/dng/ Dueling Network General

YGO General #2636
Dante edition

Last thread: ● YGOPro is an automated simulator. It just got updated.
>YGOPro (Windows): mediafire.com/file/09vyggh882mkezz/ygopro_vs_links_beta.rar
● Duelingbook is a manual simulator with no judges or databased rulings

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_V10.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:

>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: Duelist Pack: Legend Duelist 2 (November 11th)
●OCG: LINK VRAINS PACK (November 25th)
●OCG: Structure Deck: Powercode Link (December 9th)
●OCG: LINK VRAINS Box (December 23rd)
●OCG: Flames of Destruction (January 13th)
●OCG: Rarity Collection (February 10th)
●OCG: Deck Build Pack: Dark Savers (February 24th)

●TCG: Structure Deck: Cyberse Link (November 3rd)
●TCG: Spirit Warriors (November 17th)
●TCG: Wave of Light Structure Deck (January 19th)
●TCG: Extreme Force (February 2nd)
●TCG: Legendary Duelists 2 (February 23rd)

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for marzipan is a cute ntr lady.

>wrong number

how does getter win with those shit 60 card decks he uses

Enjoy waiting 3 years. Just like Synchro and Xyz.

Will Gideon's AI ever be not down?

You suck.

Link toolbox when?

Fossil dyna in subterrors, hot or not?

Fuck off. The mechanic already tightened the extra deck. Don't turn it into Xyz cancer.

My god.

to the guy who wanted to see my puppy
she's 1/2 Pyrenees and 1/2 saint Bernard so she's gonna be big lol
also to keep it thread related let's discuss petdecks and which ones might see support soon

I need a link Blue-Eyes


i need a link for dark magicians, and by got they deserve it to help get dragon knight online

Link Vrains pack

Gimme mage sluts, they're the best.

When will we get more Dark Magician Girls?

So I tried launching YgoPro Links, but I get an error message that it won't work because its missing "MSVCP140.dll. It then tells me to resinstall the program, so I delete the YGOPro file and download it again but the same message pops up.
What gives?


you're doing god's work, user

What's that deck which regardless of how good it is it just pisses you off? For me it's fucking pendulum magicians.

Does anyone know where I could download all the DLC files for 5D's Tag Force 4 and 5D's Tag Force 6?

so what's the best deck right now? cubics?

>Banish your shit to summon their own shit
>Banish and negate
>Always have +1000 atk
>Can't respond
>Will always be able to do it all over again next turn

is this a joke?

sorry i meant red eyes

sorry i meant dark magician

sorry i meant vehicroids

any incarnation of stall/burn

sorry i meant cardians

oh, in that case, yes, DM is the best if mixed with pendulums like this:

sorry i meant gustos

What's so bad about Pendulum Magician?

sorry i mean ice barriers

no joke i have never even heard of these

fuck lightsworn

>tfw normal summoning Skulldeat + Omega + Minerva + Dante


So did the new cards fix him?


Top 16 at a 14 people locals?

Not even remotely

It won the locals, although they never said how many people were there.

Sorry I meant Northwemko....
Sorry. I couldnt resist.

It made him slightly less worthless. Still not worth playing, though.

I just hate how the whole deck searches itself and how they float on destruction, morevoer trap card is a fucking nightmare.


This card is kind of crazy, huh?

Awful card. You can't even use the effects of the Pendulum Magicians because they can't be destroyed by their own effects. It's literally shit.

>search Wisdom-Eye
>have to use it as R4 Mat

GREAT card >_>

Tha absolute state of powercreep

tbpfahwy I hadn't played in a long time (since lightsworns came out), now that I'm a grown ass man I will on little sprees where I play online and use a zombie deck, which has stood up to kozmos consistently.

That being said, I wish it were acceptable socially for people that grew up with these games to get back into it, but for the time being, yugioh is like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it and the tricks


eeeeeeee gimme the madolche link

>Beating lunalights with their own Leo Dancer

Man I fucking love Darklords

How do you decide which deck is right for you?

Nothing wrong with playing yugioh at older ages m8. I'm 28 and I still have fun with this game.

You'd usually only play yugioh in public in either your local game store or at events like regionals or YCS. Then again I remember doing stuff I liked before it was "socially acceptable" like having a computer, having internet, liking Pokemon, playing videogames, etc.

Fuck outta here.

test it out online, retard

I'm not really into online games. People scare me.

>Ixtab dominating Lio Dancer and then the two dominates the master

YGOPro has an AI mode.

>Dinomight banned so no fodder for Bahrastos
>Ignis at one, so very little fodder for Agnimazud
>Litho banned
There's no way I'm making True Kings.dek work is there. I mean the deck was probably already ass to begin with.

Is it able to be run on a tablet?

Is ABC running the Solemn brigade and Cosmic Cyclone despite going -3000 with Destrudo into AFD?

No, it's all hand traps, galaxy soldier and set rotation.

>Set Rotation
>Galaxy Soldier

Based on what? The last abc top was pre-cibr and ran galaxy soldier and no one even bothers with the deck in ocg

>want to build Vullets
>Struggle to summom borreload even using all the resources I have, let alone Borreload + Vullet to use for disruption
Maybe i'm just shit but this deck seems really bad.

crunchy roll is hacked

how am i supposed to enjoy my sat morning now, should i just kill myself finally

Based on how when ABC topped in the ocg, people always ran Destrudo. ABC with Destrudo and ABC without Destrudo are two completely different decks and have two completely different playstyles. Noone is going to use Galaxy Soldier now that Destrudo has arrived and Set Rotation is at 1, which is still usable since we can use Dragon Ravine, but it's still just one (1) card.

Why don't you just torrent your shit?

Don't stream you disgrace.

I fought one guy playing it with my Skull Servants and aside from a lucky break where I didn't read Shellrokket's effect so he was able to pop my king he pretty much couldn't do anything but use all his resources to summon Borreload. Wasn't very impressed with it desu, should have been able to steal peoples monsters during either battle phase and the second effect shouldn't have been able to be negated like the first one.

Why do you think either of those is contingent upon destrudo? People will still run all those cards and you see them in builds often. Are they the best, no probably not, but it's what I've seen people running.

>Streamcucks getting what they deserve
I see nothing wrong.
Use this opportunity to learn how XDCC and torrents work.

I think the monster aside from Borreload need to be better.
they need to be able to summon it +1 Rokket with 2-3 easy to search cards.
If we get maindeck Rokkets with an effect thats like, "Special summon 2 Rokkets from the deck, then destroy this card" with the usual rokket "if this is destroyed summon another Rokket from the deck at the EP" shit like that, maybe a good link monster that helps them climb into Borreload from using Destrudo or a clean regular field spell.

Vullets have 2 good cards: Squib Draw and Quick Revolve. The maindeck monsters floating is too slow and too hard to rely on. They could be good if they had some other wincon than having to assemble 4 maindeck monsters like holy fuck or having an easier to summon boss monster.

why would i torrent, i'm not a nigger, i have a job and can pay for my animus

and now they're taken from me, the one thing left for me on this world...

Anyone here playing MTG? How does it compare to Yugioh? Is it hard to get into?

Of course you've seen people run them. We don't have Destrudo so they're the second best thing. ANC had no definite way of being built without Destrudo, heck we even saw builds with only the 9 pieces and shit like Card of Demise and 20ish trap cards. No that we have Destrudo there's no reason to run the subpar cards. Galaxy Soldier and Destrudo really does not blend.

Buy the BDs
Torrent the series.
It's not hard.

>why would i torrent,
>and now they're taken from me
Answered your own sodding question. There are other options other than torrenting.

Can Infernoids crush Metaphys?

fuck those

I also want this. Mostly because Serena best girl and LunaLight best waifu deck from Arc-V. Also those thighs.
But.... I honestly want a retrain or support for pic related.

Kaleido can change it's name to a main deck card, give us some fusions that need specific main deck cards.

Considering infernoid has a shit ton of support and a boss monster that's easy as piss to summon, yeah and metaphys can't compete with decks that can pop S/T easily.


>TFW finally trying out world chalice since percy got links

Holy shit, it hurts so much. Like, I've never had a deck that feels this bad to play, the brick levels are insane.

Youre just bad tbqh

Is there a more badass feeling in Yugioh than defeating your opponent in one turn just with 3 Trap Cards and no set up?

Drawing all 5 pieces of Exodia on your 1st turn

Destroying Nurse after your opponent chain 3 Gift Card.

>tfw links gave my petdeck so many techs that I have trouble sometimes thinking of the best play for my turn before I time out

Any other weird, obscure ultimate boss monsters? I was looking at Orichalcos Shunoros too. Using retarded cards like these is a lot of fun.

The trick is that you don't summon Borreload with your Rokkets. You do it with Grinder Golem, Gofu, Venus, or whatever other generic Link engine you want, because Borreload himself is generic. Think about it, why go -3 to summon Borrel when there are one-card plays that bring it out?

I also saw an overlord Ojama Chaos version. Use Charge and whatever else to mill your Rokkets, then flip Ojama Duo on your opponent's end phase so your Boot Sector can swarm from the GY. Duo's second effect then brings out two Ojamas to help make Borreload, and you can search out DAD with Ojamatching.


>works with Diagram


He'd probably be better if the self-destruction was a quick effect.