the customer from the flight. He repeatedly declined to leave.
was leaving him alone and picking someone else absolutely not an option?
Can't encourage this behavior
Should have just shot him desu
nah, if that asian doll is the only victim of united and no others get viral with their stories that incident will not be relevant to united's performance.
but if it comes to a social media shitstorm with people posting their stories and some posting well crafted memes it could have a great effect. imagine the airline becoming a synonym for bad service or violence. why walk down the runway when united offers to throw your NEET as down ot?
Contact law doesn't matter. Once he's boarded this shit is governed by FAA regulation.
First of all, it's airline spin to call this an overbooking. The statutory provision granting them the ability to deny boarding is about "OVERSALES", specifically defines as booking more reserved confirmed seats than there are available. This is not what happened. They did not overbook the flight; they had a fully booked flight, and not only did everyone already have a reserved confirmed seat, they were all sitting in them. The law allowing them to denying boarding in the event of an oversale does not apply.
Even if it did apply, the law is unambiguously clear that airlines have to give preference to everyone with reserved confirmed seats when choosing to involuntarily deny boarding. They have to always choose the solution that will affect the least amount of reserved confirmed seats. This rule is straightforward, and United makes very clear in their own contract of carriage that employees of their own or of other carriers may be denied boarding without compensation because they do not have reserved confirmed seats. On its face, it's clear that what they did was illegal-- they gave preference to their employees over people who had reserved confirmed seats, in violation of 14 CFR 250.2a.
Furthermore, even if you try and twist this into a legal application of 250.2a and say that United had the right to deny him boarding in the event of an overbooking; they did NOT have the right to kick him off the plane. Their contract of carriage highlights there is a complete difference in rights after you've boarded and sat on the plane, and Rule 21 goes over the specific scenarios where you could get kicked off. NONE of them apply here. He did absolutely nothing wrong and shouldn't have been targeted. He's going to leave with a hefty settlement after this fiasco.