Worlds Final edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
>Zac 2v1ing jungle camps
first for kill all waifus
im gay
xth for my wife Syndra
>world finals
>331,582 on twitch
wtf lol
xth for most Alpha support
Legends never _______
Xth for Rengar
>tfw theres still acid in your system and youre hallucinating faker losing trades on cassio
pretty cool
Relentless Sexual Aggression Tier: Evelynn, Ahri, Vi, Nidalee, Leona Illaoi,Magma,Fire,Kayle
Teasing and Control Freak Tier: LeBlanc,
Definitely Dominant But Not Quite As Sexual Tier:, Sejuani, Zyra
High Tier: Cassiopeia, Karma, Katarina, Vayne, Diana, Fiora,Miss Fortune
Mid Tier: Jinx, Caitlyn, Riven,Quinn, Sivir Air
Low Tier: Lux (some Elementalist forms are much higher), Ashe,Water,Nature,Akali
Submissive: Sona Soraka Janna Irelia
No, it's cosplay.
of League
I don't think you understand what the word "canon" means.
god i want to fuck peanut so bad he's so cute i want to pat his head and tell him how good he is at league of legends while I run my tongue under the tip of his foreskin making him squirm
What do your pickems look like?
hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is Zoe but u can call me t3h Asp3ct of Tw1L1GhT!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!! TWIIILIIIGHGHHHTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
burstbreaker champion when
Why is Olaf such a shit Champion lolg?
post with a tripcode
jesus christ is LoL always this fucking boring?
same i fell for the LZ meme
what an interesting ga-
>Plays Cass
>Isn't shilling that sexy Eternum skin
>stealing a fucking reddit comment
West is sleeping user and it's 2 asian teams. What did you expect?
I want to fap so bad
SSG pls run full skt skin team
>dat Malza counter play.
>he pressed R
CS:GO holds the record.
But I'm pretty sure a lot of that is because of case drops.
>faker flashes when he's already safe like a fucking bronze
>the collapsing municipal of skt
i also forgot pick'ems existed so i didn't pick anything for groups
wasn't there like 900 million watching the semi?
>tfw you'll never party with Nonsummerjack
post more of this shit
xth for Cute Ashe
let me help you
How did Huni went from EU->shitty NA team->Worlds finalist?
case drops from being in chat idle is the most jew thing any game could do possible, thank god Riot hasn't succumbed to this bullshit
By being a gook
>AD Kennen
/spoilers/ dies /spoilers/
Pretty much. If you look at their non-major twitch viewers, it's not very impressive. Pic-related is a 1million dollar tournament
>no kills 10 minutes in
great game
KR training methods.
Turn any shitter into a God.
playing and learning in eu made him a god
na was too shit for him
300k people watching
This Worlds season is the worst/most boring we've ever had, meta-wise.
He gives excellent head.
>NA vs EU is constant battles and tension
>Gookfest is constant farm and very few fights
Is there an official out of bronze Veeky Forums premade or must I make it happen?
corejj was a dignitas ADC before he went to SSG and became a top 2 support
some things just can't be explained
Thanks, that killed my boner.
>i-it was a strategy huni isn't just a trash feeder
>RNG are good and better than LZ
k noobs
holy shit
reddit get the fuck out
if SSG loses this they're fucking shit
i think i do a pretty good job of moving things
pls no bulli
will do
really hope we get this stuff sorted by the 15th at least, there's a lot of things to move
it was more of "dude knew this dude" that hooked me up with the job
yeah, we get a hotel a few block away from the venues
chinese food is amazing, really fucking good
we get the same goodie bag that premium tickets get
Tryndamere is a really cool dude, got to talk to him a few times, you see him with this cool dude vibe, but he's actually really shy
The past two years competitive League has been slow as fuck.
This meta is the worst.
Riot buffed snowballing so teams play extra careful because any kill you give away hurts you immensely.
>gookfest still reigns supreme and western teams have never appeared in finals that mattered
hmmm its like intelligent plays work more and are more engaging for non-brainlets
[/spoiler]hello fellow redditor[/spoiler]
Is it just me or does it seem like Kkoma is really the all-star of SKT? The fact that SKT has been so dominant for so long, regardless of meta or the players on the team tells me that it's the coach. He doesn't get as much credit as he deserves.
I fucking hate that manaless ranged top cancer champ. Way too much cc
So how the FUCK do Challenger leagues work?
If You can't create teams and rank them up anymore then who decides who gets in?
When is winterfox playing?
Faker? Hello?
that has always been this game's problem
comebacks are nonexistent
Stop I can only get so erect
and the fact china doesn't watch on twitch.
>faker playing like a bronze
>It's another SSG vs SKT episode
>gookfest still reigns supreme and western teams have never appeared in finals that mattered
what was ipl 5 we vs fnatic?
>league is snowballing in the year 2017
everyone hates tripfags and yet youre here
>skt down gold at 10 minutes
>people calling gg
Have you people learned nothing?
The latest First Blood this Worlds is like 28 minutes.
where do i learn to play illaoi? any guide i find is outdated
helps alot having the GOAT player of course
I wanna FUGG brown girls.
Is SS v SKT league's El Classico?
whoever has the most money
but there's also an open qualifier that you could sign up for if your team's average ranks was D1+
New to pro league, is this normal? No kills in 15 minutes?
Any Anons want to join me in some Ahriposting? After all, it's the only way Faker will get his SKT Ahri skin.
How many games does SKT need to lose before Faker goes into SSG mode?
last western team in a finals was CLG at MSI
holy shit I just logged in for the first time in a longass time and noticed the rune sale
how long is this going on?
Yeah, it's usually the norm. Get something else to do in the meantime user.
Although, for the last epicenter there was 550k viewers but that's because it was very supplemented by RU and BR viewers because it was SK vs VP for the finals. Their community is kind of panicking as well that their game is dying just like this community. I quit playing both games a while ago and only browse this general during esports for shitposts. I'd play Dota2 (I have nothing against it), but I don't want to relearn a moba again, it's just too exhausting. I just play PUBG now.
early game is indeed their weakest point
theyre all about midgame swings and lategame fighting
not everyone. moot luved me
jesus christ...
When will a non-gook team win worlds?