/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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first for /fgog/

It's shit.


>tfw got (2) Sigurd(s) and Deirdre
>got Tailtiu off-banner twice

Get at me.

I can't believe I'm wasting my time back here for 1 fucking McDouble



Nanna is fucking shit.

doin it for the fonz

You guys aren't going to let Ike down, are you?


>no vandalized links, links the correct previous thread, properly made thread
It is a fucking christmas miracle.

Sounds pretty good, I might go get one too.

That's what you get for ordering it with pickles

I'm voting for Karel so hopefully he can lose in round 1 and get an Alt

How would a Thracia banner even sell to newfags? It would have the most literally who characters in the series. Unless they pretty them up and make them broken.

Mounted incest twins when?

Don't reply to that dirty spic.

I will go with the least popular after the first hour between Shanna, Hinoka and Soren

Don't really care about the other two, I just wanted my fluffy waifu.

Finally wound up getting my first Halloween unit, a +Atk/-Res Jakob. I guess that -Atk Leon that cucked my pity rate before will be getting some use after all. As will the spare Takumi I have.

But they already mount each other

>got Henry and Jakob from the same shitstain of a pull
>they are both -atk +spd

w h y

It's just going to be safe choices like Shiva, Nanna, Finn, and Leif. The only hope is something cool for GHB and TT like ReyDICK and Kempf. Or maybe Fred for TT since like he's Olwen boyfriend.

>playing since launch
>just rolled this +hp/-res cav mommy
>can now complete my cav cake squad

And the number of units in this game I want and don't have some version of has dwindled to 1. If I can get a Jaffar that is atk+ I won't have to roll again until a binding/blazing blade banner.

Incest banner's not til valentine's day. Hopefully we'll also get a mounted Seliph that isn't shit tier.


I’d wait for a +atk tbqh, she’s a pretty common pull that I toss them out

What time is it?

you're lucky you aren't greedy, every time I get a unit I want I just want more

Myrrh will be a flying dragon in Heroes like she is in Cipher when she gets added, right?


That's my wife

Not him, but so used to my Titania being a mixed-tank with +def -res statline that I wouldn't want any other IVs.

Am I allowed to kill all three?

I think it would do ok with fe4 characters who appear in it since they’re more recognisable. But you never know, it could be surprising choices.

Kill all 3

>Unless they pretty them up and make them broken.
Ha ha, yeah. No way they'd ever do that. Geez.

>flying colorless dragon is a badass concept
>it would be the equivalent of a bug/ice type in terms of weaknesses.

I have some bad news.

I want to kill her

the units are going to be broken beyond belief. grampas peeing their adult diapers over nobody games and powercreep only to have both their literally who banners make nothing compared to fatewakening halloween. social security checks aren't enough to buy metamucil and orbs

>pokemon analogy
now say it in a way someone without autism can understand

That's my wife. Who is she?

Kill all three

I wanna fuck Hilda!

Insert Raul joke here

I like pickles
It's warm here
Yummy in my tummy

Feedback em also
>Henry bad with +Spd
That's his best boon next to res and attack. Shame about the bane though. +Spd Jakob is sad though. His speed only gets average with a Hone and he likes to use Wary Fighter but that makes Quick Riposte look like a more attractive option.

Nobody in this thread would understand that, though.

>weak to naga
>weak to falchions
>weak to arrows
>weak to Excalibur
>weak to raven tomes

a colorless flying dragon would be the france in terms of being fucked in world wars

This literally didn’t happen.

Fuck off Bloom

Kill you

I'm running two greens in my arena armour team because they give best score what color should my last be blue or red




>world history analogy
now say it in a way someone without a high school education can understand

put burger man on your team

What did people post in this general before FEH? I can imagine discussion of new games gets old after the first few months, so how did this general stay alive?

Just make them have nice art and be not shit. Bringing out literal whos should never be seen as a bad thing or even a risk these days. Reinhardt was a literal who before his introduction and now he's the meme supreme.

Wrong image, Hector would love McDonald's.

So do I.

"It's shit."

How saggy are her tits?

I don't have a high school education and I understood it!

I guess Henry is still fixable with the seal perhaps or armor buffs

Waifu wars and shitting on fates.


Shitposting and porn.


you know when drill poops his pants and spams berukafag shit or porn or makes a ton of early threads at once

just that over and over again

a colorless flying dragon would be like making scrambled eggs except everyone in your family is allergic to eggs and now you have to eat all the eggs

I hope next Tempest has a not shit reward.

Do you think she got cucked or did she end up winning the Chrisbowl?

This is awkward

Wanting to fuck Elise was occasionally a topic.

McDonalds is gross my man
The FE equivalent is too

/feg/ was "ok" during fates fan translation era mostly because there was no dubfags, they couldn't play lil cucks waiting in corner for their scraps

When the game came out officially I had my castle MU say something like /feg/ sucks and it reached near top of castle leaderboards so it must have sucked that's all I remember. I would never browse this shithole after I was done with a FE game though


>Xander can't kill a -Spd Julia and can't even OHKO counter an injured Arvis.
>Sigurd can't kill Belka despite being allowed to strike twice with the help of a stat-buffing Dancer and fails to OHKO fucking 33 HP 20 Def Arvis.
>A team with 2 tanky Reds and Dancer cancer (the last one was Reinhardt who got bitchslapped to death turn 1) gets BTFO'd by a meme build team with no Blues in sight.

The game becomes a lot more fun when you don't play like a metawhore desu.

Should I feed my 5* +atk Tharja to my Witch Nowi for a bladetome or promote one of my 4* Tharjas?

She got KIRAN'D

>healthy meta they said

Assuming anyone won the Kris-bowl it'd be her, but that's a big assumption considering Marth exists.

We got a regular Sherlock Holmes over here.

Probably just Leif, Finn, Nanna, and Mareeta.

Or Kempf and Fred to capitalize on Reinhardt's popularity.

Would be cool to see Asvel, Brighton, Machyua, and Lara though.

I want to hope that they'll save Eyvel/Brigid, Dagdar, Rifis, Sara, Galzus, and Raydrick for special events.

>The broken down cuck shack of Xander

if she's got shite IVs or you just don't care about her, fodder her

>horseshitter uses unoriginal cookie cutter team
Woah, shocking.

Frankly that'd be disgusting since they just released Ayra. At least Leif has his ow Prf and Eyvel isn't exactly a memedon.

List of Thracia characters with more than 3 lines of dialogue:


>using Xander

Kris and Kiran are literally (You), does that mean you're cucking yourself?

>outfit swapped Nina with Ophelia
My dick is diamonds. The time has come and so have I.

will we get orbs for being early? i got my daily quests, orbs and 10 feathers already

>Thraciacucks think it's confirmed because of an unrelated tweet of no relevance
And I thought RDfags were delusional.

As a nu-fag I can tell you it doesn’t matter who the characters are as long there are females and they are pretty.