Will there ever be true freedom?
Or is man always going to have the need to have complete control over eachother?
Will there ever be true freedom?
Probably not. Put 10 people in a room and systems emerge, somebody becomes dominant.
"True freedom"
This phrase is meaningless.
Look at the caveman
True freedom is a spook
Then revolution is a useless concept.
revolution is a spook
how does one change a government without democracy then
change is a spook
There will be for those of us going to heaven.
>Will there ever be true freedom?
When we leave earth and spread out. There's no law on Mars (for instance), or at least no way of enforcing it.
>subservient to the tyrant for all eternity
>true freedom
Is Mars the next Wild West then?
Adopted by the King, and living as royalty as joint heir with the only begotten Son.
I don't know who told you about God, but I have my suspicions.
>Heaven, where God is in total and complete control, and the true freedom is that of Christian ethics.
Not saying heaven wouldn't be a fun place, but you couldn't have the freedom to murder someone there right?
the "Wild West" was never anarchist playland like in Hollywood films
How can anyone say things like this and even pretend to think they're true?
Non sequitur. Does not follow.
lol you like mde too???
If freedom means being able to do whatever you want, no since that invariably means some asshole will start chimping out since there are no repercussions. Hence the need for laws and taxation in order to enforce those laws.
true freedom is possible but however it occurs, it'll likely be short-lived, replaced by a society eventually
>tfw no immoral, lawless land in which everything goes
shut the fuck up
not an argument.
Oh no, not at all.
You see, once in a while you have to burn the field and leave it fallow.
Or else the rot sets in and we get the Spanish Hapsburgs all over again.
you have this down to an art i cant lie
The only free men are the first and the last.
And even they are tyrants over their own souls.
In absentia of some over-arching power to instil the fear of death in you, your mind will merrily make it's own rod, and commence to beat itself.
it is not man that controls us now child.
we lost this planet long ago.
>Will there ever be true freedom?
yeah just go deep into the wilderness and take off your clothes and you're set
don't come back
True freedom is actually slavery. Big Brother was right in that one regard. All human decision is dictated by some sort of limitation. Without limits, all actions are equally viable, therefore a decision is never reached, and therefore no action is taken.
So "true freedom" is neither possible nor desirable.
[spoiler]Anarcho-primitivism[/spoiler] is the only way
>Will there ever be true freedom?
Maybe, but probably not.
You'd need to have post-scarcity first, and that's not possible unless the population is declining.
Revolution is still a good thing every once in a while. Not to eliminate power, but to change who has it.
Maybe if there is a singularity and man gets to do whatever simulation he wants.
He still won't be able to fuck with other men though, he can just simulate it though.
if government was just about protecting your borders and collectively protecting the individual right to life liberty and property then everything would be fine
this would allow for true freedom
Control over others is a form of freedom.
What's fake freedom?
For you
not an argument
If that's your definition of freedom then the only solution is to kill every single other human than yourself.
Well shit, the all-mighty arbiter has spoken. I guess I'm going to have to rethink my well composed argument.