It is possible to predict what society will reform into after a theoretical Nuclear War or Pandemic?

It is possible to predict what society will reform into after a theoretical Nuclear War or Pandemic?

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Unlikely. Nothing like that has ever occurred


Almost certainly so. Nuclear devastation in most projections would kill somewhere between 40-60% of the population if you say had a full exchange of missiles by the U.S. and the former USSR, with an eye of destroying each other's stockpiles on the ground as a primary goal.

I mean, it would be horrifying, but ultimately society would reform, and probably along similar lines as the old society, that's what happened in enormously devastating plagues in older times, anyway. People tend to cling to their ideological stances when there's a disaster.

>Nothing like that has ever occurred

95% of native Americans were wiped out by disease after European contact.

But they were replaced by Europeans. In a nuclear war there are no Europeans to replace you.

>It is possible to predict what society will reform into after a theoretical Nuclear War or Pandemic?
Human society tends towards greater complexity. However, I imagine that we'll go towards decreasing complexity some day as our quick energy sources run out.

Climate change spooks me the fuck out by the way, the worst case scenario could be - perhaps, I am not a climate scientist - a planet to warm for life.

A global nuclear war would spell the extinction of the human race, primarily by starvation and hyperthermia.

>Russia, north america and europe get wiped out by nuclear war
>Ruins get recolonised by now poweful chinese and south americans

>a planet to warm for life.
You are now aware of organisms which live in extremely hot and alien environments which will be here long past humanity.

8 replies, none of which have mentioned the deliberately ridiculously OTT Threads. Good work so far Veeky Forums.

>powerful Chinese and South Americans
>powerful South Americans

They will be powerful in comparison after they are one of the few parts of the world not totally ruined by a nuclear holocaust.

I have this suspicion that the winner would genocide the loser.

I also suspect that NATO would win, being that they have more warheads.

Society would collapse to a dark age level then eventually return to a 17th century level of technology and hit the limits of development due to the previous civilization using up all the low hanging fossil fuel reserves

>implying hydropower

What happens when the precision machined part from Germany breaks and needs to be replaced when international trade no longer exists, or you run out of petroleum based lubricants, or all the engineers starve to death once the petroleum based pesticide and fertilizer shipments stop coming in, and the combine harvester has no gasoline, the electrical infrastructure breaks down because the service vehicles have no gasoline and spools of power line from china have stopped coming

A simple waterwheel would work, but not a modern hydropower station

It doesn't need to be optimized to be functional.

If global industrial civilization totally crapped out, which is a bit of a stretch, as long as the knowledge of machining and physics works, large scale hydropower will remain viable.

All you really need is turbines, which the Greeks did just fine with, and copper wire, which is like neolithic level technology.

Science is much harder than engineering, and we've done most of the work as far as science.



gee worms and bacteria will still be alive after all starve because of crop failure, what a consolation

Not reliably, no.

same shit in practical terms, just different superficially