so essentially you still need to cough up some cash or just grind it out with lowly beginner cards and drudge through a massive amount of stomps before you build up a decent pool of cards to consistently hold your own with? so how is the gold gain for a F2P player in this case? on a scale of very harsh to pretty generous
id rather not spend money on whats essentially loot boxes so
Levi Rogers
t. anduin and malfurion
Caleb Hall
First one to say the new weapons actually aren't that good.
Now everyone and their grandmother will be running Ooze, which already had application against weapon decks. They're not awful cards on their own. Plus they're MASSIVE Harrison bait if you want to go down the line of more targeted tech cards.
The new ones we saw were for Mage and Priest, which have no way to bait out anti-weapon cards. Chances are you'll only get one proc off of them most of the time, which makes them significantly overcosted for their effect.
Juan Reyes
Seems to be doing just fine though.
Ryan Jones
>t. anduin and malfurion
My two most played classes are priest actually but I played them before jade druid and Raza machine gun stuff was crazy. I hate mage because of ice block faggotry.
Jace Gray
Where did all the hype go?
Generals are dead and offical board is dead. Did so many people quit? Thought we had 10 Million.
Nolan Perez
>My two most played classes are priest
** and druid **
Adrian Baker
Right? I can't wait to get cucked by packs, grind forever on ladder against the same decks and figure out which illogical interactions are ""features"".
Jordan Nguyen
>Wild Modes for homosexual retards don't count.
Owen Price
Keep telling yourself that and deprive yourself of the actually fun ladder.
Ethan Wood
Priest is the first confirmed meta class for new expansion desu. and good riddance the WoW trailer is about Anduin.
stay mad Aggrocucks. It is our game now.
Thomas Carter
what precisely do you mean by good riddance
Blake Williams
Keep telling yourself Wild is fun when Blizzard says Patches is fine because it will rotate.
Remember Ice Block is literally being unloaded on Wild because Blizzard doesn't want to nerf it.
You will have to deal with all the shit designs Blizzard prints forever.
Isaac Bennett
I mean it is Anduin time both in Hearthstone and WoW. He is my favorite character even tho i totally agree that Razakus Priest is pure cancer.
Joshua Turner
Yet somehow the standard ladder meta has never been better than wild. Both of them were mostly garbage throughout 2016, at best they are roughly equal.
During the entirety of KTF I've played both ladders and standard absolutely makes me want to kill myself.
But if standard is your thing, more power to you. It's just usually people screaming at wild don't actually ever play it.
William Lee
It doesn't matter what will take, I will play whatever makes priests' life pure hell. I don't care if I lose to everything else, my sole purpose in this game will be to make Priest cucks suffer.. I REALLY hope that Priest will be shit, because otherwise I'll kill you all, disgusting subhuman priest scum.
Jaxson Nguyen
>Heh, Greetings >Deals 12 damage on Turn 2 Yeah man, that's loads of fun.
Brody Garcia
Yeah you don't play it, shame though
Owen Myers
>implying every single opponent isn't priest
Angel Moore
>Y-You don't play this shitty format! >I-I-It's not like Pirate Warrior bots are a huge problem in Wild or anything! >D-Don't worry, Ship's Cannon is totally fun with Patches! It's balanced by Golakka Crawler!
William Hall
Anons, I have never played HS (but I like MtG and I play Eternal occasionally). Is it a good time for a newcomer? How p2w is it? Can I just have fun in some sort of a single-player campaign with bots (apart from the just announced dungeon thingie)?
Asher Morales
Colton Perez
spend thousands or leave
Gavin Ramirez
Yeah you clearly don't play wild at all. Funnily enough a quarter to 30% of the priests I faced were not of any standard variety. Things like dragon priest or even Benedictus Hemet.
Chase Sanders
Buy 40 packs from every set and you may craft a tier 2 deck.
Mason James
Literally the worst time possible (right before rotation when you need the most cards that will be useful for the least amount of time).
Extremely p2w
No, there's so little content there you'll get bored after a few days.
Austin Cox
it sucks dick, but it's possible you just have to play a lot which makes it worse
Anthony Wood
>Despite getting Lich King with Barnes and then reviving him the Priest is on the ropes >Plays Army of the Dead >Watch his DK get discarded >mfw
Noah Smith
Big Priest is a hit or miss deck. He has to be lucky to win. Early barnes with eternal servitude is mostly a win but it is not happening that much.
Andrew Flores
Some of You Guys are Alright, Don’t go to Arena Today
James Roberts
>no DK Anduin 6-3
Nathaniel Foster
>dont topdeck greater healing potion against token druid
Connor Ortiz
post updates
I want to hear their screams
Connor Hernandez
Adam Flores
whoah 17%
Joseph Young
>tfw paladin is dead when i finally unpack Tirion and Tarim
Noah Brooks
Nanophreak #1553 on NA 80g quest then I'm going to watch you win a game after that we will no longer be friends but I will always remember you in my heart
Jason Foster
Murloc paladin is still good but heavily underplayed.
Ian Lewis
Nathan Gray
Reno Priest is getting a boost right now because it counters Giant Hunter, which everyone hates. Apparently only 4% of the ladder plays it but it beats everything except the fastest aggro decks and Reno Priest.
22.28% also isn't that many when there are only 10000 players on the ladder.
Cameron Davis
>check live data for wild >30% priest 20% druid at legend kek
Owen Collins
The amount of reno mentioned on the charts always surprises me. I mostly play reno warlock, but I can still count the amount of renos played against me on one hand during the entire last season
Jonathan Gonzalez
Samuel Barnes
Bentley Reyes
ROFLMAO you standard cucks seriously still play????
in 2017, the year of WILD and the year of MAGA you're all probably IDIOT liberals who are """"f2pers"""" LMAO
Leo Perry
what a quality post
Cooper Brown
>Murloc Paladin Paladin is dead and Murlocs killed it.
Seriously Blizzard, give me back my viable control pally you faggots. Stop teasing me by releasing a few cards each expansion that enable it but not quite enough for it to compete with the rest of the meta.
Lucas Baker
Dual Class arena is a cool concept and I wish they would keep it around as an optional mode but holy fuck are the decks absolutely insanely high quality even at relatively low wins.
Christopher Watson
if you don't go twelve wins so help me god
Charles Evans
idk it can get hard against DKs
Jordan Bell
Control paladin will be dead as long as there are decks that outvalue it while also outtempoing it (jade druid), decks that don't give a shit about your value and just kill you in a turn or two (razakus, exodia mage) and decks that simply have more value (any mage deck running jaina, warrior decks with dead man's hand, and possibly even decks with gul'dan).
Easton Martin
play recruit paladin in wild it's insane
Nolan Rogers
Class cards are higher quality than neutral cards, and dual class arena results in double the class cards, which results in higher quality decks than normal. This also results in DKs being twice as common, which means basically every slower deck at higher wins will have one. If you don't have one in your control deck, you'll pretty much lose.
More class cards also results in more removal, which makes the pattern of an opponent playing a minion, and then removing every single minion you play turn after turn while hitting you in the face with his minion until you lose. This is not very fun to play against. There are also more ridiculous card combos, but like almost all combos in arena, they're inconsistent and result in more variance. Sometimes your opponent gets his stupid combo, sometimes he doesn't.
All in all, success in dual class arena is based more on your draft (luck) and in game rng than normal arena. No wonder reddit likes it.
Xavier Reed
So I wanna get this little bastard, but all my friends either play Hearthstone or have at least already reached 20 before giving it up.
Do Blizz get upset about alt accounts or anything?
Adrian Jenkins
>pick Rogue Druid >draft aggroish deck >get 0 weapons >last pick is this Do I just kill myself now?
Aiden Stewart
thousands of people spoofed geo locations to get that stupid cunt gnome, do you really think anyone gives a fuck about how you get some irrelevant retarded murloc?
Adam Morales
abo isnt bad after a board wipe
Matthew Adams
Nah I did that and not got banned
Aiden Reed
I cheated all' the alternative heroes that I could cheat and even more and I've not been banned a minute
Dominic Miller
i want tyrande to diaper me
Chase Bell
yes you get banned. my account I had spent $500 on got perma banned for that. my friend also got his account banned for spoofing nemsy so don't do that.
Nolan Johnson
Pick Envenom Weapon to trigger Counterspells.
Adam Green
no, this is one of their jewish tactics to increase the playerbase numbers
they did this with wow as well
Blake Hernandez
I still have this 80g quest if anyone is on NA
Cameron Smith
Are there any good budget priest decks? Priest is probably my worst class, and I would like to get some practice in with it.
Kayden Thomas
There is no budget priest. Dragon Priest is playable but still pretty shit.
Brandon Mitchell
How did you plan to play it with no weapon in hand?
Justin Perry
god this expansion is going to suck
Lucas Nguyen
Does it not let you cast it anyway? Shit, nevermind then.
Isaac Cruz
>weapons don't lose durability after they proc the effect
Cool ooze/harrison in every deck meta if they turn out to be good
Ethan Morales
>Play HS for 5 minutes >my mind is clouded by gay thoughts >I'm about to call a ladyboy again >somehow manage to resist it
HAH! Got you this time Blizzard!
Owen Williams
You have mental issues.
Matthew Cox
Yeah, Harrison in particular just got way, way better if any one of them ends up in a competitive deck since he becomes a guaranteed draw 3 against that deck.
If these things become prevalent Harrison is going to be a must include in all ladder decks.
Jason Morgan
>reddit spacing >is a faggot
Andrew Torres
>2(two) free legendary cards
what the FUCK did blizzard mean by this
Nathaniel James
>1(one) more expansion per year
what the FUCK did blizzard mean by this
Asher Davis
When does dual class arena end so I can go back to actually playing it?
Asher Evans
any update to this? people still play shitstone?
Aaron Adams
Google trends is a worthless metric
Jack Walker
The perfect girl doesn't exi-
Lucas Sanders
Why havent you sold your account? I got 300 for mine right after Unguro came out
Jack Price
>identifying people's website preferences by their spacing
Gabriel Cruz
where are the lewds
John Bell
Nicholas Russell
Where did you sell it?
Logan Smith
I would if it wasn't attached to my wow acc which I feel too sentimental about ever selling
Nathaniel Reyes
wahts the general reception on new expansion reddit is probably liking it but what about oyu
Julian Gutierrez
>Priest is the first confirmed meta class for new expansion Did you even see this card? This is the best card revealed by far. And just like KFT, no one is talking about it because it isn't flashy or layered with RNG. Malfurion will never stop being your overlord.
Chase Ramirez
player auctions
Isaiah Roberts
>you can pretty much only upgrade it if you have Malfurion great design bli$$ard
John Anderson
>On my way into London for a Fairside Well this won't be an experience, wish me luck
Kevin Evans
it's how they keep fixing druids big weaknesses(wide boards, big hp single target minions)
all it means is that people running geist are rewarded just that bit more
Xavier Carter
Feral Rage? Earthern Scales? 3 normal hero powers?